
The Avianwolf

In a world partially dominated by Ravens, Phoenixes (Avian) and werewolf, A Child was born. He had the blood of a Raven, Phoenix and Werewolf; he was an Avianwolf. He was hated amongst all the species, because they never saw eye to eye. The three species were pure Rivals. With the help of his witch friend, he laid a curse on them to never be able to mate with other species so they couldn't get an Avianwolf. A phoenix was surprisingly mated to a Raven, And then Emily was born. When she found out what she was, life became hard for her. She was being attacked by both Ravens and Phoenixes, as she was partly their enemy. She falls in love with a werewolf and then they had a son (An avianwolf) , she knew her son would face more challenges than she had, so with the help of a witch, she locked his powers in a cave far away and gave him up for adoption. Read the book to know what happened after then. Book cover by Jabo graphics.

Emzest_Inale · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 7

It was 7:30pm on Friday and Emily had texted Micheal to meet her at the junction, her mother would never let her go to any kind of party... So she told her mother after dinner, that she was tired and she would like to go to bed early.

When she got to her room, she started thinking of ways to leave. She thought about using the back door, but she has to go through the kitchen... Bad idea, her mother always stays in the living room till it's 10:30pm to watch her favorite TV show, and there's no way she can walk to the kitchen without her mom seeing her.

She paced up and down in her room and her phone buzzed in the back pocket of the sweatpants she was wearing, she pulled it out and Giselle was the one calling.

On the phone:

"Hey girl, are you prepared? Just arrived at your house now. " Giselle said

"Don't come inside, "

"Why? "

"My mom. She'll get suspicious, I mean, you've never come to visit me by this time of the night. "

"I'm coming in. "

"No, Gee. Wait-" Giselle hung up on Emily. (She does that always)

Emily tried not to panic, Giselle was literally going to ruin this. In the middle of her thoughts she heard a thud, capturing her attention, her eyes darted to the window and she saw Giselle on the floor, she apparently came in through the window.

"This is so freaking exhausting. " Giselle said breathlessly, still on the floor.

There was a hint of smile on Emily's face.

"Wait, you're not ready? " Giselle sighed, standing from the floor and lying on the bed.

"I don't know what to wear. " Emily walked to her wardrobe and opened it. She searched through her clothes and brought out a loose faint orange gown with balloon hands, she held it to herself and turned to Giselle telling her to check it out.

Giselle shook her head, "Even my grandmother wouldn't wear that, wait a minute. Where do you even get all these 'acient of days' dresses? " She walked over to the wardrobe and started searching. When she came across some clothes she'll scoff and mutter some words.

After she had searched for fifteen minutes, she got tired and wanted to sit on the bed when a sky blue palazzo pants caught her attention, she brought it out and smile to herself.

"You had this the whole time? " Giselle held the clothe up to Emily.

"I can't where that. " Emily shook her head.

"And you're definitely not wearing that." She pointed to the faint orange gown.

Giselle had that challenging look on her face, Emily sighed defeatedly. She didn't have the time to argue so she stood up and grabbed the palazzo pants.

Giselle smiled to herself and resumed her search in the wardrobe. Luckily, she found a white elastic turtleneck top, she handed it to Emily and she grabbed it rolling her eyes. She moved to her privacy partition and wore the clothes, it was a perfect fit.

Giselle told Emily to sit at her mirror, and when Emily had settled down on the chair, she started applying some makeup on her face, she combed Emily's hair and held it up with pins, baring her neck.

When Giselle was done, Emily was exceptionally beautiful. Due to the old-fashioned clothes she wears; Giselle didn't really knew how pretty her friend was. She smiled widely, she was happy they didn't have to debate about it, and how beautiful her friend looked. Emily was not the type to wear makeup, or dress in a highly stylish clothe.

"We're done here. " Giselle looked at Emily through the mirror.

"Yeah. We need to go. " Emily stood up and grabbed her purse and her phone, she tucked the phone into the pockets of the palazzo pants.

"Exactly... But how? " Giselle folded her arms. Emily paused, she was thinking of possible ways to leave without her mother's observation when her eyes drifted to the window. She rushed to the window but was discouraged when she saw the height.

"There's no way we can jump down without breaking a bone. " Emily shook her head, "How were you able to climb my window? " She raised a brow.

Her window was 15 feet above the ground, but fortunately, there was a tree that faced her window.

"Step aside. " Giselle said, boldly.

Emily moved to the side, wondering what Giselle was up to. Giselle walked backwards till her back pressed against the wall, she situated herself like someone that was ready to run a marathon. She ran towards the window, stepping on it, she hurled up and grabbed the branch of the tree. By the way she moved to the tree and climb down; It wouldn't take someone long to know that she could climb a tree. When she came down, she looked up at Emily's window and mouthed a 'come on'.

Taking a deep breath, Emily took some steps backwards and ran to the window, she stepped on it, she threw herself in the air and grabbed the branch of the tree, she smiled to herself, but the smile was quickly replaced with a frightened expression, when she heard a cracking sound; the branch she was holding tightly to, was breaking.

She moved quickly but couldn't make it to the tree as the branch she was holding tightly to, broke and she fell with a loud thud (Thank Goodness she didn't scream), the branches she was hitting her body against slowed her speed to the ground, but still, her bones were cramped painfully. Giselle ran to her and helped her up.

On their way out of the courtyard, Rebecca was coming towards their direction, she had probably heard the loud thud. They hid behind the flower arrangements and watched Rebecca moved to the tree, she looked at the broken branch on the ground and then looked up at Emily's window, she gasped. Her window was open. Rebecca ran into her house, Emily pressed her eyes closed; her mother will find out and she would undoubtedly punish her. But she couldn't let all her efforts go to waste. She stood up and ran, immediately, Giselle followed.