
The Awakening: Chronicles of a Transformed World

In a not-so-distant future, where humanity had ruthlessly dominated the Earth for centuries, a world-altering event unfolds when a deity awakens a dormant mountain, setting in motion a cataclysmic change. Humans, who had once tamed and exploited nature, suddenly find themselves powerless in the face of a reawakened Earth. The story follows Wali, our determined protagonist, who is determined to find his place in a world redefined by the deity's intervention. As he navigates a series of demanding exams that could shape his future, he discovers that success is no longer defined solely by human ambition and technology. With limited physical prowess, Wali must adapt and prove that he possesses the qualities and skills necessary to thrive in this transformed world.

monster_frightwolf · Urban
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4 Chs


The day of the last test arrived, and Wali found himself overcome with nerves. The interview was the last hurdle before he would learn whether he had secured a place in this new world, where the awakened mountain had forever changed the balance of power. Still reeling from the performance of the W.P. School's exceptional candidates, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment.

As he sat, anxiously fidgeting, T noticed his distress and said, "Wali, don't forget, I've brought the design of the new robot. If necessary, we can present it. They might appoint us as a teacher, or if we're lucky, even as the principal of an academy." T's remark was met with a hearty laugh from Wali.

"They're good, but not that good," Wali replied, trying to shake off his nerves. "Where we're going, projects like ours will be everywhere, I'm sure of it."

One by one, the other candidates entered the interview room and left with the results of all their tests, their expressions ranging from jubilant to crestfallen. Wali watched as they emerged, wondering what the future held for each of them. Some would surely thrive in this newly transformed world, while others might find themselves struggling to adapt.

Finally, it was Wali's turn. He walked into the interview room, the weight of the moment resting on his shoulders. The panel of interviewers, stern-faced and formidable, sat across from him. They were the gatekeepers to a future that remained uncertain.

Wali took a deep breath, thankful for T's support,  he prepare to face them head on  with a smile. 

The interview room was a stark, dimly lit chamber. Wali entered, taking a seat in front of a panel of stern-faced interviewers who looked more like judges at a courtroom. They scrutinized him with piercing eyes, their expressions giving nothing away.

Interviewer 1: "Wali, you've performed quite well in the practical exams, but your scores weren't exceptional. What sets you apart from the others?"

Wali: "Well, I understand that my physical performance may not be the strongest, but I believe that my adaptability and determination are my greatest assets. In a world that's undergoing such rapid changes, these qualities become crucial."

Interviewer 2: "Adaptability is indeed important. Can you give us an example of a challenging situation where you've demonstrated this quality?"

Wali: "Certainly. During the practical exams, I faced a situation where I was competing against candidates from the W.P. School, who had extensive training in martial arts and survival tactics. While I may not have matched their physical prowess, I adapted by using my skills and knowledge to perform to the best of my abilities."

Interviewer 3: "That's a good example. But we also need individuals who can think outside the box. How do you see yourself contributing to our rapidly changing world?"

Wali: "I believe innovation is key. I've brought with me a design for a new robot that could be a valuable asset in this transformed world. It's designed for tasks like resource management and environmental monitoring. With the right resources and support, I could bring this project to fruition and contribute to the evolving needs of our society."

Interviewer 1: "Interesting. Our world is going to be vastly different from what we've known. How do you think we can strike a balance between humanity and nature, especially now that the mountain has awakened?"

Wali: "It's crucial that we learn to coexist with nature rather than dominate it. We need to embrace sustainable practices and respect the balance of the environment. The awakened mountain is a symbol of nature's resilience, and we should take that as a lesson. We must use our knowledge and innovation to protect and nurture the world we live in."

The interviewers exchanged glances, their expressions giving nothing away. The room was filled with an air of anticipation, and Wali couldn't help but wonder if his answers had been enough to secure his place in this new world.

As the interview concluded, Wali emerged from the room with mixed feelings. The results would determine his path in this new world, and he could only hope that he had demonstrated the qualities needed to succeed. His nervousness had been lessened by T's presence, but the outcome still remained uncertain.

As Wali left the interview room, the panel of interviewers began discussing the candidates and deliberating on who would receive acceptance letters. Their expressions remained inscrutable, their decision-making process veiled in secrecy.

Suddenly, the room's door swung open, and in walked the teacher who had been overseeing the practical exams. He addressed one of the interviewers, saying, "You're late, sir. You missed everyone."

The interviewer raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback. "I took everyone's interview before you even began," the teacher explained. "I've already decided on whom to send acceptance letters. I'm here to inform you formally on whom my academy is going to send acceptance letter."

The teacher revealed himself to be the vice-principal of the prestigious No. 1 academy, a respected figure in the academic circles of this transformed world. He handed a list to the other interviewers, who quickly scanned the names.

On that list, they found the names of the ten students from the W.P. School, five others who had performed remarkably well, and, to their surprise, Wali. His name stood out among the others, as he had presented a thoughtful perspective on balance, in stark contrast to the green faction beliefs. The interviewers exchanged incredulous glances, puzzled by the choice.

The vice-principal noticed their astonishment and addressed their unspoken concerns. "Just because he has different beliefs doesn't mean I wouldn't recognize his talent," he said firmly. "In a world that's undergoing such profound changes, we need a diverse array of ideas and abilities to thrive. Wali brings a unique perspective, and I believe he'll play a valuable role in our evolving society."

With that, the vice-principal left the room, leaving the interviewers to come to terms with the unexpected choice. They would soon send out the acceptance letters, charting the course for these selected individuals to enter a world reshaped by the awakened mountain and the deity's intervention.

Wali's inclusion among those chosen candidates, despite his differing beliefs, marked the beginning of a journey into a world where the dynamics between humanity and nature were far more intricate and multifaceted than he could have ever imagined.

The story of Wali's journey in this transformed world was on the cusp of a new chapter, one where the choices made and the challenges faced would shape not only his destiny but also the future of humanity and the natural world.