
The Beginning of Nightmares

Myrsky Everwood was living a peaceful life in the forest of the lost until she was forcibly taken by a military like group and forced to attend a supernatural academy where she fights to survive and find the origins of her growing powers. (The age of the main character is mostly up to interpretation but I wrote it with mid/late teens in mind.)

Feisty_Unicorn · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 3- Captured

I drop the dart and start to run but my speed isn't as fast as before because something in my leg hurts with every step. That mixed with the tranquilizer running through my system and my speed is severely lowered but still I push myself. Running back the way I came I make it one more roof over before a strong set of arms yanks me back pinning me to their chest.

"Let me go!" I snarl, kicking my legs as hard as I can. My left leg makes contact drawing a whimper from me as a sharp pain shoots through my leg. Something is definitely broken.

"Are you ok?" the man asks in a concern concerned tone.

I recognize his voice as the one with yellow eyes. I growl in response and start scratching his arms and kicking him with only my right this time, but nothing works.

When the others arrive my struggling still hasn't died down and yellow eyes says in a strangled voice

"A little help please. I don't think the dart did much and I can't do anything holding her like this"

I hear hurried footsteps before the guy I attacked appears in front of me and grabs my arms pinning them together in one hand and grabbing my shoulder with the other.

"I'll take her on three. Ready. One. Two. Three!"

On three I'm spun out of yellow eyes arms and into the one I attacked. He moves his arms around me and I notice with disappointment that my bite has already healed. I kick with my unhurt leg and scream at him to let me go but all he does is tighten his hold

"Stop fighting."

I whip my head forward and bite his hand as hard as I can he yanks his hand away

"Shit! Do you even know how bad your fangs hurt!"

"Yes, that's why I bit you." I bite out squirming in an attempt to get away.

"One of you get over here and help me before she bites me again." I flare my out legs then kick them back in an attempt to get the one holding me off balance. It works...kinda.

He takes a couple steps forward but doesn't loosen his hold enough for me to move my arms. I turn my head in an attempt to bite his arm but my teeth barely break his skin before he yanks his arm away. I break free of his other hand only for him to grab my shirt and yank me back. This time grabbing low enough that I can't bite his hand soooooo I go for his bicep. This time he catches my mouth with one hand holding my jaw closed.

"Does anyone have a muzzle?" he snaps.

"I can grab one but we might as well teleport her if I'm already going there." says yellow eyes

"No." Zeke says firmly. "There is absolutely no way we can transport her like this and I can't hold her for much longer."

"Alright I'll be back in a minute" The one with yellow eyes opens a portal and steps through it. It closes behind him and I thrash with renewed vigor there is no way I'm gonna sit here and wait to be muzzled.

"Snow, get over here and hold her legs." Zeke says

The one with purple eyes walks over and grabs my legs. His hand squeezes over my left ankle and I whimper as tears spring to my eyes. I glare at Snow and growl even as I feel a tear run down my cheek.

"Be careful, I think she hurt something in her left leg when she landed. When she kicked Kynan with it she nearly screamed." says the grey eyed one.

Snow immediately lets go of my leg relieving me of some of the pain. My growls grow less pain filled as he re-grabs my legs holding them right before my knees instead of by my ankle a minute of useless struggling later the one with yellow eyes named Kynan steps back through the portal.

"About time. What took you so long." snaps Zeke

"I'm sorry but the academy doesn't make a habit of muzzling children" Kynan snarls.

I don't believe that for a second.

"I had to find Azure and have her summon me one" he says and holds up a small muzzle. The inside is lined with fur and the outside is made of smooth black leather. I thrash around more in a last ditch attempt to free myself.

"Hurry up and put it on her." grunts the guy holding my jaw. The one with yellow eyes walks over and pauses holding up the muzzle.

"I'm sorry we didn't want to do this but we can't have you biting us while we transport you, and you've proven that given the chance you will."

I sit there helplessly as he puts the muzzle on buckling the small buckles in the back once he's done he steps back. Feeling vulnerable for the first time since I was little, I stop struggling and let out a whimper. Kynans eyes soften "Sorry little one."

My anger grows at their false sympathy and I growl a low continuous growl only taking breaks to breath. If they really cared they would have left me where they found me. I glare at them all pouring all my anger and hatred into my look even as my eyes water and tears run down my cheeks.

"Let's get back to the academy. I think we've caused enough pain for now." Kynan opens another portal but this time they take me through with them.

The first thing I notice when we walk through the portal is the temperature. It is warmer here than it was where we were before and the air smells cleaner then the city's. I look around and see we're in an area filled with hills and tall grass.

Not to far from us is a large arch and a pathway leading to a medieval castle that I assume is the academy. When everyone is through the portal, the grey eyed one approaches me and Zeke.

"Switch with me." He commands.

"I'm good" says Zeke.

"Zeke switch. Now" Zeke wordlessly hands me off and I feel my new captor is stronger.

We begin towards the castle with Snow holding my feet and Grey eyes holding my arms and chest. Magic rolls across my skin as we walk under the archway, I recognize it as a barrier spell. Nothing will get in or out of here without permission. This place is sounding more and more like a prison.

As we wall closer to the castle I peer around Snows back and see a few tables under trees in front of the school. There are kids sitting both at the tables and on the ground. They are dressed in a uniform and seem relatively fine, although I'm disappointed to see a couple of them are already staring. I hate that I'm being paraded for all to see its shameful, and I hate appearing so weak in front of so many. I turn my attention to the guys in an effort to ignore my situation.

"What are your names." my voice is low and gravelly from disuse. There wasn't much need to talk in the forest.

"Why do you want to know?" Snow asks

"Because not using them is stupid and tiring." I state

I feel more then hear a chuckle from the guy holding my chest

"My name's Slate, the guy holding your feet is Snow, the one with the yellow eyes is Kynan and the one with blue eyes is Zeke."

I nod and remain silent. Their names are rather normal. It's disappointing.

"So are we just going to keep calling you kid or do you have a name?" Asks Slate

I debate telling them for a moment but decide it's only fair since they told me theirs.

"Mirsky" I finally say

"Storm of delightful disaster." repeats Snow "Interesting name."

I'm surprised he knew that. My name is from the old language where Mirsky means storm of delightful disaster. Most don't speak it but I've known how for as long as I can remember.

"Let go of my legs. I'll walk."

"Not a chance kid you lost that privilege when we had to muzzle you" says Kynan

I grumble at them and shift in annoyance. When we finally reach the kids as we march towards the large double doors of the school everyone around us stops and stares at me murmuring to each other. I catch a few of the whispers and start to growl again.

"Did you see the muzzle? She looks just like a wild animal."


"I wonder if they're going to lock her up?"

"Oh my gods is she a new student!"

"I sure hope not."

"She's so gross look at all the dirt on her."

"Is she covered in blood?!"

"Oh gods she is. Who's do you think it is?"

"I think-I think it's the quads blood."

"On my gosh your right Zeke is covered in blood and scratches"

"How did she-how dangerous is she?"

The whispers went on and on and so did my growling but apparently I was getting louder because the next thing said was not a whisper

"Is she growling?!"

The whispers stop as everyone listens to hear I am indeed growling. Half the people there take a step back as I glare at them all. The pattern of whispers and growls continues as we walk through the school halls. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch and it was making me feel worse and worse. I feel like a trophy being paraded around and it makes me angry.

"If you don't stop growling it will just tell people you're as feral as you look." says Zeke.

I stop growling for a moment to snarl at him before going right back to growling.

He sighs sadly before turning to Slate "Where do you want to put her?"

"In the shifter containment room she hasn't shown any magical abilities so I think it should hold her."

Countless twists and turns and multiple sets of stairs later, we arrive at a wood door. The boys carry me through and unceremoniously throw me over a line on the floor. I hit the floor hard before I stand up and run towards the door only to be thrown back by a barrier. I cry out in pain as my left leg smacks into a table and an audible snap echoes through the room. I crash into a wall before hitting the floor causing even more pain on the various injuries I already had. Slate steps over the line on the floor and squats next to me.

"This is the room we use to contain shifters when they lose control. All the furniture in here is made out of iron wood and based on that snap, when your leg hit the table it went from fractured to broken. We have healers here that can fix it but I will not put them in danger just because you are mad at us. So I won't let them near you until you show me you can act like a civilized being otherwise I'll let you sit here in pain until tomorrow when we'll try again."

Furious but realizing I need help I growl one more time before spitting out my answer "Yes"

"Good now show me."

I sit up finally feeling everything that hurts. I close my eyes and take a deep breath letting the pain in my ribs drive my anger away. I'm still extremely mad at the guys but right now I need a doctor more than I need to sit here snarling and growling pointlessly besides its getting a little excessive. I open my eyes take one more deep breath and relax my muscles.

"You good?" Slate asks

I nod and he examines my face for a minute before leaning back seemingly appeased.

"Kynan go get Marie, Zeke go inform the Headmaster of what's going on, Snow and I will stay here and watch Mirsky."