
H-How…I thought you were gone!

Zay and Ryker stood amidst the remnants of the battle, the treasure gleaming at their feet. Their chests heaved with exhaustion, yet triumph filled their hearts. But amidst the glow of victory, Zay couldn't shake the sorrow of Andrew's absence.

Suddenly, a soft, familiar voice echoed through the chamber, halting their thoughts. "Zay, Ryker... it's me, Andrew."

Zay's heart skipped a beat, and he spun around to see a faint, glowing figure slowly materializing before them. It was Andrew, alive and whole, his form shimmering with a mystical aura.

"Andrew!" Ryker exclaimed, his voice choked with emotion. "How... how is this possible?"

Andrew smiled, stepping forward with a serene expression. "The magic of this realm saved me," he explained. "When I fell, I was infused with the essence of the treasure. It healed me and brought me back."

Zay felt a wave of relief and joy wash over him, tears brimming in his eyes. "We thought we lost you," he whispered, his voice trembling.

Andrew placed a reassuring hand on Zay's shoulder. "You never lost me," he said softly. "The bond we share is stronger than any magic. Now, we are together again, and we can continue our adventures, stronger and wiser."

The trio embraced, their hearts filled with renewed hope and unbreakable unity. They knew that Andrew's return was a gift, a symbol of the power of their friendship and determination.

As they prepared to leave the chamber, the treasure safely in their possession, Zay looked at his friends with a smile. "This is just the beginning," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "Together, there's nothing we can't face."

With Andrew back by their side, Zay and Ryker felt an invincible strength within them. They walked out of the chamber, ready to face whatever challenges the future held, their spirits unyielding and their bond unbreakable.