
The Awakening: Chronicles of a Transformed World

In a not-so-distant future, where humanity had ruthlessly dominated the Earth for centuries, a world-altering event unfolds when a deity awakens a dormant mountain, setting in motion a cataclysmic change. Humans, who had once tamed and exploited nature, suddenly find themselves powerless in the face of a reawakened Earth. The story follows Wali, our determined protagonist, who is determined to find his place in a world redefined by the deity's intervention. As he navigates a series of demanding exams that could shape his future, he discovers that success is no longer defined solely by human ambition and technology. With limited physical prowess, Wali must adapt and prove that he possesses the qualities and skills necessary to thrive in this transformed world.

monster_frightwolf · Urban
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4 Chs


In a world distant from our own, humanity had reigned supreme for millennia. They had bent the planet to their will, conquering every threat, from pandemics to natural disasters, to wildlife. The Earth had become a vast, sterile playground, bereft of its natural beauty. The once lush forests, towering mountains, endless deserts, and pristine glaciers had all but disappeared.

As oxygen levels plummeted and climate change threatened to undo their centuries of conquest, humans had built massive air converters around their sprawling cities. When tsunamis raged, they forced the waters to change course. Rising sea levels were tamed, reshaping coastlines to their liking, while entire cities were erected on floating islands anchored to the oceans.

It seemed as though humans were on the brink of their ultimate victory. The last remaining mountain, a stubborn testament to the planet's former glory, was now the target of their relentless destruction. But it was at this very moment that the world would change forever.

High above the desolation, a deity, a god or perhaps an ancient consciousness, observed the suffering of the Earth. This celestial being had witnessed the relentless exploitation and devastation wrought by humanity. In response to their greed and recklessness, the deity decided to intervene.

With a divine breath, the mountain was awakened. Life surged through its rocky veins, and it began to stir. Its colossal form trembled, and an earth-shaking roar reverberated through the land.

As the first machines and explosives touched the ancient mountain's surface, it retaliated. The weapons of man were useless against this awakened force of nature. Nuclear bombs, radiation showers, and artificial meteorite storms fell harmlessly upon its stony hide, as if the mountain itself was impervious to mankind's desperate attempts to reclaim control.

The human cities and armies that dared stand before the mountain were obliterated in an instant. What was once grand civilizations, now nothing more than ruins, lay in the mountain's wake. Only the untouched forests and the resurrected mega flora and fauna, like the guardians of an ancient world, remained.

The deity, in its wisdom, had given the mountain strength but not speed. This merciful choice allowed the humans to flee the inevitable doom that befell their cities. The time it took mountain to travel one country to another is approximated to 20 years. They ran to opposite side of world fearing the never stopping calamity. 

But among this chaos human started planning how to face the giant. They started training their younger generation as this war to save a few has turned into a war to save their whole species that could only be done if the younger generation is safe.

Wali had just emerged from his written exam, a daunting experience in a world where the pursuit of knowledge. He was greeted by his pet  robot, T, which had been waiting patiently for him.

"Let's go, T," Wali said, his breath still ragged from the excitement of the written exam. "One more to go, and then we're on our way to success."

He sprinted his way to the practical exam site, feeling the adrenaline surge through his veins as he pushed himself harder. Despite his claims, Wali's stamina was anything but great, but he didn't want to let that hold him back.

Upon reaching the practical exam site, he was greeted by the teacher in charge of the examination. "Running outside of the field doesn't count, Wali," the teacher said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Wali chuckled and panted, "Don't worry, my stamina is great."

In truth, his stamina was far from exceptional, but he knew that in this world where humans had tamed nature itself, success was determined by more than physical prowess.

He found a place to sit, attempting to regain his breath while waiting for his turn to come. Around him, other candidates were going through their trials with various levels of success. The practical exam included basic tasks like long jump, high jump, discus throw, and a 100-meter race.

When his turn finally arrived, Wali stepped onto the long jump runway. He took a deep breath, sprinted, and leaped, landing at a distance of 2 meters, a decent but unremarkable result.

He moved on to the high jump, clearing 1 meter with some effort. The discus throw was up next, and he managed to achieve a throw of 50 feet, which was quite average in that age and time.

Lastly, Wali prepared himself for the 100-meter race. He knew that his performance in this final event could be a make-or-break moment for him. The starting pistol fired, and he dashed forward with all his might, crossing the finish line in 1 minute. It was a respectable time, but he couldn't help but wonder if it would be enough to secure his place in a decent academy.

As Wali caught his breath at the end of the race, he felt a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. 

Wali, stood by the teacher after his practical exams. The teacher looked at him and said, "You might be lacking a bit in physical abilities, Wali, but with this score, you should pass if you get a good grade in the written exam."

Wali grinned confidently. "Don't worry, I've got that part covered," he replied, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

The teacher was pleased to see Wali's self-assured demeanor. He knew that determination and adaptability were traits that could prove invaluable in this transformed world.

Wali continued to stand beside the teacher, watching as other candidates went through their practical exams. As ten new candidates approached the test site, a sudden shock rippled through Wali. These candidates were different. Their physical performance was in a league of its own, scoring far above anyone else.

Seeing Wali's surprise, the teacher leaned in and said, "They're from the W.P. School. They've been trained since they were young in the martial arts of their respective choice and given survival training and top of that they are the best of their school."

Wali couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and trepidation as he watched these highly skilled candidates. In a world where nature itself had rebelled, their specialized training seemed to give them a unique advantage.

As Wali observed the W.P. School candidates excelling in their practical exams, he knew that his path to success would be challenging. 

With the practical exams concluded, Wali and the other candidates returned to their preparations for the final  test. Each of them had their own strengths, weaknesses, and secrets that could potentially shape the future of this world. 

The story of Wali's journey in this world that is always at brink of apocalyptic destruction had only just begun, and he would soon discover that his strength and skills would be tested in ways he could never have imagined.

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