
The Billionaire's First Love

Ella was heartbroken when Dawson told her of his decision to marry Jane so as to save his inheritance. But on the night of his wedding to Jane, Dawson and Ella met in the club and they had sex. Unknowingly to them, Ella got pregnant as a result of what transpired between. What will happen if Ella finds out that she is pregnant with Dawson's baby? Will she decide to abort it or keep it? Or what if Jane finds out that Ella is pregnant for her husband? Will things end well for Ella and her unborn child? Things take turn and secrets began to unfold as Jane got pregnant for her ex boyfriend Jack but decides to pin the pregnancy on Dawson. Will Dawson ever find out that the child is not his? Find out more in this interesting novel.

Mercy_Oluchi · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter one

Billionaire Dawson Jameson sat alone in his lavish office staring blankly at the documents scattered on his mahogany desk. The room adorned with priceless art and elegant furniture seemed empty despite its opulence. Dawson's mind was consumed with the weight of his father's recent passing leaving him to inherit the family's vast fortune and business empire.

Dawson's relationship with his father had not always been smooth. Richard Jameson was a shrewd businessman, cold and distant, often prioritising the success of his company over his family. This strained Dawson's relationship with his father and the absence of an emotional bond had bred a sense of bitterness within him.

However that bitterness was now quickly overshadowed by confusion and disbelief. Richard's passing had left a void in Dawson's heart, one he didn't expect to feel. The recent loss had forced him to confront the unresolved issues that had plagued their relationship. As Dawson sifted through his father's will he stumbled across a clause that turned his world upside down.

"Item 4b: It is my dying wish that my son Dawson Jameson marry Jane Clifford within one year of my passing . Dawson read aloud his voice loaded with incredulity as he stared at the words written in his father's meticulous hand.

Jane was a kind-hearted woman from a rich family who had known Dawson since they were children. She was also a successful woman who runs her father's empire all by herself .Their families had long been intertwined and the idea of their union had been a whispered possibility for years.

Unfortunately, his heart belonged to another –a woman named Ella with whom he had been involved in a passionate clandestine affair for the past two years.

Dawson's mind reeled with both anger and confusion. He had fallen deeply in love with Ella – a woman he had met several years ago. They had shared incredible moments together and built a relationship based on passion and trust. He couldn't imagine betraying her by marrying another woman.

Dawson's mind reeled with both anger and confusion. He had fallen deeply in love with Ella – a woman he had met several years ago. They had shared incredible moments together and built a relationship based on passion and trust. He couldn't imagine betraying her by marrying another woman.

His conflict grew as he tried to comprehend the reasoning behind his father's request. Did his father truly believe that a marriage of convenience would bring happiness and prosperity to their lives? Could he disregard his own feelings and the love he had found with Ella for the sake of fulfilling his father's dying wish?

His father's insistence on this particular arrangement seemed absurd to Andrew. It was as if Richard were trying to exert control from beyond the grave forcing Dawson into a logjam where he had to choose between his own true love and his father's final wish.

As he continued to read, Dawson discovered that failure to comply with this request would result in the complete transfer of his shares in the family business to a charitable foundation. The implications of this threat were clear – Dawson's entire life's work. His father's legacy would be stripped away from him if he didn't follow his father's dying wish.

Mixed emotions flooded Dawson's heart. Anger, confusion and a profound sense of betrayal battled within him. His father's unexpected demand felt like a final twist of the knife tearing apart any remaining semblance of a bond between them.

He closed his eyes fighting back the anger welling up inside him. With each passing moment it became clear that his father's last act was a test – an opportunity for him to finally make peace with the past and find his own path to happiness.

Dawson knew he couldn't live a lie perpetuating a false relationship and betraying the woman he loved. But losing everything –the business, the inheritance, his father's empire – was a thought too painful to bear. Yet Dawson had always been a man of integrity and compromising his values was not an option.

As the days passed, Dawson wrestled with his father's decision. He contemplated on ways to find a loophole in the will or anything that would free her from his father's demand. But deep down, he knew it was futile. His father had left no room for negotiation and the weight of his family's expectations rested heavily on his shoulders

With a renewed determination, Dawson made up his mind. He would confront Jane and seek her understanding. Perhaps she could help him find a solution, one that honoured his father's memory while allowing him to remain true to his own heart.

Summoning his courage Dawson decided to meet with Jane hoping to find a mutual understanding. He knew it wouldn't be easy but he needed to be honest with her to share the truth about his dilemma and feelings.

As he approached Jane 's residence his heart pounded with apprehension. He prayed that she would be understanding that she could comprehend the complexities of his situation. Dawson knew that the outcome of this meeting would shape not only his future but the futures of those he cared about as well.

Dawson's heart raced as he stood outside Jane 's elegant townhouse. He had spent days deliberating on how to approach her, how to break the news of his father's will and the matter of his own complicated love life. Dawson took a deep breath steadying his nerves and rang the doorbell.

Jane , a woman of striking beauty and undeniable charm, opened the door. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Dawson standing there. "Oh Dawson," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "What brings you here today?"

He peered into her captivating hazel eyes searching for the right words. "May I come to Jane ? There is something of great importance that I must discuss with you." Dawson's voice trembled slightly betraying his inner turmoil.

Jane nodded and opened the door wider inviting him into her grand foyer. As they walked towards the living room Dawson couldn't help but notice the impeccable taste that adorned every inch of Jane 's home. It mirrored the elegance and refinement she possessed herself.

Once settled on the plush couch Jane looked at Dawson expectantly. "Well Dawson you have piqued my curiosity. What is it that could bring you to my doorstep in such a state?"

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he had to say. "Jane , my father's will, was recently revealed. And... well he left a rather unconventional request. He wished for me to marry you."

Surprised, Jane 's eyes widened further and her hand flew to cover her mouth. "Marry me? But why Andrew? We haven't even spoken of such matters before."

The weight of it all settled heavily on Dawson's shoulders. "You and I share a long history Jane . We have been friends for years and well it seems my father had noticed your unwavering affection for me."

Jane 's cheeks flushed, her gaze dropping to her lap. "Yes I must admit that my feelings for you go far beyond friendship Andrew. I have loved you for years but I never thought that you felt the same way."

Dawson sighed, grasping Jane 's hands gently on his own. "Jane , I do care for you deeply. Our friendship has always been special to me but I have my own complicated situation to contend with. I have a lover and I cannot abandon her."

The room fell silent as soon as Dawson finished talking. Dawson knew the road ahead would be filled with heartache but there was nothing he could do. He decided to leave Jane 's house since his silence was doing more harm than good. 

As he stood up to leave he turned back to Jane for one final look imprinting her features on his mind. He knew that his choices had consequences and that finding true happiness might cost him dearly. He left her house with disappointment written all over his face.

Little did Dawson know that Jane desperately wants him because she has been obsessed with him for years and now that she has the opportunity, she wouldn't let it slip off her hands.