
The Baroness Misbehaves

Warning:- {Mature Content} Two people with different perspectives of life~ A young Baroness, and the son of a Duke, bound by marriage, must work together to uncover the mysteries behind the disappearance of people living in their town. Madeline Albert, daughter of the late Baron is forced to step out of her shell in order to escape the marriage her uncle had purposely set her for to a Barbarian. On her wedding day, she flees from the church.  With Fate taking a lead, she encounters the son of a Duke who is more than capable of shielding her from the hostilities of the world. Lord Cassian, the chaos maker of his town, thought he was capable of knowing and understanding everyone that steps into his life, but he turns doubtful when a lady requests a marriage of convenience from him. Why would she seek him despite knowing his reputation? But when the shadows of both their past emerges, bringing them closer and forcing desires to spark !! Cassian couldn't afford to get too close. Too bad his heart is the only thing that stands in his way... Will love between the two couples blossom, or will their differences get in the way?

Sky_Li_9922 · Fantasie
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275 Chs

Who's At Fault?

"Where is that incompetent son of yours, Elaine?" Duke Richard coldly threw a question at Lady Elaine once they were alone in her adorned spacious room.

Since his arrival this morning, he hasn't laid eyes on that unprincipled, contemptible son of hers. He knew just like everyone else why today's meeting was crucial, and something told him that the ignorant rascal had missed it willingly to spite him.

Who knows what sort of mischief he's gone out to display again. Like that wasn't enough trouble, rumors of his son paying constant visits to the upper west quarters were starting to reach his ears, and it aggravated him.

Socializing with those of the lower standards brings ruin to his name, and if he keeps up visiting such damned places, he'll have to take the situation into his own hands.

However, Lady Elaine wasn't bothered about what her son was up to, she always hated the way her husband referred to Cassian as 'her son', like he never had a hand in bringing him to this world.

It wasn't the first time he's made such an unacceptable statement and it continuously made her blood boil.

Whenever Cassian was at fault, he became only her son and not his.

She stood up from the bed she was sitting on, looking straight into the eyes of Richard without batting an eye. The atmosphere in the room was suffocating, she wasn't in the mood to see her husband talk more of having a conversation with him, but then, she had to answer to him since she was nothing more but his mistress.

"He is 'our son' Richard, ours!" She corrected, "our son hasn't been spotted after attending the masquerade ball he went on your behalf, you should be worried about your child's safety like every normal father would, but I'm not surprised thoughts like that never come to your mind, after all you trust the duchess more than me."

"Don't bring Juliana into our personal problems Elaine," he warned in a not so quiet tone, pointing an accusing finger at her, "it's your fault that the rascal of a son has refused to attend the meeting tonight. Look at Juliana and her sons, Abbot's wife was even present to dutifully welcome me, but not that son of yours. It is obvious that you never did a good job instilling good manners on him."

"Before speaking to me about how to train our child, first accept that you're also at fault when it comes to our son's current behavior." She countered back with a pained voice. She might be unfortunate enough to end up as his mistress, but she wasn't going to let him put the heavy load of blame on her, when clearly they are both at fault.

"When was the last time you bothered to spend quality time with your children, you were never around during their birthdays~ do you even know their birthdays, Mr blame it all? If you weren't going to love your children equally, then why make me bring them into this world Richard? So you can ignore their presence?"

"When I asked you to get rid of the pregnancy, you didn't listen to me, so you have no right to blame me for something that would have been fixed if you weren't stubborn enough to just go ahead with the plan." He snapped with no remorse in his angry gaze, meeting Elaine's frozen stare like what he just said to her had shattered her from within.

"I would never get rid of my children, Richard, and you know that. I'd rather have myself killed than to think of something so despicable. I'm more disappointed that you had the audacity to say that to me." To say she was shocked was an understatement, but she forced herself to keep speaking.

"The first time you uttered these same repulsive words to me, I thought you said it out of helplessness since your wedding to Juliana had been fixed, but now I see that you only pretended to love me to have your way with me, is that it?"

Her Amber-brown eyes were watery when she looked at him with disbelief, shaking her head in disappointment that she ended up with a man like him. Richard was never like this, this wasn't the loving man whom she fell in love with all those years ago.

"I'm not going to explain myself to you!" Those hurtful words slipped from his mouth, "I owe you no explanation Elaine, and don't think you can talk me out of punishing that son of yours after what he has done today."

"Touch my son and you will know what a mother is capable of doing Richard, don't test me."

He's hurt her enough as it is, she wouldn't let him inflict the same pain on her son or any of her children.

Her son hasn't stayed out for a whole day before, she was extremely worried about his whereabouts, and if he doesn't return home by tomorrow morning, she'll have to go look for him herself again, at least to confirm he's alright.

She brushed past Richard, heading for the door, but suddenly stopped and looked at the Duke over her shoulders.

"I'd appreciate it if you excuse me, I need to go check on my daughter since you've made the decision that you won't be performing any fatherly duties on my children, go and spend quality time with Juliana and her family, and leave me to mine."

She quickly wiped the tears that were threatening to escape from her eyes. Despite her age, she appeared young and decent like someone in her mid-thirties. She would be labeled as a beautiful woman if she wasn't looking like a broken lady trying to strengthen herself for her children.

After regaining herself, she stepped out of the room, but to her quick surprise, Inna was standing at a corner close to the stairway. Her expression was somber when she noticed her mother's pale appearance, and she roughly made a mental note of what happened.

"Are you and father fighting again?" She asked in a meek tone, clutching one of the stuffed animals her older brother had got for her as a present.

"Not at all," Elaine denied, smiling warmly as she walked up to her daughter, "your father and I were just having a conversation. We're both worried about your brother's absence, so it's a bit difficult for us at the moment."

Inna didn't fully believe her mother, but wisely switched the topic, "I'm done with my piano lessons for the day, by tomorrow, I'll rehearse dance steps with Fredrick so I can be perfect during the dance test I'm having this Saturday."

"I remember, and if you do well, your brother and I will get you the shoes you've been asking for."

Inna's naive pretty face finally beamed as she walked down the stairs with her mother, "really?!"

"Yes, so work hard. For now, let me deal with your brother once he returns."

"Brother values his face, mother, and so do I, so please hit him anywhere else apart from there." Inna jokingly added.

She was fully aware of the troubles that awaited her brother the minute he showed up at that door. She just hoped he won't be tortured too much so he can attend her dance classes.

Who is at fault? ;-;

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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