
The Beast's Virgin Claim

WARNING: {R18+ ROMANCE}{Explicit sexual content} ~~~ "I only want you, Theia. Always have always will and this shall never change. How could I ever want another when I possess the one I solely exist for?" "Phobos," I call his name fondly a need to hug him and breathe in his calming scent surfaces. "I do not wish to treat you like you are made of glass because you aren't. Your body was made for me and it can handle everything I choose to give it. And this I will prove it to you." "When?" I ask breathlessly as he ultimately turns around to meet my curious eyes. Golden rings outline his irises his beast announcing his presence and they stand as one before me. A wicked smile paints his face with a flash of canine displayed to me. A promise he gives that I will be ruthlessly devoured. "When I fuck you senseless." ~~~ After years of excruciating loneliness, Phobos approached me. A frightening beast, my soulmate who emerged from within the bounds of a ruthless thundering storm. The male I yearned for. He caught me off guard and I was under the spell he cast through his ocean eyes. A spell I couldn't defeat and that very moment I knew I was in trouble. The second our eyes met I knew he would bring me endless heartache. We were childhood friends, him and I. Phobos the gentle and playful juvenile I grew up with and looked up to as a pup vanished and was replaced by a cold-hearted barbarian, he terrified me as he killed many with a blink of his eyes. No regret, no concern his beast often in control surging forward consuming his senses. They were equals. How can I connect with a beast like him? How could I make him call me his? How can I love my childhood friend who has become a merciless monster? ~~~ #TBVC is a childhood friends to lovers dark romance erotic series with an age gap of 9 years between the protagonists. It will be a rollercoaster ride of emotions but will also have tons of delicious spice to heat you up. I truly hope you enjoy it my little wolves!

Luna Liz · Fantasie
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213 Chs

No Lies

"Phobos," I whisper trying to gain the attention of the one who gives me none. His eyebrows scrunched down to light up a frown on his face whilst he is engrossed in the book that bounds him under its spell. A spell I cannot seem to wake him from no matter my tries.

My eyes closing shut with my surging annoyance I shuffle closer to his warmth. Nudging him with my shoulder. "Phobos?" I call out to him trying for the sixth time. What is it with this book that he cannot even spare me an ounce of attention? After all, I visit just to see him and this merely happens once a month.

"Hmm." He hums as a reply, his thumb pressing into the flimsy paper flipping to the next page. His eyes widen slightly as though the story caught him off guard. Perhaps a twist, perhaps a cliffhanger.

Thrusting my fingers into his locks capturing the thick strands I tug on it, his head leaning towards me as I pull him by his hair. He has gotten so used to my antics that nothing surprises him. He allows me to play with it as if it does not hurt when I yank.

Glaring at him from beneath my lashes wishing to burn that book that consumes him. The wheels held within my mind turn forming up a plan for my next trial. Another one to get him to play with me. Chewing on my lower lip waiting for the light bulb to switch on, it quickly comes to my aid giving me a hint, rather an easy idea of action.

Swiftly getting up dusting my bum I squint my eyes searching for my partner in crime. The strong rays of the sun point it to me with ease. A rock with sharp edges, it stands alight among others calling out to me to grab it as my chosen one.

Giving myself a curt nod of determination I prepare to put my plan into action. Taking my stance my back hunched eyes low I take a slow deep breath calming my beating heart.

The bell in my mind rings and I run. As fast as possible despite the short distance. I run in a way as if I were bored and am merely playing. On reaching the rock I twist my ankle purposely so my body loses balance and it indeed does with perfection. Falling on the ground my hands break my fall, making sure to do so by the rock so he can know what did it.

A high pitched whine leaves my lips followed by low sorrowful whimpers from the base of my chest as if my fall is unbearable. I manipulate my whimpers into painful ones. This would definitely get his attent-

The book is thrown aside swiftly with no hesitation and Phobos turns to me immediately eyes serious and cautious whilst he quickly scans every inch of my flesh. His steps are quick as if he were a ghost, silent and fast. My eyes widen with the number of seconds it takes for him to reach me.

"What happened? How did you fall?" He questions taking my hand in his gently pressing his thumb into my wrist checking my pulse. Is he checking if I am unwell or have no energy? Perhaps he thinks I was about to faint. His deep concern swoops us in a warm bubble and I try to burst out of it with my might.

"I-I...-" I stutter like the idiot I am. I will get into trouble for this. His seriousness tells me so. "T-The rock." I point my trembling finger to the sharp rock that lays on the ground screaming its innocence.

His fingertips trail down my legs and hands feeling my flesh with the heat of his palms searching for bleeding or bruises. Eyes concerned, lips with a downward frown, his upsetness on open display. A cut has indeed been formed on my elbow that now begins to bleed down my forearm.

"Haven't I told you not be so clumsy, Theia? You need to observe your surroundings first." He says his voice stern and reprimanding.

He picks up the rock flipping it over and side to side weighing its mass with sharp eyes. Maybe I should have thought over my failing plan. He is definitely going to see through my act.

He frowns. My heart stops. "Theia."

"Yes?" I whisper like a small tortoise that just wishes to hide back inside its shell.

"You fell over this rock?" He questions despite his unbelief. Perhaps it is clear as day to him.

"Yes." I lie through my teeth with confidence praying he cannot see past my lie.

"I see. This rock. I want you to hold it in your palm." He says whilst throwing it up into the air and seizing it swiftly.

"W-Why?" I question.

"Part of your training. Open your hand." He replies his eyes plunging into mine. A slow shiver climbs up my spine to the look he gives me.

Turning my hand around I give him my open trembling palm. He swiftly drops the rock into my palm with no warning. My palm stays up the same not pushed down, holding the rock with ease for there is no weight to it.

He allows a soft sigh to pass his lips. "Is it heavy for you to carry?" He questions.

"No," I answer with the truth. A truth for a lie. I do not think I can lie to him about this and get away with it.

"For you to stumble and fall, the rock must be heavier than what you hold. And it must be one that the ground lifts up, one that cannot be kicked or picked up despite its harsh walls." He says. I love to hear his explanations yet this...I know where this is going and I do not wish to hear it.

The playful situation disappears replaced by a striking tension.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask looking into his eyes without hesitation. His last training to me was how to meet eyes with the interrogator, an act. To surpass questioning and doubting and prove innocence for the one who lies cannot meet another's eyes.

He tilts his head to the side a clench to his jaw as if whether to applaud me for adhering to his past training or whether to continue. He shakes his head as if reprimanding himself and coming to a conclusion.

"You know why, Theia. Did you fake your fall and hurt yourself on purpose? Why?" He asks his eyes sharp and striking. The way he looks at me is already a big punishment for me to handle. I haven't done this before so I didn't know what his reaction would be. I thought he would laugh and brush it off just like my family whilst giving me what I wanted in the first place. Attention. But not this. Definitely not this.

"I fell for real. Your doubts displease me." I have never been good at lying. How shall I be able to escape this situation? I didn't expect this.

He raises his head his lips in a straight line. "Do not lie to me, Theia. I detest lies."

"I am not lying! Look I am bleeding, does this seem like a lie to you? You are mean, Phobos." I show him my elbow that has now stopped bleeding, only a small open cut remains. Disappointment floods me. Really? Now it stops bleeding? I thought it would look bloody and painful to help plead my case.

He looks at my cut. With another sigh, he mutters, "I shall give you one final chance. Did you plan your fall to hurt yourself or was it merely an accident?"

Why is he looking at me like that? Like he already knows the answer to it. Why make such a small issue into a huge one? I was just playing around.

"It was an accident." It is also my final trial to escape from the bounds his eyes possess.

He takes a deep breath whilst looking away from me. I bite my lower lip and look at my feet. Yes, I wanted his attention but not like this. Why must he be immersed in a book every time I come to visit him? This is all his fault.

He pushes himself away landing back on his butt as he peers at me with his unpleased eyes. Disappointment. My eyes widen to his emotion.

We sit there for a while staring at the other. I feel like a rabbit running from a wolf. But the catch is he has already trapped me. Stubbornness, a trait I cannot kill. One could say I was born with it. My parents cannot bend it to their will and neither will Phobos. I will not whatsoever tell him the truth no matter how he tries to bring it out of me.

"Very well." He says and I quickly look at him. Are we playing now? Is he letting it go? He gets up quickly, nails scratching the back of his neck. "Get up, Theia. Follow me."

He begins to walk back into the castle without even giving me another glance. I bite my lip harder for now I am agitated. Jogging a little to reach him I follow quietly up the stairs.

The servants greet me yet I pay no heed to them my eyes on his back. He is coldly silent not saying a word to me. It frustrates me for he has never been like this way with me. I do not know what he is thinking. I am too scared to ask him. Standing in front of Deimos's room Phobos knocks on his door.

I clench my palms into fists my nails digging into flesh, held tightly at my sides. The door is opened quickly and Deimos peeks out the door. "Brother?" He asks. "What is it?" Confusion sparks within him.

Deimos opens the door fully allowing us entrance. There is a growing tension that follows us inside.

"Theia?" Cronus gets up from his sitting position on the floor by the chessboard, frowning not understanding why we are visiting them. I usually spend the entire day with Phobos and very little with them.

"Cronus, I need you to take Theia back home, I shall assign a wolf to drive you both," Phobos says. My eyes broaden as I peer up at him. Home? Why? We just got here a few hours ago.

"Why? Is she unwell?" Cronus immediately comes to my side placing his palm across my forehead checking my temperature. I have always been weak since I was born. I can get sick easily unlike other wolves who possess good 'immunity' as my mother says.

"She fell a while before, I guess it really hurt. She was whimpering and whining. It was an accident." Phobos says whilst glancing at me. He says 'an accident' with the same tone as me as if he taunting me. Taunting my lies.

"I am fine. Honestly, I am not in pain anymore. See?" I say pushing my fingers onto the cut that has now begun to slowly heal yet it shall take a few more hours to fully close.

"Thank you for coming today, Deimos and I really appreciate it and enjoy your presence," Phobos says looking at Cronus ending with a glance at me as if he weren't acknowledging me at all. Stop it. Stop it, Phobos.

"I shall go tell them to prepare the car. A servant shall come to fetch you." Phobos utters with a curt nod.

"I do not wish to go. I am completely fine." I speak up my annoyance surging.

"No, Theia. You are not alright. You are hurt. You fell." Phobos replies. Cronus nodding to his words accepting it.

"Let's leave, Theia," Cronus whispers at my side grabbing my arm inspecting my wound.

"I told you I do not want to leave! Why are you forcing me?" I shout my voice raising whilst I stomp my foot down.

"You know why, Theia," Phobos utters beneath his breath eyes roaring as if they were on fire. He is seriously displeased with my lies. I have never seen Phobos angry is this how he is?

"I fell! I fell! It was an accident." Let it go. Please let it go. I will not be able to come here until next month. Can't I just spend one day with you? You are the only true friend I have. Cronus frowns at my screaming not understanding as to why I am so emotional about this. Deimos stands at his brother's side watching the scene unfold before him. He says nothing.

"Cronus, next month your sister is not permitted to enter our premises. You may come but not her." Phobos declares. I have angered him further. I...I didn't mean to.

I take a step back. Lips wobbling I quickly look down at my feet. Shuffling around until my heart clouds up and my first tear falls down my cheek. Small sobs leave lips. My lips quivering eyes blurry. Unfair. He is unfair.

"Are you crying, Theia? My brother comes to my side, putting his arms around my shoulders, bringing me closer to his warmth. "It isn't a big matter. Hush now." He coos trying his best to comfort me.

I see the tremble of Phobos's clenched fists from beneath my lashes as if it itches to comfort me just as my brother does.

"You are mean. You are really mean Phobos. Y-You know why I did what I did. I j-just wanted you to play with me." A small whine leaves my lips. It is as if he stole my favourite doll from me as punishment for my lies.

"I shall see you in two months, Theia." Is all Phobos says whilst leaving the room. I begin to cry harder hands balled into fists whilst rubbing my eyes until they become sore.

"Don't rub your eyes, Theia. It shall cause harm." My brother captures my wrist leading it away from my eyes. It is a habit when I cry.

"What did you do, Theia?" Deimos asks coming to my right. "My brother does not get angry often, you must have done something to irk him."

"I-I lied to him." I finally stutter my truth through my hiccups. Maybe he can help me, coming here is the only thing I look forward to. I love it here and if my parents would let me I would stay here forever.

"How?" He asks.

"I faked my fall. I fell on purpose and lied it was an accident. B-But I only did it because he wasn't playing with me." I say pushing my reason onto him so he can see it isn't my fault.

"Oh, Theia. Yes, you lied to him but perhaps what truly made him angry was that...you hurt yourself on purpose. I know my brother." Deimos whispers. Silence consumes the room as I digest his words.

As the driver pulls open the car door for me I turn back to a waving Deimos and offer him a friendly smile. My eyes are swollen and my cheeks are puffed I could feel it when I touched them with my fingers. I search for the male who sent me home yet he is nowhere to be found. Phobos always made sure to send me off.

"Excuse me could you roll down the windows? My sister loves the wind." Cronus speaks to the driver sitting close to me. The male immediately rolls down the window at my side.

Watching the castle disappear into a distance I begin to cry once more as if I will never be able to return.

"It's only two months, Theia. You will see him again." Cronus whispers at my side wiping my tears with the heels of his palms. Turning away from his touch peering out the window small hiccups leave my chest as I bid goodbye to the castle that has my heart.

The two months went by as slowly as it could go. I tried calling Phobos only to hear his brother answer me saying he was busy or in training. I slammed the phone down yet I felt uneasy, not an easy emotion for a six-year-old to handle. I do not understand why, yet I have grown attached to him as I am to Cronus. I share a deep bond with him.

I thought over it for several days, about my lie. I did not know why Phobos made it into such a big deal for it was just a playful antic. My elbow healed the same day, no scarring nothing. But what remained was my cruel punishment.

I spent nights protesting. Skipping dinner to force my parents to influence Alpha Ares and Luna Aphrodite in allowing me to go to the castle. Yet my parents disagreed saying it was between Phobos and me and they mustn't interfere.

And so when the beginning of the next month arrived Cronus left before I awoke from slumber, rather he fled. He didn't want me to see him leave and get upset and cry. Yet I did. I cried the entire day throwing my toys at my door scattering my colour pencils on the floor signs of my deep upsetness.

When Cronus had arrived after dinner I inquired if Phobos had asked about me. About how I was doing. He replied with only one word. "No." That irked me. Phobos sent me away, banned me from going over and then he does not ask if I am doing okay?

But I did understand my mistake. I shouldn't have lied, I shouldn't hurt myself for his attention. That is what upset him. He is neither like my brother nor my parents. He is strict and serious and there are some things he doesn't like so I must...behave.

Cronus advised me to prepare something for Phobos as a token of my apology so I did what I am good at. I made a card and it sure is a special one. I used all my crayons to decorate it and finished my bottle of glitter and sprinkles. I have never made anyone such a card, I hope he likes it.

Shivering I clutch that very card to my chest looking at the entrance to the garden. I turn around ready to ask Cronus for help yet my mind says I must do this on my own so I flip around back to face the entrance.

What if he is still upset? Or angry? What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore? My lower lip juts out to make a sad pout. I don't want that. I don't-

"Theia. How much longer will you make me wait? Come." Phobos's voice strikes through my thoughts shattering them to pieces. I startle and look down at my card. How did he know I was here? I didn't even make a single sound. I should give this card to him, yes? I did make it for him, I need to apologize. I do not wish to disappoint Cronus too.

I take small steps to where he waits, standing by the tree. His back is turned to me. He stands on his tiptoes whilst his right hand plucks the apples from the tree. He throws them into the basket placed near his feet.

"Hi," I whisper my greeting my eyes glued to my shoes.

"Good morning, Theia. Do you want an apple?" He asks grabbing an apple from the basket. I peek up at him from beneath my lashes to his ever so welcoming voice. He seems like his usual self, is he not angry anymore?

I quickly shake my head shy to accept it. "Are you sure? They are quite fresh and juicy. You will definitely like them." He says voice encouraging me to speak my truth.

I peek at the apple in his hand, the red skin it holds shines like snow white's apple and I slowly nod my head. He offers me a soft smile plopping on the ground. His hands shuffle through his pocket to retrieve a pocket knife. He begins to peel the skin off with the sharp blade so he could feed me its flesh.

I sit to his left bringing my knees to my chest arms hugging my legs, chin placed over my knee bones.

As silence consumes us only the sound of the blade sinking into the apple is heard. "I-I made this for you." I hand him the card not looking at his face my eyes focussing on the freshly watered grass.

The card is plucked gently from my hands. "Is this for me?" His voice is soft but surprised.

"Yes," I mutter.

"Is the grass much better to look at than me? Perhaps more interesting?" He chuckles.


"Then why won't you look at me?" He questions.

"You are angry at me," I remark.

"What? I am not angry, Theia." He replies as if I was not making any sense. My eyes broaden and I quickly look up to him meeting his eyes. Phobos is good at hiding his emotions he can manipulate them as he pleases but his eyes...they speak his truth for him. They give him away.

"Really?" My question is asked with a low whisper of disbelief.

"Yes, why do I have to be angry?" He shuffles closer to me giving me a positive sign.

Slapping my palms across his cheeks I pull his face swiftly to mine. His eyes are right in front of mine and I can feel his breath on my skin. He is smiling, his eyes are smiling.

I squint my eyes as if trying to check if he is acting but I find only his truth. Allowing a soft sigh to fly past my lips I shift back banging my head upon the tree bark.

"I...I am sorry. For lying to you. For hurting myself."

He does not speak for a few seconds for the only sound of his breathing could be heard. With his soft sigh breaking the silence, he pulls me to his chest his palm softly patting my back trying to ease my discomfort and sadness.

"You mustn't lie to any wolf, Theia. Not your parents who raise you, not your brother, not to friends, not to elders and not to me. Many might have let your lies slide for you are still a pup. But it is wrong and someone needed to teach you that. I needed to teach you that."

"Okay." I give him a curt nod of my acceptance to his words. I shall abide by it.

"Do not lie, Theia. Do you understand?" He asks bending down so I can meet his eyes.

"Yes," I reply.

"No lies, little one." He says whilst he captures my fingers leading them to his teeth to nip at each one just like my father does to make me laugh.

Spurts of giggles bubble up from my chest as he acts as though he shall eat my fingers opening his mouth pushing my fingers inside. "No lies," I repeat shrieking as he smiles down at me softly chuckling at my reaction.



Hello, my little wolves,

I hope you enjoyed this chappy. Phobos is teaching little Theia how to be a good pup so she can grow to become a female with goodness for as you can see Theia is a bit spoilt by her family :)

What do you think about Phobos?

Phobos does not know Theia is his mate. Yet.

Thank you for your love and support! Means a lot to me, know that I adore and recognize each and every one of you.

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