
Leave City

Meanwhile, a few moments before Taneaya's escape, the atmosphere in the room was tense as Dignus rushed in. His face reflected deep concern and unease.

"Is it done?" Dignus asked, his voice reflecting urgency and a need for clarity.

Enid, who was sitting in the corner of the room, stood up lightly. His eyes glanced at Dignus. "Call your healer, I will bring him now," Enid requested calmly yet firmly.

Dignus was surprised by his sibling's response, not believing that Enid would leave so soon after just arriving last night. "Are you serious? Going back already?" Dignus questioned, trying to understand Enid's sudden actions.

"What's with the questions? Aren't you happy if I leave your town?" Enid replied with a tone that seemingly conveyed indifference.