
The bald Saiyan

0 = 1. Seems insane, and many mathematical professors would strange the student for claiming such a fact, yet it is a reality out MC has had to deal with for a "long time" now. Finally, by forces unseen, he awakes, in a body familiar to him, yet not and a power known to him yet strange in many ways. Feeling sensations again, emotions thumping in him, yet detached from it all is he. Memories clash as he tries to mend them, succeeds in a way, in devouring, not joining. Unknown is the future, maybe death will claim him once more, bring him to the doorstep of nothing, or he will fight it out, become "something" yet again. Fate is a fickle thing, so are human hearts, one can only hope they turn in one's favour.

The_Zombie_Lad · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Your nervous system

"Haaaaaa!" Static sparks cracked in the air, tumultuous clouds of black gathered overhead. The wind began to pick up, a sickening howl spreading through while thunder struck everywhere at once.

It seems to be the end of the world, an apocalyptic event, meant to wipe out all species, Nappa's gathering of clouds infinitely small in comparison, the air is thick in Ki.

"Ha!" And yet as quickly as they came the black clouds had departed, with barely any effort, just a flexing of power, the prince had disappeared all the surging Ki, like mist it was gone, diluted, and pushed away into the air, unnoticeable now, yet present still.

"Amazing, you are one tough guy." Even from here, he could hear the monkey praise the enemy, a lopsided grin on his face as he did so, despite the bruise forming on his face.

"Then, I guess it's my turn to show my power." The monkey uttered, loud enough for all of them to hear, the prince raised an eyebrow. Nappa could hear his green companion utter "impossible" beneath his breath but paid him no further mind.

'No more energy to absorb.' It is not a good thing, he had hoped to be able to siphon some more before the battle got too intense, too strong for his currently weak form to handle.

And the battle will be getting more intense, he could tell, at exactly this moment the battle was beginning to truly heat up, the testing of waters now over, the fight could truly commence.

"Haaaaaaa!" Now it was the monkey's turn to scream, the energy gathered and pooled around him in an aura of power, radiating outward, raising dust and pebbles as he did so, appearing like flaming water enveloping him.

The winds emitted by him are strong, pushing back even large chunks of rock, Nappa had to dig in his feet to not get blown away.

Giving a side glance Nappa could see the green man struggle to remain upright, even the prince was having a slight wobble in his flight, of course, that is all purely physical force at work, no Ki is being used by any of them to stay on their feet.

"Kaioken times three!" And he was gone, disappeared, now truly no longer trackable even with the great visual acuity of Nappa's eyes, having become a mere specter with his speed.

"Wha-" But the prince could still see him, or maybe just perceive him, no matter. Still too slow to react, too shocked to realize what was happening, an impact to the gut sent him soaring thru the air.

He tried maneuvering mid-flight but was once more too slow to act, another attack came, this time from behind, a double-handed hammer strike sending him in the complete opposite direction, a full reversal of inertia.

Now, however, more prepared, he managed to stand upright in the air before another attack came. Barely able to know where the monkey is, except the short bursts of breaks he takes, even those lasting less than a second, he fired off multiple energy attacks, all of whom missed the target.

"Gah!" A kick, or maybe it was a punch, landed, sending the prince thru solid rock. It was a chase, Nappa soon enough realized, the monkey is stronger, faster, and better, yet the prince is tougher, unburdened by a ticking clock that weighed down so heavily on the monkey.

Exchanges were made, fists and kicks, all of them ending in the monkey's favor, overpowering, overwhelming, and outpacing the prince, whose sole merit so far is being more durable than the monkey.

"Amazing." The green companion next to Nappa uttered out, his voice deeply embedded with awe, and even more deep-seated pique, although that one was much better hidden, barely perceivable.

During the whole second phase of the battle, neither of them had attacked. They both knew that by now, they were batting too out of their league to compete, now they would only be equal hindrances to the prince and the monkey.

A punch sent the prince flying once more, this exchange, he had no place to interfere in it. No, he has to conserve strength, his moment shall come later, much later on, when his enemy has all but forgotten about him, let his guard down, he shall strike at his weakest point.

In the end, a few more exchanges later, a sort of stalemate had been reached, the durability of the prince finally running thin, as well as his patience, while the monkey's own body had begun working against him, the clock ticking dangerously low.

"I am the prince! The greatest of all Saiyans! I won't be bested by a low-class warrior like you!" The prince's arrogance and penchant for dramatics left him coughing and wheezing blood atop a boulder, despite his injuries, he still boasted as such, commendable, in a way.

The monkey on the other hand just stared at him passively from below, standing on a shorter rock, nerves betraying his body as muscles seized and spasmed, another perceived blow to the prince's pride, Nappa noted, as he was too enraged to see the weakness within the monkey, instead he appears unbothered rather than trying to recover from exhaustion.

"If this is how you wanna go Kakkarot, I don't need this planet anymore!" A pause came, a vicious smirk belayed the anger on the prince as his eyes spewed forth tendrils of hate. "I'll just blow you up along with the entire planet!" Finally, the grand crescendo of his theatrics has been reached.

It is not a shocking statement, Nappa noted. A particular favorite of his, a trick he picked up from Frieza, their higher experience in space, connection to the empire, and attack balls allowing them to more often than not survive a planet cracking event, even if the other party could not.

"What! No, we can't allow that!" His green companion yelled out in frustration, already beginning to fly suicidally towards the prince, who himself was flying higher into the air.

Yet he was stopped, Nappa grabbed his leg, almost crushing it with force, before slamming him down into the rock below.

"Nothing for you to do alien, stay put, your chance shall come yet." It may be due to his new emotions, taste for destruction, or as a way to restrict the Namekian from fleeing, but to accentuate his words, he placed one foot on his chest, pushing him down so that he is unable to get up.

He will not tolerate suicide of such a favorable tool when he can be used at a later point for much greater effect.

In return the great green gave a token resistance, scratching up his legs with his nails, in truth both of them knowing who the stronger one is, and whose logic is more sound.

Thus, he just angeled his head to the side after a few moments, both of them observing the battle.

The prince by this point has flown so high up into the air that he is no longer visible to a normal human's eye, the Namekian sensing his Ki, while Nappa simply has great eyesight.

A shroud of purple began to envelop the high floating prince, both arms angeled one over the other, a ball of purple Ki began to gather and swirl.

The monkey on the other hand began to glow a light blue, in jagged edges ending the aura which surrounds him, an equal ball of energy, just colored blue gathering in his hands.

"Gallic gun!"


At the same time, those words were uttered, for a moment, silence. The world seemed to die and whiteness enveloped Nappa, for just a brief slice of time true peace was achieved.

And then? A horrific crash came down.

The two waves of energy collided like charging bulls, a straight surface collision forming where they transition, blue pushed purple, purple pushed blue, both forces about equal in power, neither getting the upper hand.

Indignant shouting came from above, yet little more than erratic whispers could be heard over the smashing of energy, if a normal person was to see this they would go blind.

'Not yet.' Nappa noted, he knows that the time is not yet ripe, especially not now. The two energies are too big to fall, and the semi-protective coating they radiated around the user would make the task only harder, his pitiful attack, even boosted by the Ki of the planet, mixed with the prince's own Ki, would do nothing at this crucial moment.

Right now, these two are the strongest they can be, definitely not a time for him to attack.

After several seconds of struggling, finally, the blue wave began to win out, dramatically so, it was a sudden push and change in momentum that brought on the victory, not a gradual fading of power.

More whispered screams followed, by whom he does not even know anymore, yet were extinguished as the blue wave won, clearing the sky and allowing for the blinding light and deafening noise to dissipate.

"Huh," Nappa grunted, lifting his leg off the Namekian alien who hurriedly stood up, giving Nappa a dirty look along the way too, before dusting himself off from the dirt, before just resuming to stare at the monkey.

Something was happening with the monkey, he could see it out of the corner of his eye, another figure was there, a tubby lump of lard with a sword fussing around the warrior, but Nappa paid them no mind.

He knew it was not over, it was not, no, he knows the prince far too well to think it is over. The moon should be up, they planned for this, as they always do, although that won't be the case, having been blown up by, someone, Master Rosh perhaps, he can't exactly recall who, yet he knows that the prince will come down and create his moon then, he expected it.

For several minutes, nothing happened, it even seemed peaceful, his green companion looked baffled beyond belief, by this point his face and antenna shifted to look at the sky, unable to completely comprehend the actions of the prince yet Nappa knew, he knows the plan.

It was only after several minutes more that he landed.

He looks worse, Nappa noted. Clothes torn, armor cracked and broken, blood seeping out, scratches and bruises all around, he seems to truly have had a tough fight.

"Well, well, well, you are smarter than you seem Kakarot! To destroy the moon," He chuckled evilly, despite his haggard condition, at those words, as if a joke was spoken that only he could understand "I am impressed. However, it is not that easy! You are to be left disappointed!"

Everyone, except Nappa, was left to wonder at what this babble was supposed to mean, to their ears only the ravings of a lunatic came forth, what does the moon have to do with anything is a mystery to them, yet Nappa prepared, soon the time shall come.

"Haaa." Ki began to gather, a conglomerate in the prince's hand. Like a nuclear reactor, the particles all balling up against each other, one hitting the other at great speeds, the power of the planet mixed in for good measure, light produced at excessive levels.

Finally, after several seconds, and the prince's power level has dropped by several thousand points, the sphere seemed to be ready. Nothing but a cruel smirk was an indicator of his intention as he threw the sphere of condensed energy and matter into the air.

"Ha ha ha!" The prince began to laugh maniacally. "Hahaha! Now you are done!" Shakes and tremors overcame his body soon after, thew and bone began to pulsate, expanding rapidly as his body began to increase in size.

An infestation of coarse, rough black strands began to spread at his skin, the teeth lengthening and sharpening to mean yet giant points, while the face itself began to adopt a dog-like appearance.

'Now!' Nappa once more knows what he needs to do, Saiyans are disturbed while transforming, the metamorphosis bringing with it disorientation, thus lowering the guard.

It is the moment one can be considered the weakest, as pain, pleasure, and disorientation mix in equal measure.

A brief, bright flash was sent out, a ball of energy not only his own but of the planet too, and even some of the prince's shot out, hitting the ever-increasing beast right into the left eye, which had by now adopted a red glow.

"Raaaar!" The prince cried out in pain, clutching at his bleeding left eye, his roars shaking the very ground he stands on.

Soon, the transformation came to Nappa too, great green having realized what was happening has jumped away long ago by now.

'I can feel it,' The aggression, the animalistic instinct to devour prey whole, to dominate, began to sink its claws into him even deeper. 'It is there, at the back of my mind.' His strength of will, his training too, kept the tendencies, the instincts, at bay, just barely however, as the beast is in there, it is the force that powers his powers, the drive for consumption and domination.

It was disorientating, for his body to change so fast so much, painful to an extent too for the same reasons, although that was ignored. The pleasure of gaining so much more strength was the most felt, however, an orgasmic-like experience overcoming Nappa.

There they stood, towering over all the environment, after half a minute, maybe more. Two great apes, one with a bleeding eye, clutching it desperately as the red ichor of life trails down the white glove.

"Nappa!" The bloody ape shouted in fury, his voice between a growl and a scream, more animalistic than human.

Nappa's battle has only just begun.


P. S. The title of the previous chapter is a reference to Rusty Cage and his song The lives of flies, in which the main verse is: "The lives of flies and then we die, as quickly as we are born." Which mirror's Nappa's whole feeling and situation currently.

P. P. S. (Pee-pee small)- This chapter was originally much longer, but then I realized it was too long like I have 2200 words here with another 700 to edit, that's gonna balloon to something like 3800 by the end, which is just too much. The optimal range is between 1800 and 2200 IMO, although I have been overstepping that by posting 3000 words which is my fault, 3800 is pushing it now.