
Stay With Me (2)

If it had been in the past and Raven had woken up in the morning deprived of sleep, he would surely have been in a bad mood throughout the day. However, waking up that morning and seeing Penelope's face first thing in the soft light of dawn, Raven felt a warmth spread through his chest that chased away any lingering fatigue. Penelope lay beside him, her dark hair splayed across the pillow, her lips slightly parted in sleep. He watched her momentarily, marveling at how her features softened in slumber, her defenses down and vulnerabilities exposed.

He didn't want to be parted from her but knew he could no longer risk staying in bed. Carefully, Raven extricated himself from under the covers, trying not to disturb Penelope's rest. He moved silently around the room, gathering his clothes and preparing for the day ahead. As he dressed, his mind wandered back to how they had ended up here, intertwined in this delicate dance of love and longing.