
The Billionaire's First Love

Ella was heartbroken when Dawson told her of his decision to marry Jane so as to save his inheritance. But on the night of his wedding to Jane, Dawson and Ella met in the club and they had sex. Unknowingly to them, Ella got pregnant as a result of what transpired between. What will happen if Ella finds out that she is pregnant with Dawson's baby? Will she decide to abort it or keep it? Or what if Jane finds out that Ella is pregnant for her husband? Will things end well for Ella and her unborn child? Things take turn and secrets began to unfold as Jane got pregnant for her ex boyfriend Jack but decides to pin the pregnancy on Dawson. Will Dawson ever find out that the child is not his? Find out more in this interesting novel.

Mercy_Oluchi · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter three

Dawson sat in his room seething with anger. His face was flushed and his hands were clenched so tight that his knuckles turned white. He could feel his anger bubbling inside him threatening to burst forth like an uncontrollable storm. His mind raced with thoughts of betrayal and deceit.

Just then there was a gentle knock on his bedroom door. Startled Dawson looked up his anger momentarily forgotten. He recognized the voice of his mother Ella calling out to him. "Dawson, may I come in?"

Reluctantly Dawson rose from his chair and opened the door. His mother stood there, her face a mix of concern and determination. She walked into the room, closing the door behind her. Dawson immediately noticed the lines of worry etched on her face evidence of the battles she had fought for their family's fortune.

As Dawson sank back into his chair his mother took a seat opposite him. "Andrew, she began her voice steady but gentle "I understand why you're angry. I understand the pain and betrayal that you feel. But we must calm this storm within you my son for there is much at stake."

Dawson clenched his jaw, his anger resurfacing but his mother continued undeterred. "You know how important your inheritance is, Andrew. The family business relies heavily on your presence as the heir. If you abandon your responsibilities now everything we've worked for could be lost. Our family's legacy is all gone."

He sighed heavily knowing deep down that his mother was right. The inheritance had always been the foundation of their existence, the pillar on which everything else stood. But as much as he wanted to convince himself that this was reason enough his heart still ached for his lover Ella.

Seeing the inner conflict raging within him his mother reached out and gently clasped his hands in hers. "Dawson my love" she said softly "I know that you care deeply for Elizabeth. But sometimes we must make sacrifices for the greater good."

Dawson felt a knot forming in his throat. He knew they were teetering on the edge of a precipice and his mother's words hit him with a bitter truth. The weight of his family's fortune loomed over him reminding him of the sacrifices his ancestors had made to amass such wealth.

"But what about love Mother?" Dawson's voice trembled with a mix of desperation and fear. "What about my happiness? Is it worth throwing it all away?"

His mother looked at him, her eyes filled with a lifetime of wisdom and experience. "Dawson love is a fleeting emotion. It can be blinding and overpowering but it can also lead us down a path of devastation. We have to look beyond our own desires and think about the future of our family."

Closing his eyes Dawson struggled to control the raging storm inside him. His mother's words began to sink in, pushing through the haze of anger and confusion. He knew deep down that she was right - their family's legacy and fortune were too precious to be disregarded.

Slowly he opened his eyes, his gaze meeting his mother's unwavering stare. "Okay Mother he finally said his voice laced with resignation. "I will do as you ask. I will marry Jane and forget about Ella."

His mother's face softened relief washing over her features. She reached out and embraced him tightly. "Thank you Andrew. You won't regret this decision. I promise you it's for the best."

As they sat there holding onto each other Dawson couldn't help but feel a mix of sadness and determination. He knew he was sacrificing his happiness for the sake of his family's fortune but in doing so he hoped that one day the storm inside him would subside and a sliver of contentment would replace the ever-present ache in his heart.



Ella's phone vibrated on the side table interrupting the quiet evening she was spending at home. She glanced at the screen and her heart skipped a beat as she saw Dawson's name flashing across it. Excitement and nervousness collided within her as she hurriedly unlocked her phone to read the message.

Opening the conversation between her and Dawson her eyes widened as she read his words. It was a text that shattered her heart into a million pieces. Dawson had written to her confessing that he had made the difficult decision to marry another woman Jane for the sake of his inheritance,his late father and his mother.

Ella's hands trembled and she dropped her phone onto her lap. Tears welled up in her eyes threatening to spill over and moisten her cheeks. The room suddenly felt colder, the air heavier as the reality of Dawson's words sank in.

Only a few hours ago she had been blissfully ignorant of the storm brewing in Dawson's heart. They had shared dreams, whispered secrets and cherished moments together. Their love had been pure, vibrant and filled with promises of a future they had always envisioned.

Dawson had always been honest with her, sharing his concerns about his father's last wish and the pressure he faced as the only son to carry on the family's legacy. Yet in all their conversations they had never ventured into the realm of sacrifice and compromise. They had always believed that their love could conquer any obstacle that lay ahead.

But now it seemed everything had changed.

Ella felt a knot tightening in her stomach as she replayed Dawson's words in her mind. She understood the weight of his decision, the weight of his responsibility to his family. However, knowing it intellectually couldn't ease the pain that gnawed at her soul. The haunting question of where it left their love remained unanswered.

Her thoughts raced trying to comprehend how things had come to this. She had always believed that love transcended all barriers that they were destined to fight against any odds thrown their way. The bond they had built the trust had seemed unbreakable.

Yet here she was feeling shattered and lost. The love that had once enveloped her heart now left it pierced and bruised.

A surge of anger mixed with heartache coursed through her veins. How would Dawson be so willing to abandon their love for a mere inheritance? Wasn't their connection worth more than any material possession or societal expectation? Didn't their dreams and desires matter?

Ella raised her phone clenched tightly in her hand and stared at Dawson's name once more. Part of her wanted to yell at him, demand an explanation and plead with him to reconsider. But another part, the part unwilling to let go completely, was paralyzed by grief.

The truth was undeniable. Their love story had taken an abrupt unexpected turn and Ella found herself at a crossroads. Should she fight for their love even in the face of Dawson's decision? Or should she accept his choice even if it meant breaking her own heart?

With a heavy sigh Ella wiped away the tears that had streamed down her cheeks. She knew that no matter how much it hurt no matter how much she longed for things to be different she couldn't force Dawson to choose her over his family's expectations. Love couldn't be built on sacrifice alone – it required two hearts equally committed and determined.

And so Ella made a silent vow to herself. She would find the strength to let Dawson go to give him the space and freedom he desired even though it meant losing the love she cherished so deeply. For now all she could do was heal her broken heart and hope that love in its unpredictable ways would someday find her again.

With a trembling hand she picked up her phone and typed a response to Dawson's text. Her words were simple yet infused with the pain she felt in her heart: "If this is what you truly want Dawson then I will let you go. I hope Jane makes you happy. Goodbye."

As she pressed send tears cascaded down her cheeks once more allowing her to release the emotions that had held her captive. But deep within her Ella knew that the path ahead was uncertain and her heart would forever carry the ache of a lost love.

Meanwhile, Dawson has been eagerly waiting for Ella's reply. Immediately his phone vibrated,he checked it and saw that it was Ella's reply. Pain and anguish overflooded him as he read the content. He knew deep down that he had betrayed their love but the situation at hand was beyond his physical capabilities. Besides, his wedding to Jane was in a week time…