
The Big Bang System

Our protagonist dies at a young age to an unfortunate accident but is startled when she then wakes up in a small wooden shack. Opening the door, what she sees, or rather doesn't see, shocks her... Big Bang System initialising. if you want to ask questions or if you have any suggestions feel free to join the discord https://discord.gg/789xxnv

chibi_chan · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Expanding the Hive

It was quite a sight: More than a dozen Zhenix 'warriors' lined up, swords in hand. They are the new strain of drone that Lenara has created; stronger, faster and more dexterous than the basic drone but with more combat capability than the worker drones.

The time has come for them to move out, to claim another island. Angela had been preparing and has stockpiled a sizable amount of anima, putting her at 443/472. With the 100 or so anima that it would take to get to the island that would leave well over 300 to claim the island itself.

The group forms up into a formation, standing in rows of five and they begin to move towards the location shown by the compass. About 10m from the island Angela quickly constructs a barricade made out of a material she had unlocked way back when she completed the 20m² but hadn't had a chance to use: stone.

With the imposing ranks of soldiers and a decent defensive line, Angela had come fully prepared. Nothing, however, could prepare her for what happens when she creates the last part of the path.

A mountain materialises in front of her. One so big that the top is shrouded in fog. Angela stumbles backwards in shock and even Lenara takes a step away from it. The notification however, was even more of a blow to their preparations.

[mortal rank demon island discovered, will spawn 4 rank two stone golems each hour until assimilated. Assimilation cost: 500 anima]

It was like someone was watching their confidence and laughing as they smashed it. Clearly the islands were scaling along with their strength, though how they were measuring it Angela didn't know.

Either way they would once again be in for a tough fight. Though this time Angela wasn't alone. Three ranks of warriors stood beside her, each armed with blades that could cut through steel. The fight would be tough but Angela had confidence that they would pull through it.

A roaring sound like boulders smashing together come from the mountain and several large constructs that appear to be made of boulders held together by some unknown force rumble towards the defensive line.

The warriors ready their blade in unison, preparing to meet the oncoming charge. Rocky fists crash into the walls and blade slice through the air in response, very quickly the situation decends into chaos and Angela flies up to survey the situation, providing help wherever it was needed most.

The first wave is dealt with with little casualties, only losing three drones and one blade. Hopefully they would not have to go through many rounds. One surprising thing is that even the drones that died gave Angela anima, though with how close she was to her maximum a lot was wasted.

With her fingers crossed Angela deconstructed one of the golems, if she was able to get 500 from the four bodies then they would not have to fight another wave. To her dismay, this is not the case. The bodies of the stone golems are mainly made out of stone, the force keeping them together had already dissapated on their death; giving her a measly 40 anima per corpse.

Doing the math angela calculates that she would need 8 more, 2 waves. If each wave kills three drones they would make it through alright. Of course, as they say men make plans while god laughs. The second wave is a shamble. One of the drones is caught by a stray rock that falls from one of the golems and causes a chain reaction that leads to an entire line going down, despite Angela's best efforts.

With the catastrophic losses from the second wave, the group was only 6 warriors strong, along with Angela and Lenara. With one wave to go, and only one reserve for the defensive line, things were looking grim. It was too late to create any more warrior drones and the standard drones are useless against this enemy, their claws simply wouldn't be able to pierce them.

The final wave. In a desperate attempt to lessen the burden on the drones, Angela moves to engage one of the golems by herself. Her aim is not to kill it but only to distract it for a long enough period of time. Although it has turned the situation from a 8v4 to a 7v3 which was a more drastic difference than just subtracting one from both sides, it is not enough and the drones are pushed back, although they take two of the golems with them.

As the final warrior engaged with the golem receives a strike from the golem, rather than blocking the non-fatal blow it instead sacrifices its life to deal a critical blow to the golem; causing it to drop to the floor with little combat power left.

It was just Angela, Lenara and a golem left. The three shorten the distance between each other as the fight grows ever more tense. Angela is unable to find a large enough opening to strike without being hit and Lenara had little combat ability besides her slightly above average speed due to her advantage in legs.

Angela finally sees what looks like an opening and takes it. The golem had shown a larger intellect than the others however, and the opening was a bait. Realising too late, angela backpedals, trying to escape the coming blow but is too slow. Suddenly a figure flashes in front of her: Lenara. Taking the blow for angela, Lenara's body is blown away like a deflated beachball, tumbling to the ground several meters away.

Angela's eyes go red with rage as she screams.

[user has unlocked innate bloodline talent: anima blade]

Acting purely on instinct, Angela swings forward with her sword, despite being out of range. The blade glows with a white light, extending the range by an entire meter, turning the longsword into a broadsword, though just as light.

The blade bisects the elemental and it collapses to the ground. With the elemental dead the red in Angela's eyes dissapates into a fog visible to the naked eye and she flies to Lenara's side with all her speed.

Major plot point O_O

I hope Lenara is ok

(ufufu, im the author, of course i know what will happen)

chibi_chancreators' thoughts