
White eyes


.........WAKE up

..........Wake up

...........Wake up

A voice whispered continuously, slowly getting on my last nerves.

'Wake the fuck up!!!'

I jolted up from the bed I was in, and I came to a realization that the room I was in wasn't familiar in anyway.

Where the hell was I?

'Stand up' God damn it, it's that voice again.]

Surprisingly my body stood up from the bed on its own. What in the world was going on.

'Walk to the door' once again my body followed the voices command.

The room I was in was enormously huge so it took some time for me to reach the door. My hand having a mind of its own stretched forward and turned the door knob.

Ok calm down Bethel this is all a dream a bad dream, Close your eyes and open them don't worry it will all be fine.

Nope still stuck in this absurd situation.

'Go to her, Go to her' Go to who, I didn't even know the her the voice was busy blabbing about.