
The Azure Lotus

"The Azure Lotus" - It is said that this flower blooms once in 10,000 years... Is it really so...? Well, when summarizing the main story of this novel, it comes to mind that greed is born with the intention of gaining power, or the only goal of greed is to gain power. From this, a sense of entitlement full of inferiority is born. The attraction towards each other has been going on for an eternity, and with it, the range of inferiority complexity is gradually increasing. It is said that whenever this arises in someone's heart, it causes destruction everywhere for them. From the influence of which even the kingdom of heaven is not exempted. But it is also true that if there is a disease, there is a way to cure it, and here it is the union of "pure love" and "wisdom." How will our "Goddess of Love Kiyoko" and "God of Wisdom Akimitsu" connect with each other holistically for the welfare of the world, stand against this destructive, all-consuming, negative, anti-life force, and continue the struggle to maintain harmony in the entire world. This is the topic of our Nobel... Disclaimer This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This fiction does not represent any particular nation, religion, language, coterie, nor oppose it. Here the writer is only trying to follow some realistic material in order to create a realistic plot of the story; they don't claim anything else... And also, as our fiction on the one hand condemns war, conflict, violence, strife, bloodshed, brutality, oppression of the strong over the weak, and adultery. On the other hand, it also supports life, peace, unity, prosperity, cooperation, kindness, compassion, pure love, and wisdom wholeheartedly. So we humbly request all the readers to please enjoy this novel just for the pleasure of reading the story. Finally, this is what I want to say - "Life is a wonderful creation of God, so it should be cherished like a great purpose. It is necessary to prepare its own foundation by combining pure love and wisdom. Peace should be its requirement, and unity should be taken as its strength."

UnknownHumanBeing8 · LGBT+
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3 Chs

The Azure Lotus (Chapter - 2, Volume - 1)

(Smut, 18+)

In the darkness of the night, while the whole world is in a deep sleep... Suddenly, Misaki felt as if she has became a nocturnal. The night wind made her shiver a little, but she still had to reach the temple... "Mother always told me about Mitsuo sensei and this hidden temple... well... is he the same person I met at the temple yesterday?...theres no doubt he was Mitsuo sensei! Yesterday he also told me his name, and there's no way I misheard him"... With a sigh, Misaki said, "Alas, how stupid I am... How could I forget the name of this great teacher? Whose name I have heard countless times from my mother in my childhood. And besides, I came to this temple countless times with my mother as a child since she came here again and again hoping for the news of Mitsuo sensei's return. I know every corner of this temple like the back of my hand.

Many times I had helped my mother clean this temple's premises. Maybe that's why I was alone yesterday morning... *sigh* It was surprising, but it was true... Because my mother herself took my hand and introduced me to this whole temple complex..." Anyways... *then Misaki said in deep regret*, "Oh, Lord Akimitsu...! I came to this hidden temple holding my mother's hand so many times as a child hoping to meet him, but when I finally met him, I didn't recognized him...? how could I make such a mistake? Mitsuo sensei must have thought of me as someone very arrogant because of my yesterday's behavior.. right? Ohhh... I really am a big fool. I should be ashamed of myself. I have to reach the Temple and apologize to Sensei."

Thinking all this, Misaki almost reached the mysterious foggy mountain area, but she was so engrossed in her thoughts that she failed to notice she was surrounded by a group of people, The 'Night Bandits'. In the darkness of night, they attack some unlucky passersby, brutally kill them, and loot all their possessions. Just before reaching the temple, Misaki was hit hard by a thunderous hand, and she fell to the ground. Immediately, another strong hand came and grabbed Misaki's injured hand, pulling it forcefully, Misaki's woundes stung her like thousand needles at once and when she was about to scream, someone covered her mouth forcefully. Misaki was choking. Despite, she could feel two other men picking her up and taking her somewhere. Needless to say... Misaki was kidnapped that night.

While they were forcibly abducting Misaki, she was initially trying to save herself from them. But she soon failed in her attempt. To be honest, she was feeling tired, so she left everything in the hands of fate and slumped. Suddenly, upon seeing that she wasn't reacting, one of the bandits shouted - "What's wrong? You didn't kill the girl, did you?" Another said, "No, not dead... just tired, I guess." The first one claimed, "Listen, tie her mouth with a cloth so that she can breathe, but not scream. "If the girl dies, master will behead us, don't forget that she is our master's victim. Now let's hurry..."

After some time, they took her to a damp place. Despite being so tired, Misaki could feel the presence of many individuals in that place. They were talking among themselves, and their voices were echoing a bit... meaning it's probably a cave. Damp but not cold. Perhaps many flambeau were burning here. Misaki might have been scared, but her nerves were always on high alert in such a situation, so her guesses proved to be correct most of the time. In fact, since Misaki was kidnapped, she strangely stopped to feel any fear anymore, just like when she was a child, the day her mother... "Anyways..." *sighs* she didn't wanted to think about it anymore. Honestly, what is going to happen will happen! So what's the point of being afraid unnecessarily? So she was quietly trying to sense the surrounding situation deeply.

One of those bandits, who was probably standing behind her, respectfully claimed to someone, "Master, here is your victim." Suddenly, Misaki heard someone whispering, which was coming from behind her, but the words were muffled, indicating that the people were standing a little further away from her. Despite that, it would be wrong to say that the words were completely incomprehensible, the conversation of those people was something like this: The first one said, "Brother, why did our master ordered us to bring him this beggar? Do you know anything about this?", the second person replied, "Who cares," *in a negative tone*, and the third person said in a bit louder tone, allowing Misaki to clearly hear him say, "Look, maybe it's one of the master's deepest desires... like... Such a young, helpless, blind noble housemaid doesn't usually go out alone on the street at night, right? Judging from that point of view..." After a little silence, he continued, "It doesn't matter if we find any expensive objects, why does it matter? Do you know how many kinds of desires a human has?" Saying this, the man let out a dirty smile. One of them said in a greedy tone, "Will we get a share of this? Oh, it's like the girl's body is dripping with nectar!" Another one said, "Have some patience. Obviously, we will get...", then someone was just about to say something when Misaki felt as if a sharp object shot out from above her head, almost like a sharp gust of wind, just like a boomerang. But by the sound of it moving forward, Misaki understood that the thing was not a big object, especially not a boomerang. Actually, this sound is familiar to her, where did she heard such a sound? Yes, she remembered. Uncle Chimon and Uncle Aito used to have some sharp four-cornered hidden blades, they made a sound like this when they cut through the air, they were really deadly weapons, they had the power to inflict a devastating blow if properly aimed. It took Misaki a few moments to think of this whole situation, but it didn't even take half the time for this incident to happen. In no time, Misaki heard the pain-filled screams of few peoples. After a while, the sound of humming... then all quiet.

They spoke nothing with their mouths. Abruptly, a bright, slender blade featuring four curved edges emerged severing three of their throats before reversing like a boomerang in the grip of a guy with strong, rigid fingers, then he opened his eyes and lifted his right hand and pointed with his fingers, requesting something. He replied, "I really detest too much stupidity." as someone from the side held out a piece of cloth to wipe the blood off the blade. Furthermore, individuals who act like ignorant fools are much more repulsive. "Take these three bodies away from here right now" he ordered the six bandits in front. "Sure, chop the corpses into small pieces and give them to my dogs, the boys have been consuming dry bread for several days now". The master gave the order to remove the three deceased bandit's bodies. Now, as Misaki was sitting silently, the chief bandit threw away the piece cloth and knelt down in front of her while putting away the blade in the leather pocket . The chief bandit then attempted to sit comfortably and nicely by shifting about a little. It's untrue to say Misaki had no fear at all. But she was not going to admit her true feelings to these bandits.

Now, with purpose, the chief bandit addressed Misaki, "Can you recognize me?"Oh no, how will you even know me, That day, I wasn't in the main field. You wouldn't have noticed me even if I had been there. As if you are able to see me today either. Naturally, your generosity wouldn't have allowed me to be here today if I had been in the main field that day, am I right?? "Well, what was your name again?"...Misaki didn't said anything. Chief Bandit claimed, "Well, leave it. Tell me this, you are the daughter of Yajima clan, right? I heard that your clan is the richest clan, isn't it? So why is the 1st child of the merchant of such a rich clan, who is blind, going out at night like a beggar? Wherever you go, well I don't have to think about it. So, what I was saying, as you can see, we live in a damp, mossy cave barely lit by the flambeau. We suffer a lot in winter. See how poor we are... Oh, my apologizes ... You can't even see... Ok then, let me tell you... We are very poor, but we want to be rich. So give us what you have, " the bandit claimed in a taunting manner, Misaki stayed silent.

After that, he looked at Misaki's hands, feets, and face and asked some of the bandits in a sarcastic tone, "Why did you tie her like an animal?" One of the bandits said, "As soon as she was caught, she was violently resisting." The chief bandit looked at Misaki and said, "You will never leave your bad habits, right? One day, I lost everything because of this. Only some cold lifeless bodies and blood were left for me. Do you know whose blood those were? They were my family's... my mother, my father, my dearest elder sister, my grandfather, my grandmother And a few others who were very close to me....

just because of your little cry, they had to lose their lives. Finally, today, after seventeen years, I caught you....

By The way, your mother did taught you a few tricks, didn't she? Like... you can propel yourself, almost floating, with the wind whenever you want to travel fast! Am I correct?"


Will you teach me the technique?

Yesterday, my bandits gasped trying to catch you. If you hadn't walked slowly today, even these pork-eating pigs would not have caught you today. Is this what is called a technique? Okay, I am wrong again. Here, let me untie your mouth." *Saying this, the chief bandit unties Misaki's mouth.*

"Oo you can't speak I am so stupid," Misaki still stayed silent but she gave a blank expression and pretended that she doesn't care. Misaki's such expression made the chief bandit ten times more furious, but he has been holding this anger for seventeen years. He wanted to see Misaki in pain and fear; he wanted her to beg for her life, but she was doing none of those, which fueled his anger more. The chief bandit suddenly went silent and asked her, "Don't you... wanna live?" Misaki still remained silent. The silence of Misaki was igniting his anger more and more, so he asked, "So you won't budge, would you?" Her silence reminded to which chief bandit claimed, "Fine, should I leave you in the hands of my pigs. Let them have their way with you. I guess you will speak if someone harms your pure body." After saying this, the chief bandit was about to leave when suddenly Misaki said "As you can see from my clothes, I don't have any expensive things. So I have nothing to give you except my life. Therefore, if you have the power, you can take it away from me; maybe you have that right. In that case, I will not oppose you. But no one has the right to touch me impurely against my will. If anyone dares to do so, I will strongly protest against them. Otherwise, I know how to handle this situation even with my hands tied; my mother taught me this before she passed away. And after trying so hard, you might have understood that I am not afraid of death in any way." Now the chief bandit, unable to hold his anger, grabbed Misaki's left hand. Yes, it was the same hand that Misaki got these wounds on at the dinner table tonight. And the chief bandit did it without his knowledge. Some of Misaki's hand wounds were caught in his tight grip, causing the dulled pain of the fresh wounds to rekindle. Misaki winced in pain, but she didn't cry. Suddenly, the chief bandit felt a wet feeling in his fist, as if some liquid had arisen there, and he took no time to understand that this liquid originated from Misaki's hand, And the liquid now oozed out of his fist. That liquid was blood. A few drops of blood fell on the ground as the chief bandit loosened his grip. This caused a strange feeling inside him that made him unknowingly let go of Misaki's hand. And with that, he untied Misaki's wrists and held her hands up which made her sleeves roll down to expose more of her hand.

Two small tender hands... There were countless old and new scars. Eight of the wounds were completely inflamed. Three of these wounds were bleeding. And for this, he was responsible. Now his sight went towards her leg, in that dim light of the flambeau he spotted carefully some scares from past wounds, he then calls two of his female bandits and commands them to take her inside and inspect her arms and legs thoroughly for more such scars. In reality he just wanted to determine whether they were normal scars or scars by torture, they careful made Misaki stand up and slowly took her inside.

The chief bandit gazed towards his palm and then at the ground they were still drenched with Misaki's blood, this scene suddenly changed something in the mind of the chief bandit. He didn't even knew what he felt inside. He was surprised to think that the few drops of blood that came out of these small wounds on the hands of this helpless girl hit him?! He was surprised to think that all these years he had looted and spilled the blood of so many peoples, and these scenes always gave him pleasure but never gave him any satisfaction. Because when he thinks about satisfaction, he remembers this girl's face. ' That way, I will be satisfied on the day when this girl kneels at my feet and begs for her life with folded hands. Her sightless eyes will be filled with tears, and those tears will be filled with fear... fear of death. And just then, I will cut every vein in her body with my blade, put a stone on her back, and throw her on the ground. She will cry in pain, suffer, and I will sit in front and watch this whole scene and be satisfied. After that, when almost all the blood is drained from her body, when her own body and the ground are soaked with her blood, I will release my pet dogs. My beloved pets will first lick up all the blood on the ground. After that, they will take the girl's powerless, half-dead body...! Phew... what a scene that would be! The extreme level of satisfaction...!

But today, when I actually found her, the first thing I tried was to make her kneel down and make her beg for her life at my feet... but she did nothing of the sort. Instead, I saw stubbornness in her expression. That made my anger grow. Along with my anger, my method of taking revenge were also becoming more terrifying! And the joy in my heart was increasing one after another... But what did I witnessed at the end? I have waited for seventeen years for whom I wanted to kill her little by little to quench the burning sensation in my heart, but someone else has already been killing her little by little for the past seventeen years. That is, like me, this girl has also spent the last seventeen years dying? If I kill her today, an already dead person will be killed by me! Alas, fate... are you really this cruel? But why?' The chief bandit that day could not understand that for seventeen years whom fate has mocked... him? or this girl? Or perhaps both of them...? He was also unable to understand whether they were criminals against each other or both were passengers on the same path...?! Or only the path was different, everything else was the same...?! And through such of his thought, he felt as if something died inside him... he felt again... 'no, no... something was probably born...! Or maybe both...! How is that possible?!'

After letting out a long sigh he closed his eyes and that scean floated in front of his eyes again that very moment when he grabbed Misaki's wounded hand and blood gushed out of them staining his hand and ground and that painful gasp that slipped out of her mount he is then also reminded of the scars in her feets and finally her face, they had tears but they show no pain or fear those sightless eyes were just like a gem without expression. He then came out of his thoughts and then directed his two companions and said, "One of you two, go inside and bring a clean cloth and also the mortar and pestle, and the other one, go outside, pick up a handful of those fresh grass that we use to apply on our wounds, and a little bit of turmeric." The two bandits were surprised, but they said, "Yes, master," and left.

After a while, the bandit girls brought back Misaki from inside and guided her to sit at the same spot. Both of them now turned towards there chief bandit and said " She has several scars scattered all over her legs and arms and by the looks of it she might have a bigger and fresher wound near her chest " The chief bandit looked down silently and focused on the paste he was making out of those herbs and turmeric and then he asked "Where were you going at such a time of night? Aren't you afraid to go out alone? Do you know how dangerous things are in this darkness of the night?" Misaki was still silent. The chief bandit tied a cloth over the ointment and took a deep breath. He said, "I brought you here today with the plan of killing you... But how can I kill someone who has already been dying little by little every day? If you are a criminal in my eyes, then I am also a criminal in yours... Judging from that perspective, it's about killing each other.. If I kill you, then you should kill me too. And if it's about forgiveness, we have to follow the same rules. I guess I have already been forgiven by you long ago, so maybe it's my turn to forgive you for everything, and to be honest I would have still became a bandit even if my loved ones had stayed alive but if your mother was still alive you would not have to suffer like this, and besides, judging from that aspect, I also understood that the victim was not only you or me. Actually, we were both victims of that third person's heinous conspiracy. So technically they are our real convicts, all of them.. " Saying this, he put a bit of that ointment on Misaki's hand and asked her to put it on the wound on her chest and then the chief bandit stood up and prepared to go inside. Before that, he ordered his other four bandits to safely escort her wherever she was going. Misaki stood up and thanked him for forgiving her before apologizing. "If I had really understood that on that day so many people would die just because of my cry, even if they were bandits, I would have never cried like that! Forgive me," she said, leaning forward a little. And said, "Now I shall go." Saying this, Misaki turned back and took two steps, when the chief bandit who was standing behind her said, "Listen to me girl! If anyone ever bothers you from now on, you will tell them my name and say you are my younger sister. Oh you don't know my name yet I am Yuto, will you remember?" Misaki nodded in agreement. Again, he said to his four bandits, "Here, you take her carefully. My order should be obeyed by the words." With this, he gave them permission to leave with a gesture of his hand. And along with the four bandits, Misaki once again set off for her destination in the darkness of the night.

Misaki was not using her speed technique at the moment because she had four bandits with her who didn't know the technique. Misaki only learned the part of applying this technique to herself from her mother, but before she learned about how to share the technique with everyone, her mother...! *Sigh* ..Yes, my mother, was my only teacher. And these seventeen years without this teacher, my dark life has become darker. But..Just before leaving, why didn't she teach me the technique of quenching hunger and thirst? Who knows!?

Thinking this, she almost reached her destination. But at that time, she was so lost in random thoughts that she could not notice the movement of the bandits nearby. After crossing the chief bandit's area and reaching the mysterious mountain area of Lord Akimitsu's Temple, they attacked Misaki...! This attack was also unexpected for her as before. No, this time Misaki didn't even try to escape or scream. In this situation, she just closed her teary eyes, and suddenly a name came out through her forcefully covered mouth with a respectful tone from the bottom of her heart... "Lord Akimitsu.."

As if someone was waiting for her call, suddenly a person came out from the fog that was covering the mysterious foggy mountain. At first, he was standing on the ground, and maybe he said something. But Misaki didn't seem to hear or understand anything he said. Then suddenly, a silvery aura began to spread through his entire body, increasing one after another. The aura was very pleasant, as if many moons had gathered at the same place at the same time. As this aura continued to increase, the figure of the person seemed to leave the ground and float upwards. Then came a time when Misaki could feel both the warmth and brightness of this light. Just as she felt the brightness of light for the first time in the presence of the sword of justice! The brightness of this light calmed her so much that she slowly fell into a deep sleep. Was it sleep? Or was Misaki losing consciousness? Within Just a few moments, and then she doesn't remember anything after that.

Misaki didn't know exactly how much time had passed. But as soon as she regained consciousness, she sat up in panic but eased because she didn't felt any threats. A soft bed... A nice smell was circulating inside the room. That calmed Misaki down. "...vanilla essence...? Is it vanilla essence...? No, it's not just vanilla essence. It's the smell of freshly bloomed lotus. Just like the smell that I had at dawn yesterday, when the lotuses were blooming together in the lake... I just ignored this smell because of the disaster I made that time...The smell felt as a combination of lotus and vanilla essence...Then Misaki heard a familiar voice. Who said to Misaki in a very soft and affectionate tone, "Misaki Chan... are you alright now?" Misaki almost screamed in disbelief, "Mitsuo sensei, is that you?" Mitsuo sensei said, "Yes... I'm right here dear," said Sensei as he extended his hand towards Misaki. Misaki grabbed Sensei's hand, just like she used to hold her mother's hand as a child whenever she was scared. This time, Sensei gently touched Misaki's cheek with his other hand and said, "Misaki Chan, calm down. I am right by your side, trust me, I won't let anyone harm you as long as I'm here..."

Feeling the seriousness of the situation, he put his hand on the helpless girl's head and said, "And besides, is it so easy to harm our brave Misaki ?" Sensei smiled a little and put a small earthen bowl of water on Misaki's hand, saying, "Here, drink some water." Misaki drank a little water from Mitsuo Sensei's hand like an obedient girl. Then Sensei gave a sweet bun to Misaki and said, "here now eat this too, I know someone is hungry" Misaki protested, "Me? No I'm not hungry" ....suddenly a growl came from non other than Misaki's stomach. Misaki blinked twice in disbelief that the sound came from her stomach and the next moment she hugged her stomach in embarrassment and started denying the fact that the sound came from her stomach like a child.Mitsuo smiled softly and said "ok I believe you, your not hungry...but someone's tummy is hungry I guess", Misaki replied "I...I don't know what are you talking about sensei", Misaki's stomach growled again... Misaki gulped once and hid her face in her palms out of extreme embarrassment. Mitsuo replied " ok what if this bun is from Lord Akimitsu and if you don't eat it, Lord Akimitsu will be sad, if even after this you feel hesitant to take this bun then let me remind you, did lord Akimitsu hesitate yesterday when you single-handedly cleaned this entire temple area? and Why should a sweet little girl struggling so much to clean his house after leaving her precious sleep at home? Did he hesitate?..No right... So why are you hesitating, Misaki-chan? Can't Lord Akimitsu give you something with love?"

Misaki replied almost startled , "Did Lord Akimitsu really gave me this bun, sensei?" Mitsuo smiled and said, "Of course, you're at his house obviously he gave this bun to you, and if you refuse it, he might be sad." Misaki was almost surprised this time and shouted, "No, no, sensei, I'll eat it, give it to me." a soothing smile appeared in the corner of Mitsuo sensei's lips as he reached out his hand while holding the bun towards Misaki. Unknowingly, Misaki grabbed sensei's hand like an innocent child, pulling it near her mouth and started eating the bun from sensei's hand. This sweet little incident brought a mild soothing wave to the vast expanse of Mitsuo sensei's heart and his eyes clearly showed the emotion for a moment before going back to its usual calm manner. Maybe this is why it is said that the eyes are the mirror of the heart. However, poor Misaki couldn't realized anything that happened . She was just eating the bun with absolute satisfaction. On the other hand, Mitsuo sensei was getting satisfied watching her eat. And this is how a small pearl was added in the beaded necklace like a moment in life...

In such a situation, while looking at Misaki, he got absorbed in his thoughts. But the romantic atmosphere in his heart soon lost its rhythm. In the wave of a muffled cry... after enduring so much disrespect, neglect, humiliation, and pain, when a helpless soul suddenly gets a holding hand that can be held with both hands and brought down to the eyes without hesitation in the torrential rain. Yes, today, after many years, after receiving such a hand, those pains that were forcibly suppressed in Misaki's mind got both the courage and the ability to break the strong barrier built by her own and bring out the flood of suppressed tears from her eyes.

Mitsuo sensei didn't exactly knew how to calm her down! So he gently patted Misaki and said, "Misaki Chan, if crying really helps you to feel lighter, then do it. I am right by your side to wipe off all your tears." Hearing this, Misaki teared up even more. In this situation, sensei hugged Misaki under compulsion and confusion, so he placed one hand on Misaki's head as before and told her while patting, "Shhh... it's fine, Misaki Chan. Have faith. Everything will be fine. We all were, are, and will be here with you." He did not understand the exact meaning of what he said at that moment, or maybe he understood, but the number of questions in his mind increased, so he almost ignored the words "we were, are, will be...!!" But even through so many complications, he understood that God must have said this through him for some great purpose. Sensei's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a vibrating noise...

First a slight hiccup... followed by another cuter and bigger hiccup.. Misaki's crying has increased so much that her body rebelled through hiccups this time.. Mitsuo sensei understood that the girl's condition was now weak both physically and mentally, so it was inevitable to calm her down at the moment.. and besides, sitting in a room with a beautiful, blind, pure lass at this late hours of the night is also an action of injustice in his case. So he gently released his embrace from Misaki and again moved the bowl of water towards Misaki's mouth and said in a soft tone -'Misaki Chan.. see your hiccups have started.. Here, have some water.. you will feel better..' Saying this he gently touched her right cheek. Misaki obliged. She drank some water slowly like a small girl.. and sensei on the other hand wiped away the tears that flowed down Misaki's cheeks. And said - "Misaki, crying is never a sign of weakness and it's not a crime to lighten up; but trying to push all the pain out at once is wrong.. because doing so creates a void in the space of the mind that has been occupied by it so far. And furthermore negativity always looks for empty spaces to increase their power.. So..." Hearing this, Misaki gradually stopped crying, and along with it the hiccups had also eventually halted.... and then she asked a childish question out of excitement - "What should we do then, sensei?" sensei silently smiled a bit and said - "First start to eat and then I will tell you." Misaki started to nibble the food when sensei said - "The answer is not so hard, in this case we have to take care that instead of negativity or positivity we should let hope fill up that empty space.. which will help our strong Misaki to become stronger isn't it?.." Misaki also said something else... and so on. A few more random words flowed into a pleasant moment.


At the entrance of the court of the universe...

A strange visionary person stood in front of the door. By the looks of it, it seems as if different parts of his body ages differently.. Perhaps the growth of every part of his body progress differently depending on the time of different realms (a small childish face big muscular upper body and skinny leg like and old man). The invisible doors of the universe opened upon his arrival and the doors closed as soon as he entered leaving behind an empty endless void... this is the birthplace of all creation. So needless to say the fate of the entire creation gets decided right from here.. This court is situated at the epicenter of countless universes, only the ones with extreme spiritual power can see it... The guy went through a dimly lit place, where the only light was emitting from the ripples of the rainbow under him as he walks.... Suddenly, a cluster of gold and green divine light slowly lit up the entire place... As the clusters of light began to take their true forms, a massive burst of energy erupted. At the same time, on one side, from the top of the universe came down an infinite beam of soft light, like an aurora of wonderful golden, green, and purple colors. And on the other hand, the entire space under the foot of that stranger was created with a rainbow color that was spreading like a stream of water in a ring shape. The strange guy knelt down and bowed to them while saying in a respectful voice- "God, mother nature accept my obeisance...." God and mother nature nodded while smiling a bit and then said - "Toki.. tell me why have you suddenly left Jikan no sekai and came here through so much difficulties.? Yes.. you are 'time', so you don't have to worry about time variations.. but still why didn't you chose the telepathic path?" Toki bowed his head and said in a humble voice - " Lord.. all this creation is yours and mother's.. not even a speck of dust in this entire creation moves against your will. So I know that under your will I have left my realm and presented myself to the court of the universe to find answers of some questions." Mother nature smiled softly and said.. " What question has arisen in this entire creation that time itself has been worried about and has come here after traversing this long path hoping for an answer?" Toki bowed down and said - " Mother I tried to complete the work you gave me with all my respect and dedication. But I am really confused about one thing that those who have the wisdom and love virtue of the supreme soul, without whom the implementation of this entire creation was almost impossible, why do they have to go through so many tests to prove their abilities.. ? Yes.. I could have resorted to telepathy regarding my confusion, but sometimes shortcuts brings unforeseen consequences.

Moreover, whenever the time arrives for someone to prove themselves, somehow, by some unusual trickery, the number of foes on their path seems to increase more than the number of friends. The extensive fact is that in this case, the enemy is usually someone they know or are very close to. And if that is not the case, then it can be said that their kindreds cause destruction to them the most."

Toki paused for a bit and then continued, "I am time... I am eternal. I was present at the beginning of this creation, and I will be here at the end too, and maybe even after that, alone... Like an endless path or an eternal flowing stream. I cannot be created or destroyed by your blessings. I am neutral to your orders and unperceptive. I follow nothing but your orders, and I have never allowed anyone to act out of your order. Under your command, I deliver your judgment to all. I am devoted only to you. I have no desire for anything else. By your will, countless travelers have floated themselves in my stream for eternity to their destination. Some took the right path, some did not. That's why some may have been able to reach their goal, some couldn't. But I have witnessed everyone's struggle. They are all searching for one or more things throughout their lives. If ever they succeed in their quest, they strive to achieve more afterwards. Even if they have ever achieved it, those among them who have taken refuge in falsehood have not been able to respect it properly and at that point they have gone astray, and then one day they are lost. And those who have resorted to honesty, they have struggled a lot and then at some point they manage to achieve their desired goal and finally they disappear following the traditional custom, but some great souls gets the opportunity to write their name on a temporary plate..maybe one day all must be lost! Maybe this is the law of creation! Only I may remain at your command, with innumerable memories in this eternal memory of mine. Awaiting the arrival of many more passengers and the memories they leave behind."

Toki bowed his head and sighed. "I know this is actually just an out come of your creative powers, my Lord... but still... it never raised any questions in me and it never will... but when I saw that Kiyoko and Akimitsu also need to prove themselves... a sudden question arose in me... neither of them had ever ran after any goals, did they?... They just fulfilled their duties towards this creation... like me, they are not emotionless, yet they never revealed their hearts, so that there's never any strain in the responsibilities imposed upon them in the place of personal enthusiasm. Then why? And what ability do they still have to prove that they have to go through such an examination? And Is this examination really for both of them..? Or for the entire universe ? And what will be the outcome of it? And what effect will it leave behind? And what is the reason for my sudden feelings towards them? My supreme Father, Mother... Please show me a path from this oscillating storm created in me...!"

Both God and Mother Nature looked at each other, and then they looked back at Toki and said lovingly, "Toki, first, let's talk about emotions, okay? You see, emotionless are those who can never react to anything. Till now, maybe you have not encountered such a situation to realize it. That's why maybe not even a question, concern, or reaction has ever arisen in your mind. And you thought you were emotionless. But, when you learnt Kiyoko and Akimitsu suffering for seemingly no reason, a bunch of questions are stirring in your mind. Who is feeling less, who lives above all thoughts and feelings, can these question arise in them? Ask yourself this question. However, sometimes the answer is hidden in those questions itself or near you right in your sight; the task is just to find it. Hopefully, getting the answer will not be too difficult for you this time."

"Secondly, before I say anything about Kiyoko and Akimitsu, let me ask you a question.. Toki, tell us, do you think everything in this creation is working under the will of the Supreme Soul?" Toki replied with unwavering conviction - "Of course my Lord, there is no doubt about it." mother nature smiled softly and then kindly said - "So when you asked about them and said that they never considered their personal feelings to fulfill their responsibilities properly.. then did this not crossed your mind once that whatever the outcome is, maybe there such feeling is actually under the permission of the supreme soul for the welfare of the world... yet they are overlooking and passing it away." Toki looked at the supreme creator and power of all creation and said - 'I Understood Lord..' He stood up and said.. 'Now then, allow my departure...' He bowed and slowly retreated, and at that time God suddenly said - "Toki, you are the first part of my existence, leaving a small part of yourself in me at the beginning of creation you emerge from my core with a large part of yourself holding feelings in you, you can feel the infinite power within me. At that moment, you came out of me and had an existence of your own. But in spite of that, no pride or greed arose in you maybe that gave you such powers to control your own feelings. From then on, you carried my entire existence freely on you, disregarding consequences, profit or loss, desire or gain. And the biggest thing is that since then I, the creator, was not the only one who knew the inner and outer mysteries of the entire creation; you were also the one who was aware of this whole nobel truth like me. You have unknowingly proved yourself by always selflessly showing respect to the Supreme Power and doing duty to their creation, and never demanded anything in return. So you are also a primitive guru...That's why everyone should learn the greatness of life from you... And remember you asked me another question.. So Toki tell me when you asked 'Is this exam really theres or is this the exam of the entire universe' isn't the answer quite obvious since they are one of the part of the supreme soul so don't you think that it's not just them it's for everyone in this creation and even so do they only suffer the outcome or do the supreme soul as well endure ?" Toki claimed with a worried look "So all this time through them you were suffering everytime, and today too I presented myself not because I was worried about them but because I was worried about you lord, therefore this Toki will Forever bow down to your greatness" Toki said this while bowing to them, God and Mother Nature smiled a bit and calmly said to Toki with a loving look. "Toki, that's why God and Mother Nature, who together are the supreme power, also respect and love you from their hearts from the very beginning. May you be well." Toki could really feel these words in his heart. Immediately, his eyes closed, he bowed slightly forward, and his hands came forward and joined together to manifest the prana mudra in that moment small drops of tears were clearly visible around the corner of Toki's closed eyes. Suddenly, a white ray of light emerged from the purplish-golden-green aurora descended above Toki, creating a white beam of light that vanished in an instant with Toki, it scattered further as if dissolving the court , and with it, the Court of the Universe concluded.


Yajima Merchant House..

After Misaki quietly went out of sight, there was a different atmosphere in one of the merchant house's luxurious noble cabins. Various colorful dim lights were shining in the room.. This cabin was actually decorated many years ago by Yamato and Izumi for their only dearest daughter Misaki. But after Izumi's passing away, Aimi became Yamato's second wife which lead to Mizuki's birth, Yamato's penchant for business which forces him to leave home for long periods of time abroad, and Aimi and Mizuki continued unspeakable abuse on Misaki in his absence, which makes Misaki's healthy life miserable. One of the many results of which was Mizuki taking over Misaki's bedroom as her entertainment room, from which she had removed many expensive objects and renovated it according to her choice, later on Mizuki exchanged those expensive items for various of her personal slaves, and in that luxury room some anti-social activities take place every night. And there is nothing surprising about it because it has been happening continuously for a long time and everyone has become very familiar with it. even in this regard Mrs.Yajima never objected. As usual, many male and female moans were emanating from that cabin. Mizuki has many special servants, including two known as Kenji and Sora, whom she had bought from the Shizen No Ai village from Koakuma Clan for a high price of many coins. However, both of them had their upper part of there body exposed at that moment. In their hands they were holding a pot full of alcohol, few opium and a burning hookah base. Both of them were walking towards the entertainment room while chatting with each other. On the way beside the cabin of the servants room there was a store room next to the kitchen. which some servants had separated a small part of this room with a sturdy piece of plywood and a hinged wooden door and cleaned it up nicely and made it habitable with few stuffs so that Misaki doesn't have to suffer in the servant's cabin. They stopped abruptly as they passed Misaki's bedroom door, which was slightly open today.. This scene was quite unbelievable because, for whatever reason, Misaki always rests with her cabin door closed, they thought of taking a peek at her room so they slowly approached towards the opened door but before they could enter the cabin they drop the idea of entering and got busy with their own work when they heard the strict call from their destination.

As Kenji slid open the door of Mizuki's entertainment room, a concentrated smell of orange jasmine gushed out of the room through the wind and splashed on there faces like waves on a sea shore, this fragrance might be astonishing for human being but that scent was a noose for them which continuously choking them to their death... still they entered the room with a very normal expression and closed the door knowing what's going to happen in further future. But even so, they prayed to God that the life of everyone in the room shouldn't come to a forever halt. Last week on this day, highness Muzuki had put Akane to a forever sleep in front of all of them with her sword, just cause of a small doing of her's which her highness considered as a crime. That night he (kenji), choji, and hiroki were assigned to come and bury akane's body in the garden of princess Mizuki. "How many frozen bodies like this they had secretly carried from this room and buried in that garden, is beyond their calculation . How many people remembers the name or look of all of them? 'sighs'.. No, neither in the past they had anyone to remember! nor, in their future anyone will remember them! Because we are just a product bought with money or expensive stuff. The only difference is that we have life! Whose mistakes can't be easily thrown away. And no one can ask a question about it to save their life. After all, it's good that the flowers of this garden fall at the end of the day to pay respect to the skeletons sleeping under the ground... Maybe that's what slaves like us deserves after all. However, I still remember that the last name of this hellish punishment list was Akane. Maybe here tomorrow i will lie lifeless for some small mistake...", He couldn't think anymore.. Suddenly an question flowed to his ears.. Mizuki - "Why did you take so long to bring these few things.. huh..?" Sora bowed his head in fear and replied shuttering, "Forgive us, Your Highness. We were quick, but..." Mizuki asked in an angry and louder tone, "But...? what happened? Speak properly." At first, Kenji squinted at Sora, a dark cloud of sudden danger arose in his mind. So he took matters into his own hands to bring the whole situation under control, and then smiled softly at Highness Mizuki and said in a sweet, calm, loving tone - "Your Highness, please calm down. Actually, we would have reached here earlier, but Her Highness Misaki's cabin door was open today. But as far as we know, she never rests with her cabin's door open. So we were trying to monitor the whole matter a bit. There is no other reason, Your Highness." Mizuki frowned, "Really? Well, Kenji, go and find out the whole truth. I want the full report. Don't be late. You know, without you, this colorful night of mine fades away. Now go." Kenji bowed to Mizuki, leaving the stuffs they had brought in, as he was about to leave, the usual ugly scenes flashed before his eyes..

The girl's name is Kaori, and just like others she is also a slave. But she is not alone. Because within a few days of becoming a slave in this house, she unknowingly took over the softest place in Kenji's heart through some of her subtle activities. So three guys were having sex with kaori at the same time, the one whose member was in the girl's vagina was under her and the other one was doing her from behind and the guy had kaori's black hair tangled in his hand and pulled back. And the third person was standing in front of Kaori taking a blowjob from her by holding her head tightly with both of his hands. In all this it was hard to notice what the girl was feeling... Except Kenji. At the moment that sight broke his heart again like any other day. But he did not have the strength to protest, So he went out of the room, keeping the same normal expression on his face, addressing the girl and saying in his heart.. "Kaori, I know it hurts you, but I'm requesting you to bear this for few more days, I will take you out of this hell, somewhere far away where no one will recognize us, we will live there with a new identity.. just you and me..." Kenji blushes in the midst of so much pain.. and thinks - "Not only Kaori but every girl here, who every night satisfies Mizuki's carnal desires by their body, mind and acts of false lust by wronging their souls, just to save their own lives. I want to take them all away from this hell with dignity and free them..."

Misaki's cabin door was still open. Kenji stepped inside and saw Misaki's bed was empty. Kenji began to tense up for Her Highness Misaki for a while. But in a few moments he composed himself and rushed towards the servants' cabin. As soon as he got there, he discovered, Her Highness Misaki wasn't even there. So he woke up the old maid; And told her the whole incident. Hearing this, the old lady (everyone use to call her grandma including Misaki) patted Kenji's head and calmed him down - "Kenji, calm down and go back to your work with a normal expression, so that Her Highness Mizuki don't suspect a thing. And don't worry.. We will take care of the rest." hearing this Kenji let out a sigh of relief and started to walk back towards the entertainment room with random thoughts in his mind but suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of moans. Upon entering the room a similar scean appeared in front of his eyes one girl and three boys were mating in different poses in different groups, in three different places of the room, while on the other hand three pairs of gay males were mating with each other and three pairs of lesbian females were mating with each other, even tho it doesn't matter if they were gay Or lesbian they had to carry on with it according to the rules of the room under there highness. On top of which, Mizuki was still half laying on a king size bed wearing a transparent silk house coat (which was Mizuki's go to dress up for entertainment room), which were not enough to cover her private parts even tho it doesn't triggered her embarrassment, and Mizuki had no intention of covering it as well . As she was enjoying this scene, she was smoking hookah with a hideous seductive smile on her lips and giving orders to each member of the three types of groups to leave their current group and join the opposite group every fifteen minutes. This room of her's also has many rules that every member here had to obey, or else they had to lose their life like Akane. Among these rules, few main rules were that, firstly, the most important was whoever walks into this room shall have no feelings for one another, they should not have any mental and emotional attachment, secondly, no one is allowed to get physically attached with anyone outside this room and if any of the slave catches someone having an affairs they shall protest against it or bring the guilty to the Her Highness, and thirdly, no girl should ever conceive randomly more than twice, and when they conceive they have to give birth and raise their child as a single mother. And she will never be permitted to marry anyone for the paternity of her children or for any other support, and if anyone conspire against this rule they will be executed. In this case, another brutal rule was established here that the child should be handed over to Her Highness Mizuki as her slave when they turned ten years old. Also there were many other such unwritten rules which made the life of those helpless people more miserable.. However, the colorful lights of the room, the intoxicating smell of alcohol, opium, hookah, and the sexual moans of several men and women continued to create a sexual sensation in Drunk Mizuki's entire body as usual. So, first, he drunkenly ordered Kenji, "Kenji... my slave, lick my toes first..."

Kenji heard somewhere that life is like a fictional story of an invisible author, and we are their characters. So we all play a role here constantly. They write different stories for everyone. But there are some people like us for whom they write stories in a slightly different manner. And it is quite interesting because the characters in these stories have to play one or more sub-dramas while acting in the drama called 'LIFE'. And that is the significance of these characters... Sigh... we have been doing the same thing for so long, so I don't find any difficulties in it. And I know I can do it easily. At least for Kaori's sake, I have to bear it with a smile... Hearing this, he looked at Mizuki with a smile and came forward and said, "As you command, your highness." He gave Mizuki a seductive look as he said this to himself, and a crooked smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He took his highness's left foot in the palm of his hand. After giving a kind of massage, he started to lick Mizuki's toes. And at her command, he proceeded to lick her entire leg from the toes towards her vagina. Mizuki suddenly asks " So what have you seen" Kenji paused his activities for a while and said " Yes, your highness everything is fine" Upon hearing such answer Mizuki claimed with a cunning smile "fine... Fine after this party ends I will go check on her myself" Kenji felt a sense of fear, but his subtle expression hid it, while in his mind he prayed to God, that grandma and some others can come up with a solution to manage the situation, and i hope where ever highness Misaki is she is fine and comes back safely before everyone knows.

While on the other part as we know in order of mizuki every fifteen minutes each of the members of each group have to perform sudden acts to satisfy mizuki Regardless the sexuality or gender the members of the group had to get physical with whoever Mizuki wants, for example a guy have to get physical with a guy Even if He's not homosexual, and same goes for a girl in that room sometimes they have to get physical with both a girl and a guy at the same time despite them being lb. Mizuki seductively called two girls (Sayaka and Shuuka) and Sora to start entertaining her this time. As the highness commanded two girls started sucking her breasts, and Sora started smooching her, while Kenji was licking her vagina. Kaori who was not performing any physical intimacy at that moment, but was unknowingly forced to see her love of life getting intimate physically with her owner it was a heart breaking scene but she stayed quite while Mizuki enjoy her hellish desires. then Mizuki laid Kenji on the bed then got up on him to ride his member and While Mizuki was undressing herself to ride Kenji the bright Vermilion rose tattoo on her heart point seemed as if it was glowing in such an atmosphere, another girl started kissing Mizuki after she told her to and The rest of girls sucked on both of Mizuki's breasts. at one point of this physical intimation Mizuki got off from kenji and asked Kenji to get on top her now in the midst of that she ordered kaori to come along the frontal side of the bed and started scissoring with one of those to girls while sora was asked to get intimate with them, this scene continued untill Mizuki got her orgasm and with that another hellish carnal desires scene at Ayajima marchent house came to an end...

At the end of the party Mizuki ordered everyone to go back to there respected rooms except Kenji, Sayaka, and Shuuka. After everyone had left Mizuki put on her Hanfu with the help of Sayaka and Shuuka after which she commands them to leave as well, she now came out of the room with Kenji and asked him to follow her to Misaki's cabin. Upon reaching Misaki's cabin they noticed that the door was shut but just a small push from Mizuki opened the door as soon as the door opened up Kenji's face turned pale, Muzuki gave one cold look to Kenji before entering the room.


To be continued..