
The Beginning of Nightmares

Myrsky Everwood was living a peaceful life in the forest of the lost until she was forcibly taken by a military like group and forced to attend a supernatural academy where she fights to survive and find the origins of her growing powers. (The age of the main character is mostly up to interpretation but I wrote it with mid/late teens in mind.)

Feisty_Unicorn · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 1- The Hunters

It's currently night time in the Lost Forest which is good considering the whispering footsteps mere feet from the enterance of my den. I peek through a crack in one of the walls and freeze. Watching silently as four armed men pass in front of me just an arms reach away. I know they're looking for me, I was out hunting when I ran across one of their troops. I quickly recognized the emblem on their jackets as the same group who has been hunting me for the past five years.

For the first three years it was just scouts. They didnt come very often and I would just lead them far away from my territory then move on. But two years ago they finally found where my territory was. Ever since then they have been growing more aggressive sending group after group after me.

I don't know why they keep coming. I tried to warn them away. The first group sent into my territory I returned with just a few bruises and scrapes leaving them unconscious miles away from my home then when they sent another group I returned them with broken bones. Each time after that I returned less men until the last group where I didn't return any. The wolves were very appreciative of the meal. I don't find their smell appealing but the wolves don't seem to mind.

This time they brought a squad of around twenty eight then split into groups of four but the group that's been tracking me seems different from the others, they haven't spoken since they got on my territory and the only reason I can hear them at all is because there are to many leaves and sticks on the ground for someone of their size to be quite.

It's the season before winter, I believe the humans call it fall but in the forest we call it the season of change. The time when trees lose their leaves and animals either move on, prepare to sleep, or hunt to gain fat to stay warm while they prowl the lands that will be white by the next full moon. I can already feel the bite of cold in the air. This group reminds me of winter. They feel dangerous, cold, and focused. After the squad of 28 split up they systematically searched my territory from the edge inward leaving me almost no room to escape this group was the first to get this close. I wait until their footsteps fade before I burst from my spot running as fast as I can in the other direction.

"I've got eyes on the target"

Damn it! they must have left one behind to make me think they were gone. As he moves to chase me a voice crackles out of the strange headsets he's wearing.

"Pursue but do not engage unless forced"

I smile. Over the years I've learned that that command means I get to run instead of dodge. I quickly veer left letting instinct take over as I go faster and faster. A hint of worry creeps up as I notice the man is still behind me, none of their men have ever been able to keep up with me. I shake myself out of my thoughts. No. I know this forest it's my home. I will lose him in the caves. I bank right and pick up speed pushing myself to the limits as I dive into the nearest cave opening. The caves were formed hundreds of thousands years ago by earth spirits. They were originally a home for the animals in the forest to stay sheltered from the from behemoths that died out eons ago. After they were gone the forest started to grow around them and the animals migrated out of the caves.

The caves are now considered sacred land. Few creatures under the wood goddess's care are allowed to enter, but since I was raised by the creatures that still live inside the caves I am an exception. I feel the man hesitate at the entrance to the caves giving me enough time to round the next few turns and slip through a crack in the wall. I hear footsteps enter the caves and my smile grows. This fool must either be ignorant or stupid. Those who trespass on the sacred caves of the wood goddess's home are bound to be punished.

Knowing that he's too big to follow me through the cracks in the walls, I keep running through turn after turn tunnel after tunnel until I burst into the center of the caves. No matter how many times I come here it still makes me pause. The heart of the caves is a shinning forest littered with bioluminescent plants and towering trees. It is a beutiful place where sunlight is filtered and magnified by giant crystals in the ceiling. This is where I grew up and it feels like home. I take a deep breath and shake myself out of it taking of at a run through the creeks and trees that make up the heart of the forest until I see the wood goddess's form waiting for me in a clearing. I Immediately run into her embrace and she hugs me quickly before releasing me.

"We do not have much time my child. They will be here soon. Since you are not truly a lost one born of this forest I cannot interfere with this hunt."

"I know." I state.

Despite knowing she is right I'm still hurt by her refusal to help me. Even though I'm not from here the Wood Goddess raised me. She is more like a mother to me then the god she is to the other creatures of the forest.

"It is time for you to leave the forest we both knew this time would come and I have protected you for as long as I can."

I feel tears prickle my face as I feel her magic brush over me forming a portal to our left.

"Now listen carefully" Myari's voice is hurried and sad, immediately catching my attention. "Many years ago your mother came to me and asked me to watch over you and in return she would owe me a favor."

My eyes widened in shock. In my entire life she has never once mentioned my parents before and owing a god a favor is no small thing. It is a debt you WILL repay and when they call on you, you have to do what they ask, they can even call you up from the after world to repay a favor. It's something people only do if they have absolutely no other option and what they need is important enough for them to risk their soul.

"I agreed to her terms and the moment you were in my arms, my heart melted. You were this precious little bundle that felt as fragile as glass and that was also the first time I felt fear.Your magic was already so strong it was like a beautiful storm with limitless potential, but you had so many enemies and it would have led anyone who came looking straight to you. So with the help of your mom I bound your magic to keep you safe. I wish I could keep you protected here forever my child but your destiny lies elsewhere." I can see her eyes begin to water and she squeezes my shoulders tighter

"Now that you are leaving the forest it's time for me to free your magic. I just hope the ones that pursue you will not be able to track you down."

"Wait-" Before my brain could process the story she pulled me close and put a hand over my heart. She starts chanting in a language I have never heard before as magic quickly builds in the air around us until it explodes outward. The world freezes for a split second before rushing backwards straight into me. Something in my chest releases with a snap and I stumble backward with a cry. It feels like I'm gonna explode. Myari catches me before I fall and quickly pulls me into a hug clutching me like it's the last time we'll ever meet. She starts to shake and I look up to see tears running down her face.


She shakes her head and holds me tighter shakily saying "I can't close the portal until the ones chasing you are through it or else it would count as me interfering. Be careful, my child and remember whatever happens I will always love you. And even if I'm not there with you I'll always be in your heart. Now run Myrsky."

She pushes me through the portal and I stare frozen in shock. "Run!" she yells again.

I snap out of my trance, ignoring the pain of saying goodbye to my mother and knowing that I will most likely never see the forest and my friends again, I start running. The goddess will hold back my persuers for the same amount of time she held me which gives me just enough time to gain some distance. Sniffing, I wipe the tears from my eyes and take off at a sprint.


I cringe as I lead my team through the caves leading to the heart of the forest. The school has been chasing this target for five years and we finally pinpointed their exact location. We can't let this opportunity escape, but these caves are sacred to the creatures here. Outsiders aren't supposed to enter and we are disgracing the goddess in charge of the forest by being here. However we just can't afford to lose the target. This target has returned our people to us as nothing but bodies. We can't let them get away. We take another turn and burst out of the caves startling the creatures around us.

"Snow, where's the target?" I ask

"Just ahead" he grunts out.

Snow is a half elf half demon which gives him the unique ability to track and locate anything he's seen before; it's a powerful gift that makes him perfect for these missions. I pick up the pace and sprint through a clearing in the trees right as I watch our target slip through a portal. I start to run after her but freeze when I see who's in the clearing.

"The wood goddess Myari mother of the forest" I breathe.

She turns to us with tears in her eyes and a glare that could melt diamonds.

"The one you seek is my daughter tell me why should I let you live?"

When I hear her deadly calm tone and see the tears in her eyes my heart drops and I go pale. If she truly views our target as her daughter, we are fucked.

"She has killed many of our people and we are here to bring her to justice." I state doing my best to stay calm.

The goddess stares at us for a moment then her glare vanishes as if it was never there. She lets out a loud laugh startling us all.

"You are from the academy?" she asks with a smile.

I warily nod and she chuckles again "This is much better than I thought! Let me give you some advice. Your 'target' is not what you think. She is more important then you can even imagine. And don't you dare hurt her. If you do, I'll hunt you down till the ends of the earth."

I shudder as she sends a wave of blood lust toward us with her last sentence.

"Now leave my forest, and if you ever return uninvited I will not be so lenient. Do not think I've forgotten the insult you bring me by entering these sacred grounds."

I give a slow bow then sprint to the portal. I'm glad we got away with our limbs in tact, but now I'm even more worried. What could our target be like to have been raised by the goddess herself?

This is my first book that I started a long time ago. I have a general idea of where I want the plot to go but that may change. Let me know if you have any tips.

I hope you enjoy it. (:

Feisty_Unicorncreators' thoughts