

"Dignus!?" the king exclaimed in surprise.

The assassin, although seemingly taken aback by the king's understanding of those words, did not loosen his grip. His face, previously hidden behind the hood, now fully revealed an expression that was difficult to interpret.

"Well, you're right!" the killer spoke, his voice almost choked with the king's bravery. The sharp knife still posed a threat, but there was doubt embedded in the assassin's eyes.

"Do you realize what you've done? I am your father!" the king tried to explain, his voice still loud even as the air in his lungs diminished.

The assassin remained silent for a moment as if contemplating the king's words. However, his grip did not loosen, still restraining the weakened king. A deadly struggle ensued amidst their conversation.

"Dignus... Why are you doing this?" the king whispered, his voice almost fading amidst his labored breath. "Is it because of the throne?" he continued in his struggle.