
Chapter 6: Acceptance

Takeshi was on the floor of his hotel room, working on his umpteenth push-up when his phone disturbed his routine. Seeing it was Kenta, he answered more enthusiastically than he probably should have.

“Moshi Moshi!” he proclaimed.

“Tell me you were waiting by the phone without telling me.” Kenta laughed.

“You're so hilarious.” Takeshi rolled his eyes. “Now, do you have anything important to tell me or are we just calling to make fun of me?”

“Well, the meeting went smooth.” Kenta started a bit too hesitantly for Takeshi's liking.

“What are you not telling me?”

“Well, ummm...Mickey Flannigan's friendly.”

“How friendly are we talking?” Takeshi shot back with leashed anger. “Stop trying to spare my feelings, Kenta, and just tell me already!”

“Those two got on like a house on fire.” Kenta quickly blurted out. Takeshi could almost feel him tensing up in preparation for him exploding. Fortunately, for the both of them, Takeshi miraculously kept his cool.