
The Beast Empire

Near the human solar system, there are life forms on a very large planet, surrounded by 6 natural satellites of different colours. The planet formed civilization 1 million years ago. In a short time, the living things there evolved into creatures that have almost the same intelligence as humans. They even managed to process energy from 6 natural satellites, making them cultivator energy. There, bloodshed often occurs as a result of power struggles, all due to the enormous difference between the strong and the weak. Their technology is not well developed. After realizing that humanity is almost going to extinction because of a world filled with viruses, a group of people build an organization that aims to survive, they look for a way so that humans can survive. Failing to find a way, they were forced to run the last program called Seed Of Survival. The remaining humans hibernate in the capsule, the spacecraft they managed to build, fly through the universe, their target is the closest planet. Assisted by Super A.I, humanity builds the foundation of life in a world filled with creatures called beasts. 100 Years before humans arrived on the planet, a small spaceship launched from the hazardous earth following a trail. When the spaceship was about to land, a giant bird attacked and destroyed the ship. One hundred humans who are in the hibernation capsule are scattered throughout the land area. They were found by beasts and used as experimental materials, who managed to survive, became new types of creatures and those who failed, died horribly. The last survivor named Irsan, became a new creature called armorelf, with his strength he built an empire, trampled on the weak, and tried to climb the peak with those he trusted.

Shenliverse · Fantasie
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Seed Of Survival

In 2020 there are not many people who predict biological warfare will occur before the pandemic ends.

Secret organizations exchange each country's vaccine for a new virus that comes from an old virus that mutates to a terrible level, as a result, each country accuses each other and fights, in the end, the biological warfare takes place behind the scenes.

The ignorant ask why that terrible war had to happen, but for those few who understand how the world works, they know why.

The biggest impact of the pandemic at that time was not about the number of people dying from the virus, but the country's economic decline, some countries even experiencing economic collapse. Countries with very bad agriculture experienced terrible famine. Countries with many power-hungry radicals staging coups, causing the country to be in terrible danger. A poor country that must be in debt for its survival, unable to pay, must volunteer itself to be attacked from various sectors carried out with the terrible policies of the colonizers. And a country that has natural resources has been turned into a war zone by developed countries, any country that has a pawn who is a leader can control natural resources with the policies they make, this incident happened to Indonesia.

A country with very rich natural resources must be destroyed through a government system weakened by a coup, the new leaders become pawns of other countries. As a result of a thirst for power, the country has been destroyed and the people have to endure suffering, a coup in the midst of a declining economy, is like facing two dragons from two different directions.

Modern Warfare is very difficult to understand by ordinary people because what is played is very difficult to see and understand. In modern warfare anything can be used, fighting with what is owned, found, or made. The leader pawn is the most popular weapon because it can control something more numerous and bigger, and when things get bad they fade the trail in various ways, the most effective is the media, no matter how bad it can be covered properly, sometimes role models such as artists can be sacrificed in order to divert the public view.

In modern warfare, one should not trust anyone, only a guarantee of success that many seek can be trusted.

The world goes through the chaos in 2021, modern warfare, biological warfare, coups, all happening at the same time, and the developed world can still survive.

The Secret Organization destroyed the world with the virus they spread, they succeeded in making a weak country destroyed.

Result of this war, mankind has experienced a catastrophic extinction. The death rate for the world's population is terrible, within 6 years, 60% of the world's population died from the virus, they are on average aged 40 years and over, they die because their immunity is very weak. Birth rates have dropped dramatically, infant mortality has risen to 90%.

Noble-hearted people always exist in this world, they form a humanitarian organization called the Seed Of Survival. The organization was formed at the start of the pandemic, led by a young woman working as an international lobbyist who comes from mixed descent.

Because of her job she knows various influential people, she and other lobbyists maintain good relationships.

She did not get a positive response at first, even she was considered crazy by them, but she faced it with a warm smile and told them that she had cast an invisible net and provided a secret location which they could visit later.

Because contacting many influential people she spent all his wealth, she had no regrets at all, she thought it was all very well worth it, she firmly believed that the invisible net would bind them.

After a year of chaos began, they finally united and worked together, their headquarters was formed on the island of Papua which at that time was very safe from viruses because of its excellent natural conditions.

She had perfectly prepared all her plans, with her wisdom she became the leader of the organization without any objections, the young woman named Shenli.

Shenli forms Seed Of Survival with 4 main branches, Scientist, Technology, Shield, Resourcer. Each branch has multiple functions.

Scientists are tasked with making vaccines or drugs that help survival, the branch is filled by scientists in various departments relating to medicine.

Technology is tasked with preventing nuclear war in various ways, making the latest technology for survival, they are filled by experts from various fields of knowledge, they succeeded in preventing a nuclear war with Super A.I which was formed from various A.I, by using it, a variety of useful information was successfully collected.

Shield is in charge of protecting the base from virus and human attacks, they guard various points on the island as soldiers facing threats, when they are infected they will report to the center and will guard certain areas as eyes, they will never return.

Resources are in charge of getting the necessary resources, they will be given a very risky mission, when they are infected they can choose to become a shield or remain a resourcer who can die at any time, they also function as a recruiter in the shield or resource section. They are front liner heroes who could potentially pose a coup threat.

The Seed Of Survival can develop because tyranny is forced to apply, Propaganda and Cruelty are the main weapons, there is no other choice for those who threaten.

Because of a lot of rebellion she created a good program that convinced many people to follow it with determination.

The program is called Blood of Survival, every person who is a member of an organization from any branch is asked to submit their blood which will be used as resurrection material.

In the future, if the seed of survival manages to save humanity, those who died will be promised to be revived through a resurrection program that scientists are working on.

Super A.I has had a lot of influence on their development, their technology has improved a lot, they even managed to make a vaccine for a certain virus, which got them excited.