
Energy Applications #77

Author's note: I don't need to keep guilt tripping ya'll by talking about the dumbasses I have to deal with every day to get power stones, do I? Because I can totally do that, you know? There's no shortage of those, and yes this is a guilt trip.


The sword shined in a brilliant golden light in my hand as I swung it at the Mawzir's neck, and instead of a dull metallic thud, it was the sound of steel rending flesh resounding upon impact.

I watched the Mawzir's head fly off its neck and began swinging again to use up the energy in the sword before it dissipated, and by the time it hit the ground, the creature's body was already in 8 pieces.

And before the creature's body could turn to liquid and begin mending itself back together, I kicked its head with all my might and sent it flying all the way outside the cemetery to delay the process.

I tried doing the same with the rest of the creature's body pieces, but it was too late as they had already liquified and were merging, slowly but surely taking shape.

"This thing is relentless," Selina blankly said as she approached the demon's reforming body from the side. "Separating its pieces seems to slow it down, at least. I'll help," she added as she prepared to do just that, and I nodded at her.

"That will give us more time," I replied, nodding with a shrug as I kept my eye on the demon.

It took roughly a minute for it to reform back in shape, and I didn't mince any words as I repeated the process with Selina helping me separate the demon's body pieces in order to slow the creature down.

Monaghan, Jason, and the others also joined the fray and cooperated with Selina and me, and the creature needed at least two minutes to heal, thanks to the combined effort.

Still, it only took five times before swinging the sword got dull and tiresome, causing me to sigh as I made my way to Jason.

"Here. It got a bit chipped in the fight, though," I apologetically remarked, sighing as I offered the bastard sword back to its owner with a shrug of my shoulders.

"That's quite alright. Feel free to keep it, though. I've no use for it right now," Jason Blood replied with a smile, dismissively waving to the side, and I shrugged as I put the weapon in my inventory.

"That's a neat trick," Jason remarked, his smile widening as he saw me use my inventory to store the weapon. Almost everyone that counted knew about it, so there's no use trying to hide it anymore.

"Not as neat as what you can do with magic, I bet," I replied with a shrug of my own, and the only response I received was the light chuckle I heard as I turned to face the now fully healed demon.

'Now let's see how you fare against electricity...' I mused, watching the demon regain its form and set the voltage in my suit to the highest settings possible.

"Feel the power of the dark side, bitch," or so I wanted to shout as I electrocuted the demon with arcs of electricity shooting out of my gloves, but my skin wasn't that thick, unfortunately.

In any case, though the electric attack paralyzed the demon, it wasn't doing much damage other than keeping it pinned and rooted where it stood.

'I wonder if...' I mused while keeping my hands aimed at the Mawzir as I suddenly had a crazy idea. It wasn't my brightest, and I definitely didn't think it was a good one, but I honestly couldn't resist the urge.

'Fuck it,' I concluded, eagerly grinning as I began channeling my energy toward the electric circuits in my trench coat. And it was surprisingly easy to combine with the static electricity.

My eyes widened as the electricity gained a golden hue, each electric arc slithering out of my palm, doubling in size as it smote the Mawzir.

The sheer power proved too much for the Mawzir and the electric circuits in my suit to handle as the latter former evaporated and the latter shorted, immediately cutting the current.

'Gonna have to fix that later...' I mused as I touched my trench coat, but I couldn't care much as I gazed at my handiwork, the demon that had all but disappeared, leaving nothing but a single drop of silver wiggling liquid.

"Is that thing finally dead?" Selina asked, her tone astonished as she slowly approached me from the side, her eyes glued to the spot where the Mawzir was standing a second ago.

"Looks pretty dead from where I'm standing..." Monaghan remarked with a frown and received two nods of agreement from Natt and Deborah as they gazed at the demon's remains with a mixture of disgust and astonishment.

"Afraid not. Look closer; it's healing still..." I replied with a sigh, shaking my head as I looked at the small drop slowly growing bigger even as we spoke.

"Good thing you didn't kill it. Etrigan would be pissed otherwise," Jason Blood commented with a shrug as he looked at the growing silver liquid, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Our high and mighty demon prince has finally answered my calls," Jason added as he lightly spread his arms apart to show his exasperation and helplessness.

"He is currently, and I quote, with ancient might, on the pitiful gun-demons, unleashing deadly blight, end quote," he humorously explained, his tone amused as he gestured air quotes with his hands, to which everyone sent him weird looks.

"Rhyming demon, you get used to it after a century or two," the demonologist concluded, and no one was in the mood to question it, so we took it at face value.

"How long before Etrigan brings back the gun?" I asked, getting straight to the point. "I can't hold this thing here forever, you know?" I added, shaking my head as I gave the demonologist a side glance.

"I haven't got a clue, I'm afraid. Etrigan likes to play with his food, a bad habit that most if not all demons share," Jason Blood replied with a helpless sigh as he awkwardly looked away from my intent gaze.

"Damn. Either way, it should take the demon some time to recover. We need to make good use of the time and get some rest before it does," I remarked with a sigh as I followed my advice and unceremoniously sat on the ground.

No one followed suit, preferring to remain standing. I didn't care, ignoring everyone as I tried to recover some of the energy I'd been using. I still had plenty of it left, but I'd like to have it and not need it rather than the opposite.

Sure enough, the demon recovered after five minutes, and I was ready for it as I had recovered most of the energy I'd used, opting to use the sword as it was more efficient than crushing it with my fist.

The process of destroying the demon, separating its body parts, and waiting for it to put itself back together, only to do it again, began anew, slowly but surely consuming my energy and everyone's stamina.


'I might have underestimated the damned thing...' I mused as I watched the demon slowly reform itself for the umpteenth time. It's been an hour since I evaporated the damned thing, and I only had about 40% of my energy left while everyone else was out of breath.

Selina even had a shifty expression on her face that suggested she might leave at second, and I honestly couldn't blame her since I was thinking about doing the same.

The demon couldn't harm me even if I depleted my energy since I had it outmatched in the physical strength and speed department. I could fight all day long if I wanted to because of my superhuman physique and enhanced durability.

And as cool as ripping off Captain America's iconic line, it wasn't worth the hassle at this point. I'd already received my pay and more than earned my keep by constantly beating the living crap out of a literal demon from hell for more than an hour.

I didn't really care if the Mawzir dragged Monaghan to the depths of hell, either. In fact, I might even get some popcorn and enjoy the show, so I had little reason to keep fighting at this point.

The only thing keeping me here was the promise of a demon-slaying repeater rifle, but even that was progressively sounding less and less tempting when I compared it to the trouble.

"This is getting tiresome..." I remarked, grunting as I beheaded the demon and kicked the head away, watching Selina and the others get to work separating the demon's body parts before they liquefied.

"It's more trouble than it's worth. Five more minutes, and I'm out of here," I added with a bored sigh as I idly cracked my neck and waited for the demon to reform.

"What do you mean five minutes and you're out of here? I already paid you," Monaghan exclaimed as he stomped toward me after throwing away one of the demon's limbs.

"I've more than earned my pay..." I replied with a dismissive shrug, waving the two-bit killer for hire and his objections away. "You said you needed me to buy time, and I bought you more than an hour," I blankly concluded.


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