
The Becoming Of A Radiant Mage

A kid adventurer in a magical fantasy world who gets a system.

JhitTrippin · Fantasie
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4 Chs

New heights

This system had it out for me. There's no way it expects me to clear the first floor within four days, it's just unreasonable.

Incase you don't know, there are five floors within a red core. At the end of each floor there's a boss monster, who is significantly stronger than any other monster on the floor.

So not only do I have to find the boss room and kill whatever beast is there. I have to do that all within four days.

This is gonna be impossible.

Still I decided not to give up.

I'm sure there has to be some chance to complete it if the system gave it to me as a quest, right?


After regaining my focus I decided to inspect the system for a bit.

There is three screens accessible on the system. There is a Stats menu, inventory screen, and even a store.

Although the store needs me to be at-least level five before I can access it.

Opening the inventory screen I immediately noticed there was something weird.

There was twenty-five slots within the inventory, and three of which had weapons located in them.

One had a sword icon, which I obviously assumed was a sword. The next icon was a wand, but the third icon I wasn't too sure.

It was shaped like a potion bottle but didn't give me any information about what it actually does.

The items description only states: [Essential Item]

Whatever, I'm sure I'll find use for it.

After grabbing the sword from within the inventory I closed the system.

I was finally ready to start the first floor.

I opened the lone door located within the room, what I saw when I opened the door wasn't what I expected.

Instead of still being in a cave we're now within a church, but it wasn't just any church, it was the church of the devil worshippers.

Out in the physical world, all devil worshipper churches have either been destroyed or remodeled into something different.

I began to slowly traverse the church.

I walked down the isle of seats heading to the podium on stage. Once reaching the podium I had an ominous feeling that something bad was going to happen.

But nothing did.

I shook my head and lightly slapped my face. "Focus." I said aloud.

Since the podium clearly wasn't the right place I began to head backstage hoping to find a back exit.

Luckily there was one.

While walking to the exit I stopped abruptly.

Something moved.

Trying to take a better look at the figure without making it aware I know of it's presence was difficult.

After a couple seconds of sneaking glimpses I realized.

Bright dirty green color skin, brown rags it wears for clothes, short with hideous facial features.

It was a goblin.

But goblins aren't the kind to typically hide in the shadows.

Unless he's all by himself.

Which if that's the case, this should be easy.

Instantly I fueled my limbs with mana and dashed towards the goblin. The goblin was able to react to my attack and blocked my stab with his sword.

Quickly I went in with a slash but he managed to step back and dodge that as-well.

I dashed away from goblin in order to get a second to plan. But before I could think of anything I got hit in the right side of my ribs.

Another goblin.

Shit, he wasn't alone after all.

Looking down to see what I was hit with I see an arrow lodged into my side, why doesn't it hurt?

Breaking the arrow, I attempted to regain my stance but before I could do so I noticed a goblin preparing to attack.

The goblin holding the sword charged at me once more.

This time I managed to dodge his attack and returned a counter attack by infusing all my mama into my leg and kicking him in the chest.

The sound of his ribs snapping echoed through the empty back stage of the church.

The kicked caused him to drop his sword and go flying fifteen feet into the wall.

He wasn't dead yet, but he was unable to fight now anyways.

I quickly turned to the other goblin who already began to fire an arrow at me. Quickly I turned my head to the right, causing the arrow to just narrowly miss me.

Quickly I grabbed the sword on the ground and threw at the goblin. The sword spun through the air and struck the goblin… but with the hilt of the sword.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I shouted out of annoyance.

The goblin now has a sword at his disposal. Great.

The goblin grabbed the sword off the ground and rubbed his forehead where I managed to hit him.

Quickly the goblin focused up and began to sprint at me, I prepared for his attack and stood my ground.

The goblin swung his sword at me at an alarming speed, it would've done some serious damage if it hit. But I managed to luckily reflect the hit with my sword, which caused his sword to bounce off of my sword. While his sword was still in the air from my counter, I punctured my sword through his heart.

The system appeared once more:

[Level 2 reached: +3 skill points]

Guess I leveled up.