
The Becoming Of A Radiant Mage

A kid adventurer in a magical fantasy world who gets a system.

JhitTrippin · Fantasie
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4 Chs

First quest

After registering as an adventurer I had to undergo a test to determine my magic aptitude.

They measure our aptitude by having the registering adventurer place their hand on a magic glass orb.

The orb glows the colors of the elements you have an aptitude for. For example: if you have an aptitude for fire and water, the orb will glow a mix of red and blue.

Also it'll turn brown for earth and green for wind. But there's also a 'special' kind of magic that doesn't fall under any elemental category.

Mages with these special abilities are known as the Astonished.

The great hero Perradicus was said to be an Astonished. Perradicus had abilities that no other human have been able to replicate.

Let me give you some examples of Perradicus abilities. It's believed that he was capable of teleporting great distances in an instant, able to regrow limbs and healing near instantaneously, and many more abilities that were never listed.

"Sir, please place your hand on the orb." The Seer said.

I walked up to the orb and placed my hand on it.

Colors began swirling within the orb before it began to shake, the shaking started off small but very quickly became aggressive.

I quickly took my hand off the orb and it stopped shaking.

Confused, I look at the seer for answers.

"Don't look so worried my boy." She reassured me with a grin. "This isn't so bad."

"W-what does it mean?" I asked confused.

"You're an astonished." She said casually.

"An astonished?" I repeated.

"Yes an astonished, mages that can us-"

I cut her off.

"Yes, I know what an astonished is." I told her. "Anyways, why did the orb react like that?" I asked.

"Well because…..you see… you don't have an aptitude for any elemental affinity so the orb rejected you." She answered. "But if you had no magical abilities at all the orb wouldn't have even reacted to you. Therefore you must be an Astonished."

Is being an Astonished really that special? Sure I get a couple cool rare abilities but what if they're not useful in battle. Or what if I only get one ability.

The abilities level up with your magic core so they can become seriously strong when you become a higher level mage, so maybe it won't be that bad.


After leaving the adventurer guild I bought a room at a nearby inn. The inn itself was fairly cheap costing only one copper coin, within the inn resided a king sized bed, as-well as it's own bathroom and shower.

It's one hell of a deal.

Anyways, I think it's finally time I practice on leveling up my core.

First, I sit on my bed in a meditative position. Next I focused on my core slowly connected my mind to it.

Suddenly it was like I was yanked out of the inn and placed inside some cave.

I looked around to see nothing in the room but a singular door. Before I could walk towards the door a blue panel suddenly appeared in-front of me.

[System syncing to user: 17%]

System? What the hell. I never heard of a system inside our cores dungeon.


[System syncing to user: 48%]


[System syncing to user: 78%]


[System syncing to user: 98%]

[system successfully synced, now showing player's stats.]

"Player"? "Stats"? What is this thing talking about?

Suddenly the window changed.

[ Name: Ryan Gillette Age: 13

Level: 1

•Strength: 11

•Intelligence: 8


•Sense: 9

•Health: 20

•Combat: 10

•Endurance: 15

•Stealth: 25


HP: 1,344

MP: 212


Skills: [Unknown]

Passive skills: [Unknown] ]


These must be my "stats". But I'm not sure how good these numbers are.

Eight intelligence just feels insulting...

Maybe this is one of my Astonished abilities.

Just then, a system notification appeared:

[System Alert: Clear first floor.

Reward: ???

Time limit: 96 hours (4 days) ]

Clear the first floor? In FOUR days???

How am I, a thirteen year old boy, with no experience at all, supposed to clear the first floor in four days?

Oh well, if I don't do it who cares?

Just then another system notification popped up:

[Punishment if quest not completed: Death]

You've got to be kidding me…