
The Letter


I was in my room when I saw something slide under my door. I went over and picked it up, to find it was a letter to me from the god himself, Lucifer. I went over to my bed and sat down, debating on if I should read the letter.                                                                                                                                          I open the letter and read it. My dear friend Adam, I have written this letter to inform you, that you will be going to earth to serve as a soul demon for me. Every human you trap in the clench of your teeth will end up here in hell. I know it's sort of sudden, but you have until tomorrow to get everything you need to go on your trip. Don't worry though, there is one more demon that will be going on this trip with you, her name is Lilith, right now she should be reading the same letter as you. This is not debatable.                                                                      Sincerely,  Lucifer Morning Starr ,                                                                                                                                                     I started at the letter, bewildered by the fact of what Lucifer is asking me of. I feel tired, even though I'm in hell, I still get tired. I pull my covers down from my bed and fall asleep.


I jumped up from my bed and went out running to meet the king of hell. What the Heaven is he thinking, when he says he is going to send me to earth, with a heathen like Adam. I run-up to the gates and use my magic to unlock them, I run up the stairs to the palace the king lives in. I walk through the door and start yelling for the king's name.                                                                                                  

   I felt a cold shiver go down the spine of my back, my eyes darken. "Lucifer." I turned around and saw a smug smile on his face. "What's wrong, didn't you like the letter I wrote to you?" He said. I glared at the king, " No, I didn't like the letter, especially since I have to go to earth with that man Adam, I'd rather be down here with you." I watched as Lucifer's face hardened, he grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me close to him. " My dear Lilith, everything will be fine. You know how great full I am to have you here. It's just, you and Adam are the only two demons I can trust right now." He says with the softest eyes he has ever made towards me.                                                                                                                                                                                         

    I'm always questioning the king's decision in things like this, but never have I ever seen him look like this. I shivered, damn it, why is he like this. Lucifer was... is my first love, and he killed everyone I tried becoming more than friends with. But he never chose me as his bride. I look at Lucifer. "Fine, I'll go, but you have to keep in contact with us," I said with a hard glare towards him. He takes me in his arms and tilts my head to his, "Thank you Lilith", as he leans down and kisses me.  His soft tender lips on mine.                                                                                                              

    This isn't the first time he has done this to me. And Every time he kisses me, it always leads to something else. I melted into Lucifer as he picked me up, and carried me to his room, he threw me on his bed and closed his door. He kissed me tenderly, and I fell into a trance of his body. Everything goes black, as the same thing happens again as the past.