
The Awakened Conqueror

Kai is an ordinary high school student, going through the ups and downs of teenage life. Unfortunately, he experienced a heart-wrenching betrayal from his childhood sweetheart and closest friend, leaving him feeling hurt and isolated from others. For years, he carried this pain deep in his heart, keeping himself distant from everyone around him. However, everything changed when an unexpected and exciting event unfolded before his eyes - a mystical transparent window appeared right in front of him! Do you want to steal (conquer) the woman you desire? [Yes / No] The moment Kai clicked the [Yes] button, his life, which had stood still, instantly began to surge forward towards his own exciting destiny. ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning! Adult content. This book is rated R-18, so if you're not yet 18, yes, please, you should know what to do. There's no NTR in here, but the MC will cuckold or steal someone else's. However, it is only for those who deserve it or not? maybe? (v^_^).

Little_Yuan · Ost
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65 Chs

Bear My Child

"Rei, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you spend the rest of your life by my side?"

Kai's heart was racing a million miles a minute, pounding so loud that it might as well have been a drumbeat echoing for all to hear. Despite knowing that Rei's romance points were already at a staggering 99, inching closer and closer to a perfect score of 100, the idea of proposing was still a nerve wracking moment.

He couldn't help but feel a nerve-wracking twinge in the pit of his stomach, knowing that there was still a small chance that Reika could reject him. After all, their relationship had started off in a rather unconventional way, one might even say that he had kind of forced her into a corner.

But all his nerves were instantly swept away when Reika's answer escaped her lips, bringing an elated smile to Kai's face. It was as if someone had switched on a switch inside him, propelling his feelings into the high heavens.

"Yes! Kai-kun, I want to be with you for the rest of my life," Reika said as she smiled beautifully, her pretty face full of tears.

"Really?" Kai asked for confirmation, happiness overflowing in his heart.

"Yes," Reika confirmed, but a moan suddenly escaped her lips.

Due to Kai's unrestrained happiness, his cock that was deep inside Reika responded too, twitching and enlarging more than usual, as if the dragon was eager to impregnate her.

"Thank you, Rei! Thank you! I love you so much!" Kai said happily as he tightly hugged Reika's body and kissed her deeply. At the same time, he pulled his cock out until only the head remained and then thrust it inside her pussy in a frantic manner.

When Kai let go of Reika's lips, she finally had a chance to speak. "Muu.. Kai-kun, even during your proposal… But, I love you too," Reika said, her pretty face full of tears gradually turning into a lustful expression.

Kai thrust faster and more eagerly than he could ever be as she answered his love. "Sorry, Rei! I was so happy that I couldn't hold back again. I want you to bear our child."

"K-kai-kun, we are still in high school, are you sure?" Reika asked between her moans.

Reika was shocked upon hearing Kai's words, but strangely, she didn't hate it, or rather, she wanted it. There was an urge in her heart for the first child of Kai to be hers.

"Yes! I want to make sure that you're the one who will carry our first child."

Since he planned to conquer a lot of women, there was a possibility that some of the women he conquered might get pregnant, even with contraception. So, he wanted Reika to bear his child now. Although it was too early, as they were still too young, he didn't care. All he wanted was for Reika to bear a child that could seal her place as his first wife.

He had read some novels and watched movies with harem themes where the first wife didn't always get pregnant first, causing her place to be shaken and turmoil in their relationship. To ensure that Reika wouldn't feel and think again that he would leave her, he wanted to have his first child with her. Of course, part of it was due to his possessiveness, which turned him into a crazed person who didn't care about the consequences, as long as he made sure Reika belonged to him alone.

He wasn't worried about Mae Ling getting pregnant after their full course of sex, as she was using the Dual Cultivation Art that absorbed all the Yang Essence he released inside her and converted it to Spiritual Qi. That was also why he hadn't taught Reika the Divine Scripture of Yin & Yan Unification Art yet, as the urge to impregnate her was growing stronger, to the point of driving him mad for her even more.

In 9 months, he would have plenty of time to build his own business and other things or create a batallion to protect his future kids before their first child was born into this world. Since they already had a house to live in, there was nothing to worry about for the child's future, as long as he didn't die or anything that could prevent him from creating their own future. Of course, he didn't plan on dying, as he still had a lot of women to conquer and to enjoy.

Hearing Kai express his desire for her to bear his child, Reika experienced a sense of relief and overwhelming happiness. The beginning of their relationship had been nothing short of crazy and unique, so his proposal for an early pregnancy was more than welcome. Although Reika had a hint of common sense lingering in the back of her mind, all she cared about now was securing her place in Kai's heart. If he wanted her to bear his child, she would wholeheartedly accept it without any hesitation.

With a nod of affirmation, Reika looked into Kai's eyes and expressed her desire, "Please, Kai-kun, make me pregnant." Reika whispered in a seductive tone.

In that moment, she allowed her eyes to reflect a crazed intensity mixed with unbridled passion, momentarily forgetting about their parents and any other worldly concerns.

Continuing their passionate embrace, Kai lifted his upper body and gently grasped Reika's dainty hand. In a beautiful display of commitment, he slipped the Phoenix Ring onto her ring finger. Simultaneously, he retrieved the Dragon ring and placed it in her hands.

Mesmerized by the exquisite beauty of the Azure Dragon Ring, Reika trembled with pleasure startling her awake as Kai's thrusts grew even more intense. Determined to reciprocate his love, she managed to insert the ring onto Kai's ring finger, despite the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her body.

Suddenly, the rings emitted a vibrant glow, casting a mesmerizing blend of red and azure hues. To their astonishment, the Fire Phoenix and Azure Dragon materialized within the rings. These magnificent creatures, appearing larger than life, danced and intertwined above them, creating a breathtaking display against the sky. The surroundings were transformed into a majestic realm, as if they had ventured into a mystical world or traveled back in time to an ancient era.

When all of this unfolded before their eyes, Kai and Reika were left completely speechless. They couldn't believe what they were witnessing - the majestic Azure Dragon and the captivating Red Fire Phoenix were unlike anything they had ever seen before. These two mythical creatures were on a whole new level, compared to the enormous bear they had encountered earlier from Mae Ling. As the Dragon and the Phoenix entwined and soared gracefully through the sky, their love for each other seemed to radiate outwards, influencing Kai and Reika in its intoxicating embrace.

Lost in the intensity of the moment, Kai and Reika found themselves unconsciously resuming their passionate lovemaking. Reika's moans echoed through the air, resembling the ethereal cry of a Phoenix, while Kai's primal grunts mirrored the fierce roar of a Dragon.

Circling above them in perfect harmony, the two mythical beings formed a protective barrier of their divine aura, shielding the couple from prying eyes. With resplendent beauty, the Fire Phoenix exhaled a brilliant breath of fire, immediately followed by the Azure Dragon's majestic display of azure flames. As the flames engulfed Kai and Reika, a profound transformation took place. A very detailed azure dragon tattoo appeared on Kai's back, while Reika's back became adorned with a blazing fire phoenix.

In an awe-inspiring climax, the Dragon and the Phoenix descended upon them. The Azure Dragon merged seamlessly into Kai's tattoo, while the Fire Phoenix did the same with Reika's, imbuing the inked creatures with a lifelike vitality.

As this unforgettable moment unfolded, a powerful and electrifying wave of sensitivity enveloped their bodies, heightening the arousal and causing a profound sense of pleasure, making them both almost roll their eyes. However, Kai gritted his teeth to not pass out as he wanted to make sure that the seed that he was planting today will make her pregnant, to ensure the legacy they were creating.

After holding himself back, trying to resist the surge of desire coursing through his veins, Kai finally let go. It was as if a dam broke, and a powerful torrent of passion flowed into Reika. Reika could feel the warm rush of pleasure as she was filled by Kai, the intense sensation causing her to climax uncontrollably. In the midst of her ecstasy, she unconsciously bit down on Kai's shoulder, the intensity of their connection overwhelming her senses. With her eyes rolling up, Reika succumbed to the overwhelming pleasure and passed out in Kai's loving embrace.

Breathing heavily, Kai gazed at the beautiful sight of the sleeping beauty before him. A satisfied smile played on his lips as he leaned down and planted a tender kiss on her forehead. Exhausted from their passionate encounter, he collapsed on top of her, cherishing the intimate moment they had just shared.

Unbeknownst to them, the tattoos on their bodies, the Dragon and the Phoenix, began to exhibit their mystical powers. As Kai's sperm cells entered Reika's body, the Dragon Energy imbued within his tattoo was gradually consumed by the cells.

Simultaneously, the Phoenix energy on Reika's tattoo flowed towards her egg, enveloping it in a protective aura and harnessing its power. The meeting of Kai's sperm and Reika's egg resulted in the creation of a fertilized egg emitting an ancient power which is the beginning of a new life. A life that will prevent the demise of the world, but that will be in future events.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! Thank you, guys, for reading my novel even though I only have a few views. I still feel thankful.

Thank you for the review too. I hope you guys still enjoy reading my sloppy work hehe.

Have a nice day ahead, everyone!

Little_Yuancreators' thoughts