
The Berserking Necromancer

Nick Junaedi a young man that have an unparalleled physical prowess and martial arts talent, in his younger adolescence days he accumulated a lot of achievements related to combat. His persona “White Devil” because of his white mask and overall attire has been regarded as a monstrous fighter. His accomplishments ranged from world-class athletes level to a straight borderline superhuman, but when he reached the age of 17 he stopped his shenanigans and went to a prestigious school because even though he was obsessed with combat, he was intelligent. But everything went wrong when he fell through the window due to a water puddle and died as his classmates’ was transported to another world, he also transported but he went astray and ended up in a white void and met something. And the rest is history.

Lawless_Leon · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: New World

Currently in a random Indomaret there was two young man that was having a conversation.

So? How's it going? Did you managed to get into that school?" Asked a young man that was wearing a uniform and was standing behind the counter.

"Of course I did, I'm not going to ended up like you here just working as a cashier~" Said the other young man sarcastically.

"Oh fuck you! By the way, the others and I are going to do the usual combat training this weekend, you free?" The cashier asked.

"I don't know, but I'll try to come!" The young man said as he grab a soda can inside the fridge with a few chocolate bar.

The cashier look at his watch and saw the time turned 6:32. "Dude, aren't you supposed to be in school by 6:40?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Its 6:32…"

The young man expression was that of shock and he quickly grabbed his stuff and threw a bunch of money on his friend's face.

"Keep the change!" He said as he ran away.

"2,000 rupiah? Bastard, this isn't even a quarter of the whole thing! Come back!" He quickly ran after the young man.

Noticed his friend are chasing him the young man knocked down a nearby trash can and block his friend way as he disappeared into the distance.


After arriving at school he quickly entered his class but as soon as he stepped in a glowing magic circle appeared under his classmates.

"W-what the fuck!?" Some were confused.

"Oh god! What is happening?!" Some were scared.

"Finally! I can be a main character!" Some were overjoyed.

"Its… too bright…" Some were also indifferent.

But the young man couldn't give any less fucks and went to his seats behind a girl desk.

"Ah!" She screamed after the appearance of the magic circles and knocked off her water bottle that wet the floor infront of her.

As the young man carelessly running towards his seat's he accidentally slipped and coincidentally the window was right at the place he was about to fall.

He fell out of the window and most of his classmates didn't notice.

And he hit the ground, his neck was snapped and he died on the spot.

A bright light engulfed his entire class and a dimmed light engulfed his body.

Went the light dimmed, the students from Class-Permata was nowhere to be found.

"Uh… where is everybody?" Said the teacher that was supposed to teach the first subject of the day.

As his corpse was taken care off the soul was in a place where he shouldn't be.


'Where am I? Is this heaven? But I shouldn't be able to get into heaven….' The spirit thought to itself.

'Everything is white… what even is this place?' The spirit observed his surroundings, a place filled with the color white.

'And… who is that…?' The spirit squinted it's eyes to clearly see the figure.

A pure-black (not the race) humanoid man, a black hair with red highlights, green jacket, gray pants, his hand also seems to have slight red highlights, they are strange looking… they also have a sick gaming equipment.

"What a bad game, I'm going to erase it from all of existence after this…" Said the figure as it turned around to face the spirit.

"And you. Nick Junaedi, 19 years old, from Earth which is obvious… am I correct?" The figure asked the spirit.

"Well, yeah." Nick answered.

"Why are you here?" The figure asked Nick.

"How would I know? And who are you?" Nick asked.

"Hm, well I am one of the countless clone used to guard the 'Void'…" The figure proudly exclaimed.

"Clone of WHO exactly?" Asked Nick confused.

"Ah… I forgot that you were not a transcendental, well…"

The figure then continues to explain about who is the original body is.

"So my name or rather the original body name is MerahHitam, MH for short and his nickname are 'The Failure', now the time's almost up, because you ended up here I will be generous and send you to the world your classmate arrived at with a little bit of cheat powers because that's an unwritten rules for us the higher beings…" MerahHitam said as he reach into his mouth and grab a strange looking black cube and carved something on it.

After he was done, the cube float and entered Nick spirits.

"Make sure to open my messages down there!" MerahHitam said.

"Wha-?" Nick word was cut off as he was sucked into a portal.

"Oh and please be careful I send you in the last floor of the most dangerous dungeon in that world!"

"WHAT!? YOU ASSHOLE!" Nick shouted.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!" MerahHitam said sarcastically.


At the 10th floor aka the last floor of the Dungeon Alheim, there was a strange phenomenon happening.

A ball of light aka spirit was speeding down into a dead body that was there but a strange shadow crashed into it, the spirit merged with the shadow and entered the body.

The body was reconstructed and soon it arise once again indicating the transmigration was completed.

"Ugh… I felt sick," Nick observed his surroundings as he see a wide area filled with various creatures that hasn't noticed his presence yet.

Suddenly his sense warned him of an incoming danger, it was a rhino made from crystal, it was greenish crystal, the rhino is the first one to sense him and immediately charged to murder him.

"Come at me rhino!" Nick was quite overconfident as in his past life he could easily defeat many strong animals including rhino.

But why does he felt much danger and when the rhino almost charged into Nick, he dodged last second.

'I did dodge it but… I feel weak and sluggish, is this body that weak? Or is there something else? Well, first of all…' Nick thought to himself.

"Let's run away!" Nick sprinted leaving the puzzled rhino behind, but sadly not long after the rhino quickly follow.

'Shit! Is there something he gave me!? How do I open the damn system or something!?' He panicked.


A green holograhic panel appeared before him.

'It worked!' Nick said with a smirk.

[ { Status Window }

Name: Nick Junaedi

Age: 19 (???)

Race: Human

Level: 1

JobClass: Necromancer

Title: The Grand Magician | Developer of Modern Magic | Magical Prodigy | White Devil | Master of Martial Arts

Locked Title: Nightmare of Gods | God of Undead | Shadow of The World | Immortal | Necromancer of the Absence | Reaper of The Mortal and Immortal

HP: 100/100 (???)

MP: 1,000,000,000,000/1,000,000,000,000

Strength: 10 (???)

Agility: 10 (???)

Defense: 10 (???)

Endurance: 10 (???)

Magic Circle: 102

Talent: Master of Magic | Master of Action

Core Skill: The Body of The Forgotten One [Sealed]

Skill: Necromancy (Lvl.1), Alchemy (Lvl.97), Magic Crafting (Lvl.100), Spell Creation (Lvl.100)

Curse: The Curse of The Unknown (Reach Level 500 to release, incapable of being cleansed)


"Damn it! I know something was going on! Shoot! The rhino is getting closer- wait is that a crack!?" Nick noticed a crack big enough for him to enter but not for the rhino and used his last bit of strength to dash into it.

'A little more!' Nick thought to himself as the rhino was only inches behind him and fortunately he survived and the rhino gave up chasing.

*Heavy panting*

"Its been a long time since I felt so vulnerable and weak, its quite refreshing but I don't want to experience it again…" Nick muttered to himself as he noticed in the crack he couldn't see anything.

"System?" He want to ask the system for guidance.


"How does magic in this world works?"

[Easy and simple.]

[ Step 1: Have the necessary mana

Step 2: Imagine your magic

Step 3: Profit. ]

"Imagine, huh?" Nick closed his eyes and imagine a small flame ignited on top of his palm.

*Fire noises*

"Oh my fucking god, it worked!?" Nick was surprised to think that the magic system isn't even that complicated.

Nick turned the small fire into a ball of light that illuminated the entire crack revealing three corpses wearing a very generic adventurer's armor.

"Two males and one female huh?" Nick observed the corpses figure, one of his friends was a doctor and told him about the difference between male and female skeleton.

'From their equipment, I could guess their supposed class is…' Nick thought to himself.

A holy priest, a knight and an assasin.

"The curse doesn't allow me to use my physical strength so… I will use whatever I have other than my physical prowess… magic and necromancy!" Nick muttered to himself and turned his head to face the three corpses.

"A perfect subject for me to test my power~!"


In the empty void.

"A new protagonist has once again been born, how amusing that I was included in his story~"

MH chuckled as he turned off the screen.