
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · TV
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28 Chs


Butterflies had been fluttering about in Evangeline's stomach ever since Elijah had passed the Welcome to New Orleans sign about a mile back. She bit her lip, getting antsy as they neared closer and closer to their destinations.

"What of Kol, and Finn?" she asked softly, she wasn't exactly fond of Finn after what he'd done a thousand years ago to her, and Kol wasn't her favorite either due to his lack of humanity.

Elijah gave a slight nod, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove, getting a bit nervous himself, "They come around from time to time. Not as often as Niklaus, however."

Smiling, Evangeline looked over at him "When will you tell me what the surprise is?" she asked excitedly.

Back when they had just left the state of West Virginia, Elijah had been catching her up on anything she might need to know. Cell phones, television, airplanes. But he had also mentioned that he had a surprise for her when they got to New Orleans and she had been bursting with curiosity ever since, asking questions to see if she could guess what it was, but Elijah was a tough nut to crack.

Elijah grinned, shaking his head "Not until we get to the house, Eve. It will be soon, I promise."

That still didn't calm her as she was practically bouncing in her seat when he finally pulled up to the massive mansion. She got out, her bare feet touching the pavement, but she didn't seem to care as she gazed up at the house smiling. It had been the governor's house, it was a house she knew and had been very fond of.

"I know this" she murmured admiring it.

Elijah nodded smiling "We've added a few adjustments to fit our needs" he offered his arm as gentlemen would and lead her to the door, letting it swing open before stepping inside.

The house was quiet with only a few lights on to make it visible, not that they needed the lights, but it did make space appear homier.

Elijah sighed softly, happy to be home "Rebekah. I'd like to see you a moment please" he said in an average tone, knowing she'd hear him.

The sound of a door opening and heels clicking down the upstairs hall could be heard. Evangeline was grinning from ear to ear as she finally saw her appear at the top of the stairs. Rebekah's expression said it all when her eyes landed on her sister she'd thought she'd never see again.

"You've brought her back, Elijah" Rebekah's voice was shocked and filled with emotion as she was suddenly down the stairs. She grabbed Evangeline's hands and grinned "Where did you find her?"

Elijah smiled as he watched his sisters reunite, a softness in his eyes "In the West Virginian mountains. One by devil's peak had been blown out, man made" he nodded thinking, why did Klaus go to such lengths to hide Evangeline?

"I hope you can find her something a little more suitable to wear with the times we're in. And Rebekah, nothing that Eve is uncomfortable with" Elijah spoke in his calm voice as he walked over to a small shelf which contained an assortment of differently shaped bottles. He poured himself a bit of brandy and sipped at it.

"Of course" Rebekah agreed "I just wonder how Nik will-" she was suddenly cut off by an angry voice.

Klaus came into the room, his eyes settling on Evangeline, his expression shifting to an angry scowl "What the (heck)..." he glanced to Elijah "what have you done?" he growled with a rage, ready to snap his brother in half.

"Perhaps," Elijah began calmly, "The real question is what have you done?"

That familiar angry and distraught expression surfaced on Klaus's face. "Did you even for once think why I had her away!" he shouted, making the chandelier above them sway. He suddenly shot across the room and shoved Elijah, sending him into the opposite wall.

"Nik!" Evangeline grabbed his arm, not seeming to care if he were to throw her off too. "Nik," she said again, looking up at him with her doe-like eyes. She didn't seem angry to see him, but she was panicked by what he might do. He looked to her then, and they gazed at each other for a full minute before Klaus gently pushed her off and left the room, not speaking another word. She was sure he'd be needing a drink.

Evangeline glanced over at Elijah and bit her lip making her way to him, seeing the wound from the mantel that dug into his back was already healing. She bit her lower lip as fixed his tie and collar "Let me talk to him" she murmured "There's no need for fighting."

Elijah gazed down at her, smiling softly, he always trusted her to act as a mediator, she was better at staying calm than even he himself was. He just hoped Klaus was in a listening mood.