
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Urban
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51 Chs


"Are you okay, you've been lost for a long time?" She asked.

"Am....Am....Fine" he smiled.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Am sure?....am fine I just have a lot in my mind" he said and she smiled and the smile alone send shivers down his spine.

"If you say so" she smiled.

"Have a sit" he said.

"Thank you" she said and sat down.

"What brought you here?" He asked.

"Oh am sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Chelina and I am from C HOLDINGS, am sure you ordered for these" she said and drop the box in front of him.

"Yeah, Thank you, I really appreciate" he said.

"No you don't have to appreciate, it's my job anyways" she said and he smiled.

"You are Beautiful" he said before he can stop himself, and that alone made Chelina to blush red.

"Oh Thank you Mr Steinfeld, you are also handsome" she said and he smiled.

"Thank you, let me give you something to drink" he said standing up.

"No no need" she said.

"I insist" he said and walk into the cellar in his office, he got a bottle of Pure life 04 and drop it in front of her

"It's all yours" he said and she blinked.

"That's a million dollars in front of me sir, I can't drink it, what if they attack me on my way home" she Said and Gerardo laughed.

"No one will know, I will give you a bag, and you will put it inside" he said and she pouted.

"But sir.....

"I will give you a glass to taste" he said and got another one which he poured into a cup and gave to her.

"Drink it" he said and she raise a brow.

"Have a taste, what if you poisoned it" She said and he took the glass and drink from it.

"You can have it" he said and she pick the glass and drink from it.

"What the?....For real this is such a great taste" she said inwardly as she drink from the glass.

It's filled with great taste, the thickness alone is heavenly that the only taste you can lap is the sweet taste of grapes and strawberries, it's filled with salivating taste, No wonder people buy it despite the price.

"Woah, this is really great Mr Steinfeld, you are doing a great job" she said and Gerardo smiled.

"Thanks" he said and she drop the glass.

"I will take my leave, but just be aware that I will come back once this one finishes" she said raising the bottle of wine.

"You have no worries" he said and she smiled before standing.

"Good bye Mr Steinfeld, it's a pleasure talking with you today" she said.

"You are welcome Miss Chelina" he said and they shook hands.

"Bye-bye" Chelina said afterwards and run out of the office.

"Fucking beauty, is she from the waters?" He murmured and smiled at himself.


"Ou Pierce" the girl moaned as Pierce kiss her and press her books from under her s!nglet.

"Mmmmm!" She smiled and he broke the k!ss.

"Why did you stop?" She asked.

"Let's take this to another level" he said.

"Let's do that" she said and remove her top, her small boobs bounce out and he smirked.

"Hummm so small" he said.

"I love it like that" she smiled and he run his tongue on her nipples and she moaned.

He slid his hand under her skirt and when he made to push his fingers inside her, the door opened and Phil walk in.

"Ewww, you will never change" he said and he withdraw his hand and push the girl away.

"You should go, I will call you later" he said and she put on her top.

"Ok, book a private hotel" she said and he smiled.

"I will" he said and he kiss her slightly and she walk out of the lounge.

"That girl" Phil asked.

"What?" Pierce asked.

"Is she not the Deacon's daughter?" Phil asked.

"How is that my business, I will fuck her and fuck her sister if she had any" Pierce roll eyes and Phil smiled.

"Bad boy" he said.

"It's a good thing you Know" he said.

"Reign is not here yet?" Phil asked.

"Maybe she is on her way" Pierce said.

"Avalon is back" Phil said and Pierce roll eyes.

"Whatever, not like we are in good terms" Pierce said.

"It's true anyways, I wish you both can be in good terms" Phil said.

"It will never happen" he said.

"But then Pierce I have something to ask you" Phil said.

"What?, Hope it's not about Barbie??" he asked.

"Exactly, what happened between you both, why did you both.....

"Enough!....stop Phil" Pierce said seriously and Phil swallowed.

"I will go upstairs" Phil said and he roll eyes.

"Call me when Reign comes here" he said and walk upstairs.

"Coconut Head" Pierce said and the door opened, a girl walk in looking so hot, her body shape Alone is fire and Pierce smiled Immediately he saw her.

"Hey Pierce" she smiled and sat down on his laps.

"Finally you are here" he smirked rubbing her big backside.

"Am sorry, it all the work of traffic jam" am sorry" she said.

"Here or my Room?" He asked.

"We need privacy, so let's go to your room" she said and they stood.

"Let's go" he Said and start leading her upstairs, his right hand around her waist, while his left hand unbelt his trousers.

They walk into his room and After some Minutes, her Crazy moans dominate the whole house.

"Damn you Pierce!!" Phil screamed from the next room, his room is close to his so he can hear the girls moans clearly.


Barbie had a smile on her face as she take countless pictures of herself and post them on her Instagram account.

Many comments and likes within few minutes, she really had a lot of Fans.

She log out of her Instagram and slid into her gallery, and start checking out the pictures she snap earlier while deleting the one she doesn't like.

She scroll down and come across a picture that made her once smiley face to turn pale.

She tap on it and it's a picture of her and Pierce K!ssing, he had his hand around her waist as he suck on her lower lip.

Barbie continued looking at the picture that she wasn't aware of when she start crying, her tears dropped on the screen of her phone, and she wiped it off.

She look up slowly and the picture frame of the picture is on the wall, with many others picture of her and him, she doesn't know why she haven't removed them.

Her teary eyes turned more red and she fold her fist around her phone tightly breaking the screen with her hands due to the pressure she applied on it.

"Aaarrrgghh!!!!" She screamed and throw her phone at the picture frame making the glass frame to break.

"I hate you Pierce, I hate you, how can you do that to me" she said tears dropping freely from her eyes.

The door opened and her mother rush into her room.

"Barbie" she called and when she saw the broken glass frame, she run to her and hug her, understanding what really happened.

"Is okay, is okay stop crying" she said stroking her hair.

"I hate him Mom" she cried.

"It's okay" she said and k!ss her hair.


"Daddy!" Nellie called climbing Gerardo's bed.

"Baby, you haven't gone to bed?" Gerardo asked, stroking her hair as she lay on him.

"Yeah, wanna have some word with you" she said.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Actually, it's about Camellia" she said without any glint of respect.

"What happened to her?" Gerardo asked.

"I don't like her and I hate it whenever she is here" Nellie said.

"Huh?, Why?"

"I smell a bad aura around her and I don't know why" Nellie said and he raise a brow.

"You know Nell, you are still a child and you shouldn't be saying such things" he said.

"No!!!, Am not a child again, I mean I don't like her, and as far as I live, she will never be your wife" Nellie said.

"You are too young to say this Nell, go to sleep" Gerardo said.

"You think so but I will never like her, she also pretends to love you, when it's obvious she is after your money" she said.

"Ok it's enough, stop talking Nellie" he said.

"Am sorry Dad" she said.