
The Backrooms Keeper

Follows the journey of Liam, a young man who, after enduring a lifetime of loneliness and torment, discovers he possesses extraordinary powers granting him control over the backrooms, how will he use this newfound power. nothing except the MC and some random side characters are mine Dont expect consistent chapters this is just for fun, so if you have ideas just put them in comments and we shall see how it goes ps don’t waste power stones on this, use them on other novels that are updated regularly that you enjoy. I’m not here for the stones

Tiamat372 · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: Shadows of Knowledge

As the days blended into weeks, Liam's routine became well-established. During the day, he continued his rigorous training and strategic planning in the real world, but it was at night, in the realm of his dreams, where his true potential began to unfold.

Every night, as soon as he closed his eyes, Liam felt the familiar pull of the backrooms. The transition from the waking world to the ethereal labyrinth was seamless, as if his consciousness was merely shifting to another dimension. In the backrooms, he found himself in the monitoring room, a place of endless possibility and infinite control.

The monitoring room was his sanctuary, filled with an array of otherworldly devices that allowed him to observe and manipulate the vast expanse of the backrooms. Each night, he meticulously studied the various controls and monitors, learning the intricacies of the realm and the creatures that inhabited it.

He spent hours exploring the different levels, observing the behaviors and abilities of the entities he could summon. Within the backrooms, his power was limitless. He could summon and control anything, from the most benign entities to the most terrifying horrors.

However, he quickly realized that his abilities in the real world had limitations. Summoning creatures from the backrooms into reality was not without its restrictions. Through careful experimentation and observation, Liam learned the boundaries of his summoning powers.

In the real world, he could summon creatures that were just one level above the most dangerous thing known to exist in that universe. For instance, in his current universe, he could summon anything that could survive a nuclear blast or output the same level of destruction. This meant that while he had formidable capabilities, there were still limits to what he could bring into the real world.

He tested this by summoning various creatures and gauging their strength against different scenarios inside the Backrooms. A creature that could withstand intense heat and radiation was summoned and tested in an environment mimicking a nuclear blast. The creature survived unscathed, confirming Liam's understanding of his limitations.

Liam's nightly experiments were meticulous and detailed. He summoned creatures one by one, testing their abilities and learning to control them with precision. Each creature was subjected to a series of tests designed to measure their strength, resilience, and obedience.

He summoned a Deep One from Lovecraftian lore, a creature with amphibious features and a malevolent intelligence. He commanded it to navigate through simulated underwater environments, testing its agility and strength. The Deep One moved with a predatory grace, demonstrating its effectiveness in aquatic combat.

Next, he summoned a Pale Man from horror movies, a grotesque being with eyes in its hands. He directed it to stalk through dark corridors, testing its stealth and predatory instincts. The Pale Man's ability to hunt silently and its terrifying appearance made it a potent tool for psychological warfare.

The Mi-Go, a creature from Lovecraftian tales, was another intriguing subject. Liam observed its ability to fly and communicate through eerie, buzzing sounds. He tested its intelligence and adaptability, finding it useful for reconnaissance and gathering information.

He also summoned The Babadook, a shadowy figure that could manipulate fear. Liam experimented with its ability to create illusions and influence emotions, using it to instill terror in imaginary foes. The Babadook's power over fear made it a valuable psychological weapon.

The Shoggoth, a massive, amorphous entity from Lovecraft's works, was one of the most challenging creatures to control. Its ability to change shape and absorb matter made it a formidable force. Liam directed it to clear obstacles and overpower simulated enemies, testing its versatility and raw power.

The Cenobites from the Hellraiser series were summoned next. These sadistic beings could manipulate pain and pleasure, making them effective for interrogation and torture. Liam practiced using their abilities to extract information, finding their methods both effective and unsettling.

Finally, he summoned Nyarlathotep, a shape-shifting entity from Lovecraftian lore. Nyarlathotep's ability to assume multiple forms and manipulate reality itself was both fascinating and daunting. Liam practiced controlling its transformations and using its powers to alter the environment, learning to wield its immense power with caution.

As Liam's understanding of the backrooms deepened, he began to explore its connections to parallel worlds and other universes. The monitoring room provided access to a myriad of realities, each with its own unique properties and dangers.

Liam spent hours studying the monitors, each displaying a different universe connected to the backrooms. He observed worlds that mirrored his own, as well as those vastly different. Some were governed by advanced technology, while others were steeped in magic and mysticism.

He watched as heroes and villains clashed in a universe resembling the Marvel Universe, their powers and abilities far surpassing anything he had encountered. He saw cosmic entities and ancient gods, their battles shaking the very fabric of reality.

In another universe, he observed a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence. The level of technological advancement was staggering, with cities that reached the sky and vehicles that defied gravity. This world offered potential for acquiring advanced technology and knowledge.

A different monitor showed a world of fantasy, filled with mythical creatures and powerful wizards. Dragons soared through the skies, and enchanted forests held secrets of ancient magic. Liam saw opportunities to learn powerful spells and harness mystical energies.

Though he refrained from entering these parallel worlds for now, Liam began to formulate plans for future expeditions. Each universe held unique resources and knowledge that could augment his abilities and help him achieve his goals.

He made detailed notes on each world, listing potential targets and allies. He considered the risks and benefits of each universe, weighing the potential gains against the dangers he might face.

As Liam continued to refine his abilities and explore the depths of the backrooms, he realized that his time for uninterrupted training was coming to an end. In two weeks, school would start back up for his final year of high school. The thought of returning to the mundane reality of school life seemed almost surreal after the power he had been wielding. He needed to use this remaining time wisely, both to prepare for the challenges ahead and to further solidify his control over his abilities.

Liam decided that the next crucial step was to integrate his newfound powers into his daily life seamlessly. He needed to ensure that he could utilize his abilities without drawing attention to himself, especially in a school environment. This meant developing subtle control and mastering the art of discretion.

Liam focused on using shadow manipulation to blend into his surroundings and move unnoticed. He practiced creating small, localized shadows that could cloak him from sight. In the backrooms, he experimented with shadow illusions, creating lifelike replicas of himself to act as decoys.

In real life, he practiced slipping into the shadows of alleyways and behind buildings, ensuring he could disappear at a moment's notice. This skill would be invaluable in avoiding confrontations and staying under the radar at school.

Next, Liam worked on refining his time manipulation abilities. He needed to be able to create brief moments of slowed time to react quickly and evade potential threats. In the backrooms, he practiced this by navigating complex obstacle courses, using slowed time to enhance his reflexes and speed.

In real life, he tested this ability in crowded places, learning to move through bustling streets and crowded hallways with ease. This skill would help him avoid conflicts with his tormentors and allow him to escape any dangerous situations that might arise.

With his integration plan underway, Liam also wanted to continue expanding his repertoire of abilities. He knew that diversity in his powers would give him an edge in both the backrooms and the real world.

Liam began experimenting with telekinesis, the ability to move objects with his mind. In the backrooms, he summoned various objects and practiced manipulating them from a distance. He started with small items, like pebbles and pieces of debris, gradually working his way up to larger and heavier objects.

He discovered that telekinesis required intense focus and mental discipline. He practiced lifting and moving objects in precise patterns, learning to control multiple items simultaneously. This ability would be particularly useful for manipulating the environment and creating distractions.

Another ability Liam explored was mind reading and influence. In the backrooms, he summoned creatures known for their telepathic abilities and learned to tap into their powers. He practiced reading the thoughts of weaker entities, gradually building his proficiency.

He then moved on to influencing thoughts and emotions. Liam discovered that he could plant subtle suggestions in the minds of others, guiding their actions without them realizing it. This ability required a delicate touch, as overuse could lead to suspicion.

In real life, Liam practiced this skill in social settings, learning to read the intentions of those around him. He experimented with influencing minor decisions, such as convincing someone to take a different route or change their plans. This power would be invaluable for navigating the complex social dynamics of high school.

With his new abilities developing, Liam turned his attention to preparing for the upcoming school year. He knew he needed to be ready for any challenges that might arise, both academically and socially.

Liam used his intelligence network, established through the Skinwalkers, to gather information about the upcoming school year. He learned about new teachers, upcoming events, and any changes in the school's administration. This information allowed him to anticipate potential issues and plan accordingly.

Liam also considered the importance of alliances. While he had been a loner for most of his school life, he now saw the value in having allies. He used his influence abilities to subtly gain the trust of certain students, positioning himself as a helpful and reliable peer.

He targeted individuals who were either influential or had useful skills, gradually building a network of allies. These alliances would provide him with support and cover, helping him navigate the social landscape of high school more effectively.

As the start of the school year approached, Liam spent his final nights in the backrooms making last-minute preparations. He practiced summoning and controlling more powerful creatures, ensuring he had a range of entities at his disposal.

He also explored more of the parallel worlds connected to the backrooms, gathering information and identifying potential resources. While he wouldn't venture into these worlds just yet, he wanted to be ready for when the time came.

Liam knew that his time in the backrooms was crucial to his success. It was here that he honed his skills, learned new abilities, and planned his strategies. As he prepared to return to the real world, he felt a sense of confidence and determination. He was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him and use his powers to shape his destiny.

With his preparations complete, Liam knew he was ready to take the next step in his journey. The start of the school year would be a new chapter, and he was determined to make it his own.

Wrote these last two chapters this morning since i didnt make any last night

Tiamat372creators' thoughts