
Straps & Things

Next, he turned his other fist and opened it to reveal a black sleeping mask.

I think it’s a sleeping mask.

Looks like a sleeping mask.

I winced.

“Trust me.” He urged.

“Mmmmm” I whined.

He lifted it over my head. Spreading it open with his fingertips and lowering it over my skull.

“Eric…” I whined.

“You’ll be fine.” I heard the rattle of the buckles and him lowering before me.

“Lift your foot.” I did and felt his presence standing before me but felt nothing touch me until the sudden icy chill of a wide buckle against my soft lower lips. I hissed through my teeth at the cold.

“What is this?”

“I’m going to fuck you in it.”

I felt a heavy leather strap like something you’d use to lead a horse, pulled up over my shoulders, putting pressure on the buckle against my lips.


Tense as a board, I rotated and he cinched a buckle at my back that made the crossing leather strap circling the narrowest part of my waist.