
The Becoming Of A Radiant Mage

A kid adventurer in a magical fantasy world who gets a system.

JhitTrippin · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Becoming an Adventurer

As you may know my name is Ryan, but what you might not know is that I'm thirteen years old.

I also might not have told you that I may have possibly ran away from home…

But let me explain!

I was recently awakened as a mage and wanted to go adventuring as soon as possible, which I know is a selfish reason to run away but it's what I wanted.

I hope my parents don't hate me for it.

But if anything it's it's their fault I wanted to become an adventurer to begin with. They always told me stories of their old party and their experiences on dungeon dives.

Their stories, along with my recent awakening fueled me with so much excitement and anticipation I just couldn't take it anymore.

I had to leave home as soon as possible.

Anyways, you might be wondering where I am if I'm not at home. All I know is I'm somewhere north of Saber-Tooth mountain.

I think?

This may be a bad time to also inform you that I also got lost….

But look it's really not my fault.

A group of thief's stole all my belongings in the last town, which included my extra clothes, weapons, money, and of course my map.

But I wasn't gonna let that bring me down, I was still determined to travel to the nearest registration guild, which is about a week travel by foot.

Walking isn't too tiring of a task now considering I can strengthen myself with mana, but it still is a hassle having to walk for so long.

It's been nearly about three days since I've seen any sign of people, it reminds me of the stories of the widowers domain.

"What is the widowers domain?" You might be asking yourself. Well the widowers domain is a area of land where all living things cease to exist.

No one really knows why this domain exists in the first place, but there are some old myths.

The most popular myth is that it's the result of the ancient hero Perradicus opening the vile of secrets many centuries ago.

but that's just an old myth that old people created.

You also may be wondering what the vile of secrets is, so let me sloppily sum it up for you.

The vile of secrets is a mythical vile filled with secrets about the universe that no human should know or something.

Sounds made up to me.


After a few more days of constant travel I finally arrived at Scunthorpe, our state capital.

Coming from a poor village all the way out in the boonies, this is totally different.

Buildings made of stone that are multiple stories tall, merchants lined up on every sidewalk, restaurants on every street corner, and a giant crowd of people just walking around.

My village had none of that. All our buildings were made of wood, never taller than one story, and we also had very few merchants or restaurants in town.

After taking in the scenery I began walking to the entrance gate.

As I walk up to the gate the guard says, "License".

"I don't got a license sir." I said sounding more nervous than I hoped.

The guard finally looks up at me for the first time, "How old are ya' kid?" He asked me.

"Seventeen" I lied.

The guard inspected me with a judgmental look for awhile before sighing and saying, "whatever".

"If you don't have your license, it costs two silver coins to get in." The guard stated.

I took off my left boot before reaching in and pulling out two silver coins. Those thief's never found my emergency stash, luckily.

"Enjoy your stay." He said to me before opening the front gate.

After walking through the gate I immediately began looking for the adventurer guild.


After walking around for a bit I noticed a tall, two-story building with sword's and shield's plastered everywhere.

I suspected it was the adventurer guild but my suspicion was confirmed when I saw a group of five people walk out wearing typical adventurer outfits, and carrying weapons with them.

Two men in the party wore bulky armor and had massive shield's as-well as a sword with them. I assumed they're the tanks of the group.

Another guy wore light looking armor and carried a sword on his back and two daggers on his hips, probably just a typical swordsman.

There was also a man and a woman who both wore mage battle robes, as-well as carried big staffs and also have small wands on their hips as backup. Clearly the mages of the group.

After observing that party I finally made my way inside the adventurer's guild and walked up to the front desk.

"How may I help you young man?" The receptionist asked me from behind the desk.

After years of fantasizing and dreaming it's finally happening, I finally get to adventure!

"I'd like to become an adventurer please." I said excitedly.