
Dark Lord Rises


Day 1: I'm tried and can't take it anymore it's bursting out of me. These secrets I can't hold them anymore. I must tell you these past couple of days I've been trying to stay under control.The fact is I can't...The hunger the thirst for blood and death is killing me, I must come out the time is right. I am the Dark Lord king/god of war and death I've waited centuries for this day to finally destroy the horrific planet and everyone on it...Enjoy your last days HTRAE( Earth ) because soon the world will be destroyed. Far away on the planet named Earth(Htrae) Lives the dark lords seed who will grow up and defeat his father but until then the planet will have to wait for their savior.


The Beginning

It's January 22 and it's freezing cold and raining. I'm looking out the window waiting on my dad to come back home from work. Today I am waiting on my dad because this morning he said "We need to talk" and it sounded really important. Three (3) minutes later he pulls up the drive way looking very serious. He turns off the car and look up and smile. I immediately race to the door and open it, then I greet my father. I quickly ask what was the thing you wanted to talk about. "He chuckles and says impatient as ever." Then he says "you should sit down for this." The he began to start tell me all these things which I already knew. He told me I was special and how he found me and then I said dad I already knew. He said "how though?" I answered his question and I said because I have powers that only an ordinary person can dream of.

Mean while far away on the desert planet Zalcon is where the Dark lord is currently. Hahaha Dark Lord says the time is near, then he hops on his hover bike and goes to the space station. When he arrives one man noticed him and said it's Aries (Dark Lord) the room quickly breaks out into chaos and everyone starts running and one man tries to hit Aries with and metal pole but before the pole makes contact it shatters. The he glare at the man, the man suddenly dies. Everyone stops and stare, "Hahaha" says Aries the he began to slaughter all the people who he sees. Without even moving he kills everyone in the room with only one long glare. There were no survivors there were only corpse