
The Barren

A young street rat boy lived day-by-day never knowing who he was or what came next. What will he do when given the opportunity to live, to be happy? And how would he react if all of that came at a cost. I wonder what the future holds for him. Don't have a solid posting schedule yet but as long as it says serializing it means I'm still working on it. I just get busy but this is my little passion project so I'll see it to the end.

Plusgrain8 · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 18. At My Table

After breakfast, the newly paired Charon and the golden-haired son of the famous knight, Lionel Omel, also known as Leo, roamed the wilds surrounding the outskirts of the church. At Leo's suggestion, the two boys ventured into the wooded area of the outskirts, with his father's and the church's permission.

The two had long walked past the few farms dividing the church from the nearby forest and were already at least an hour's walk from the church.

The wooden stick Leo picked up along the road whooshed as he whipped it side to side. With a face of amusement, the heir to the Omel family watched the stick go back and forth in his hands. Charon standing a few feet to the left of Leo watched in tandem with Leo.

The two young boys had already entered the wooded forest outside Ramona Village and were wandering without a clear goal. 

Letting out a long exhale Leo gave Charon a sideways glance before tossing the stick up to him. "Here, think fast."

Watching intently, Charon successfully caught the thin branch out of the air. With it in hand, he quickly inspected it before beginning to swing it around in a similar manner. The stick whooshed through the air, mimicking Leo's movements with surprising accuracy.

"Nice catch, Charon," Leo congratulated, allowing a hint of emotion to stain his words.

Charon grinned noticing the hint of approval within his words. His eyes began to gleam with pride as he swung the stick faster.

"Woah, watch out! You might hit me with that thing. You can poke someone's eye out if you're not careful," Leo chided as a haphazard swing from Charon came closer than he would have liked.

Charon immediately began to mind his swings, his face flushing with embarrassment

"Sorry, I'll be more careful."

Leo laughed, shaking his head. "No worries, just try to aim away from me next time." He gave a hand gesture to make sure Charon understood no harm was done.

They continued walking through the forest, the sounds of rustling leaves and distant bird calls filling the air. The trees grew denser as they ventured further, their steps crunching on the fallen leaves and twigs below.

Suddenly, a rustling noise came from a nearby bush, startling both boys. Leo quickly looked around scanning the area cautiously while Charon raised his stick defensively. Both the boys were focusing on the bush. 

"H-hey, Charon, they didn't say there was anything dangerous in this forest, right?" Leo asked, struggling to maintain his false sense of confidence and pride.

Just as Charon opened his mouth in reply, a small white bunny emerged from the shaking bush. The boys' breath caught in their throats at its sudden appearance, but it quickly dissipated upon noticing the harmless animal. Their surprised expressions disappeared, and the tension in their bodies relaxed.

'Oh,' Charon thought with cold clarity and relieved exhale. 'It's just a bunny.'

"HAHA!" Leo burst out in laughter at the appearance of the small innocent bunny, in his grasp was a stick he had hurriedly picked up. It was apparent the surprise appearance of the bunny surprised him just as much as it did Charon but his attempts at hiding it were a stark contrast to Charon.

Leo laughed in relieved delight, albeit a bit shakily. "Just a bunny! I guess we're lucky this time."

Infected by his burst of laughter Charon couldn't help but let out a few laughs of his own. He hadn't realized but he held the branch in his hand like a sword, similar to how Blaine from the other night at the tavern had. 

The bunny twitched its nose and hopped away, disappearing into the underbrush. Leo and Charon resumed their walk, their spirits higher from the humorous experience.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Leo glanced at Charon. "So, Charon, do you like it here at the church?"

Charon hesitated then firmly nodded. "Yes, everybody is very nice."

Furrowing his bros Leo squinted his eyes at the orphan church boy. "Hey, you don't talk a lot huh? Is it because your parents abandoned you?" Leo asked with blatant disregard for politeness. 

Wide-eyed Charon looked at the young boy without saying a word. 

"My dad told me, sorry, I was curious." Leo quickly reasoned his question, "I'm not trying to be rude but my dad already told me that you were from the street not that long ago, but it doesn't matter. My grandpa taught me that Omel's don't judge on one's past."

Seemingly unable to willingly continue their conversation while walking, Leo guided Charon to sit down on a boulder. He let Charon keep hold of his branch. 

"I guess this is why my master always tells my father my etiquette skills are lacking..."

"You see Charon, we Omel's were commoners once too until my grandpa changed it." The young boy's eyes twinkled slightly at the mention of his grandpa. "That's right! My Grandpa was the original Knight of Omel and he was the one who earned us the title of knight! He's awesome!"

Leo continued talking about his famous Grandpa all the while dumping Omel family lore that Charon didn't quite fully understand. 

"You see, my grandpa was a simple wandering mercenary and a master with a sword. He, along with his band of skilled warriors, wandered around the area of Tarick, beating the monsters and forcing them to leave the villagers alone! My grandpa was fearless and strong. He protected people wherever he went," Leo said, his eyes shining with pride.

Charon listened intently, his own eyes wide with admiration. 'Wow. His grandpa sounds like a hero.'

"After doing all those amazing deeds for the area of Tarick all the villagers decided to make him, and therefore our family, the leader and guardian of their small realm."

Picking up his branch Leo acted out a soldier's graceful pose, although not to perfection. Egging Charon on Leo requested him to stand as the enemy and point his own branch towards him. 

"But before my grandpa could say yes the terrible ruling family of the Tarick Realm attacked him in the den of night. They had their men swarm the house they lived in and force my grandpa to come out, but he didn't let that stop him. With his chest held high he challenged that jerk to a duel." Mimicking a duel stance he pointed his own branch at Charon. 

"The brave first Knight of Omel, my amazing grandpa, won the duel and banished those men and those he followed from his lands. So Charon I say to you once more, we Omel's do not judge based on background. Instead, we use the 'Omel Code'."

Narrowing his eyes Leo rushed at Charon, aiming for his wooden branch. 

With eyes widening at the young knights' charge Charon could only step back with urgency.

Lifting his branch high he attempted to block Leo's blow but his feeble defense quickly fell away clattering to the ground.

"We judge on action and the courage to act." 

With his branch, Leo seized his attack momentarily and stepped backward. "We judge those with unyielding determination." Motioning with his eyes to Charon, the young orphan boy picked up his fallen branch. 

Motioning him to charge him Charon soon moved forward with a pitiful attempt at attacking Leo.

Upon the two branches' impact rather than the predicted outcome Leo's weapon clattered to the forest floor as he landed roughly in the dirt.

Taken back by his sudden fall Charon couldn't help but lower his weapon and offer a hand to the young boy. He knew he fell far below what Leo was capable of but couldn't figure out how he had seemingly gotten the better of him. 

Allowing the young Omel to rise to his feet a wide grin appeared on his face as he clasped both shoulders of the young church boy. 

"Lastly, we judge those with the honor to aid all, even those that had wished them warm." Pulling Charon in with hidden strength the branch he held turned at an awkward angle while it jammed between the two. The reason for the awkward angle was Leo's sudden bear hug.

"With these three principles, we judge who has the right to sit at our table, to dine beside us, to fight beside us, and to stride alongside us." 

Ending the hug Leo held him out at arm's length with his hands firmly planted on his shoulders. "Charon, I think we're gonna be good friends."