
Unlucky Shadow

"Eran, are you awake?" Taneaya asked with a worried expression on her face. Her warm embrace was now released.

Startled, Eran tried to process what had happened. "Tane... aya," he mumbled in a voice that was still shaky, his mind still in confusion. He tried to get up from his bed, but soon felt a sharp pain in his back.

"Aghh..." he cried out, trying to endure the stabbing pain.

Taneaya rushed over, anxious to see Eran who looked so weak. "Just sleep, Eran," she pleaded gently, trying to soothe the still severely injured Eran.

Eran looked at Taneaya for a moment, but immediately turned his face away with an awkward expression.

Taneaya, who understood that Eran was still feeling awkward, got up from her bed and started putting on her clothes.

"Mmm... Where are we?" Eran finally opened his voice but was still reluctant to come face to face.

Taneaya, who was ready, replied, "We're already in Alku."