
Chapter 2

The halls buzzed with student conversation as everyone rushed to    their next class, nervous for a test that was coming up soon, or excited to get to lunch. A talk not ruffled his somewhat curly brown hair as he leaned against the locker, waiting for the hallways to clear out a bit before he decided to go twirling into that madness, the last thing he wanted was to be knocked over and stepped on by fellow students. 

   The boy then took out a extremely folded piece of paper from his pocket, carefully unfolding it to keep its now thin substance from ripping any further than it already has. Ketchup stains and dried water drops lined the sides of the paper along with the still showing pencil from the boy's serious attempts to erase his dark writing, the paper looked years old, when in reality, it has only been a month. What longer than the boy's schedules usually last though, and that was a win in his book. He read the piece of paper, staying which class he had the pleasure to attend next. Science. The boy felt both of his car ears perk up, if there was one thing he was good at it was science, his mother may expect him to fail a lot of classes, but science was never one of them. Quickly folding his paper and putting it back into his pocket, he rushed through the nearly empty hallways before the bell rang and he was marked apparent for another period.

   As he entered the lively classroom, he greeted everyone with a huge smile as he usually did. Some responses were positive, others more negative, didn't really matter to the boy though, at least they had acknowledged him in some sort of way. Her sat down in his seat, next to the one person he always got a negative response from, from the very first second she laid her sky blue eyes on him. Cindy Sallow. The boy didn't exactly know why he hated her, but he was sure it was totally irrational. Chris -- AKA him -- was an awesome guy, and he was sure that everyone could see that.

   He pushed aside his thoughts as the teacher walked in, just as the boy expected, it was a male normie, the boy shouldn't dwell on that now it was just everyday life nothing he could exactly do about it. 

   The man was about 5'8 and had a very serious demeanor, his hair line is retreating to almost the middle of his head, his thick black hair was pulled back into a tight low ponytail, and small glasses rest on his sharp nose, making the dark man look very professional. "Hello class, you all already know my name, Mr.Johnson." He turned to write his name on the board, like he does every class. "Today we will be learning about the hypothesis of pattern formation."

   The woman's heels clicked down the hallway, hips swayed side to side, catching the attention of staff and some seniors. She didn't mind and she silent care, she only has one location that needed to be under her watch. She stopped abruptly in front of the door that labeled 'principal's office/principal assistant'. She breathed in to help her gain confidence, wanting to make sure she looked fully professional before presenting herself to the principal. She straightened her tie, she had made a lot of sacrifices to get to this position and the board of education was watching her closely, one slip up would lead to major consequences.

    Activating her serious mode, she made a firm knock on the door, snapping her arms straight to her sides while she waited for a response. She put a small smile on her face as Mr.Acrum opened the door, he gave her a tiny little pout, he was an adorable man, and if his parent's hormones were any less dominant then he would have had some sort of animal ears on his head. "Can I help you, Ms.Bianca?" He said awkwardly.

    Ms.Bianca was aware of Mr.Acrum not exactly liking her, because she was a half-breed and she became everything his parents probably couldn't achieve. What should she do about it? She made it too this position to inspire others of her kind, to prove that they could be just as powerful as anyone else and if others couldn't get to her level and give up, then they obviously weren't trying. "I need to see Principal Wally."

    He held a single finger up, telling her to wait before closing the door. Two seconds later Ms.Bianca put her ear against the the door to hear muffled arguing and then a half-yell from what Ms.Bianca assumed was Principal Wally. Ms.Bianca moved back as she heard fumbling with the door and have a sympathetic smile when Mr.Acrum showed himself again. "I'm sorry" he said quietly, making a swallowing sound, Ms.Bianca watched as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down, like he was just constantly swallowing his own spit, it made her wonder what Principal Wally said to shake his assistant up this much. "You can't come in."

    "Why not?" Ms.Bianca found herself raising an eyebrow. She was sure anytime the Vice Principal called for the Principal it should be handled accordingly, not shooed off like she was some annoying kid.

   "He's on a call at the moment..." He looked away, scratching his ear rather violently. This was a clear lie that Ms.Bianca  would see right through, it made her father outraged, and the half-bear in her wasn't exactly calm when she was outraged. So with a frown on her face she leaned on the wall, and started the make use of one of her many skills, manipulation. "So, Tommy Acrum? That is your name right?"

    He bit the bottoms of his lip with his gap tooth, not sure where this was going. "Um, yeah...?"

   She cracked her fingers one by one slowly, knowing how much it annoyed the man in front of her. "One of your parents are a fox and the other one's a bunny, correct?" Mr.Acrum looked at her terrified, he was sure that this was something that he hasn't told anybody, Ms.Bianca had her sources. "Oh, let's not forget that that your big sister is an adopted fox!"

    "QUIET, SHHHHHH." He sighed. "Look, I don't know where you got that information, but that's not exactly something I want tossed around."

   Ms. Bianca made a fake surprised expression, knowing that she had hit a weak spot. "Really, cause I thought that would be something you would want the whole school to know."

    "Of course not, I'd lose all respect, not to-" he stopped all of the sudden and chuckled. "Ah, you and your jokes Ms.Bianca!"

    She leaned on closer, causing Mr.Acrum to back up a bit. "I'm afraid this is not a joke, Tommy. It's either you let me in, or I spill all your business to the student body."


    "Tommy, if I say it again there is going to be a problem." After staring at another for a few moments, Mr.Acrum opened the door a bit wider so she could enter. She gave him a big grin and walked in like nobody just ruffled her feathers, figuratively of course, wouldn't want to upset the half-breeds that had some bird DNA in them.

    As she slammed the Principal's office door open, Principal Wally looked up from his computer. "Ah, Ms.Bianca... I thought I told Mr.Acrum not to let you in..."

   She sat in the seat across from the principal and crossed her legs , pretending that her nails were much important than what she wanted to say, as a woman in this time zone, it was okay to be dominant, but not to dominant. Whatever, better than how they treated females thousands of years ago, not even the oldest of textbooks record that. "Unlike you, Mr.Acrum actually seems to have a brain."

   Principal Wally forced a chuckle out "Ah, you always had a sense of humor. What are you here for?"

   Although it seemed like he was paying attention to Ms. Bianca, he was much more invested in what was happening on his computer screen, doing whatever he was doing, Ms.Bianca knew it was anything but work. "I want to start a special program."

    Principal Wally abruptly stopped typing and looked up from his computer. "What for? We already have plenty of programs!"

    "I'm afraid that's my concern. " After this sentence, Ms.Bianca seemed to have his whole attention.

    "Well, Ms.B, I'm not sure how you think this works, but in order for me to approve of something you want to proceed with, especially something as big as a program, then you at least need to tell me what it's about." Ms.Bianca leaned forward, tapping her fingers on the wooden material of the desk.

    "Please, Principal Wally, I'm asking you to reconsider." He looked down at her tapping fingers and then back at her, growing slightly confused. 

   "Um, n- I-" He shook his head slowly and crossed his arms. "No."

    She started to tap her fingers to a faster rhythm. "Are you sure?"

    "Yes," he said confidently.

   "So I can do it?"

   "Absolutely, go right ahead!"

   She got up, a sly smile on her face, knowing that she had just manipulated the most stubborn man she ever met "Thank you Principal Wally, pleasure doing business with you."