
The Average Adventurer With a Luck Ability Was Promoted to S-Rank

[18+ Content. Not suitable for anyone 17 and below. Viewer discretion advised!] Velvet Goon Kaiser is your average adventurer who left a prestigious home. Now he ventures alone with a passive ability of luck he gained from a goddess?! Thus the story of Velvet and his slowly building harem starts now!

Hatsu_Poralu · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Somehow, somewhere, despite it all, he married the dragon princess.

Today was nothing but tarnished dignity, disparity, and my life flashing before my eyes, or so I'll let the imagination of what happened run wild, naturally because I didn't want to recall or state any of what I have endured to others, in any case. I probably need to hope Ariel doesn't find out about it.

"Didn't you enjoy that?" Ruka purred as she latched onto my left arm in bed.

I gave her an exhausted look, "So this is where dignity goes to die." I thought while responding, "Yeah, it was pretty. Intense, is the word I can only think of."

She was happy to know I liked it as much as her, seeing as her face was blushing while having a giddy grin, which was cute is all I'm going to say, but having intercourse with a goddess was something entirely out of this world, maybe because she was an elf.

"Should we sleep now?" I turned my head to her while saying this.

"Okay, Vel!" she yawned and went ahead to sleep beside me.

"Hope she doesn't get any weird dreams." I tiredly thought before passing out.

And so the night went by, morning came after and my eyes shut the blinds when I woke and went back for a small nap, well or so a short one until Ruka awakened from her sleep and decided to suck me dry under the sheets.

Looking up at the ceiling, I debated whether or not I should be happy with this, but I can't really say anything about it but, "So this is what the inside of a mouth feels like." and blushed embarrassingly.

After all that, we decided to finally go out and get all suited up, until realizing that it's an off day that we naturally got changed in our casual wear and went out on a date or at least that's what Ruka wanted, which I agreed, as so to get to know more about each other.

"Hey, Vel look, a vending machine!" she pointed and tugged on my arms a few hours later after we stepped out of the house.

"Another one of his creations." I stared curiously at the box-shaped machine, which I hadn't seen before. "Do you want something from it?" I asked as she seemed to want some food.

"Can I really use your money to buy anything from it?" she said while being close to my face.

"Yeah, go ahead and choose what you want." I said and handed her some coins.

Running over to it, Ruka inserted the coin, which made the vending machine pop out a screen at her face about the list of items in the vending machine, which was convenient in a way but somehow ridiculous.

"Wow!" She looked in astonishment. "Vel, do you want something too?" She looked at me.

"Get me anything." I responded and told her to buy already.

And so she did, what Ruka got was something I never saw before, nor had ever ate either, and that got me even more interested to try it, of course I can't seem to eat myself due to Ruka wanting to feed me. Of course I was nervous at first, but gradually I didn't mind all the stares while she fed me.

"Feed me too, Vel." she asked and opened her mouth wide, which made my heart skip a beat.

And in goes the plane, so I fed her while she made an erotic noise, that of which can be heard near us, and I told her to stop it, but as per usual she refused and I stopped trying all together to reason with this goddess.

The date ended soon of course, due to the day being short, but on the contrary it was a long one for Ruka and she enjoyed every moment of it. I also liked the date even if it was something new to me, though romance is a concept I would probably never understand since it can have many possibilities and endings, well my processing thought otherwise on such subject.

"How.. peculiar." Someone spoke in a hood behind us.

"Wha--" Before I could speak, me, and Ruka got teleported abruptly.

Hours passed before we got ourselves into a castle. "What is this?!?" Ruka who was putting her guard up, panicked as she glanced around the ominous place, "who ruined my day with Vel huh?!" with anger in her face right after.

"It was me, the dragon princess." a girl who spoke above us, flapping her wings and landing down.

"Dragon you say?" I perked up, curious about it.

"Yes I am very much one, but let's not talk about me, but you, Velvet. I pronounce you my bride as of today!" she declared as she got out a marriage certificate from nowhere.

"Oh, how nice." I smiled with cheerfulness on my face until I paused for a moment. "wait, WHAT?" The shocked me shouted surprisingly.

Ruka was furious about this and also declared me a husband too. "He's going to be my bride!" she said while clinging onto me with her average sized breasts and arms around my shoulder, "you shouldn't take another girl's man." and gave the dragon girl a snarling tone while looking her down.

"Wait miss.. whoever you are, I'm flattered by this all, but I'm not familiar with you, so there's not a single chance we would marry." I truthfully came forth about the nonsense.

Her face indicated she was about to cry after I said that, until I remembered something, well, it isn't exactly a cliched moment nor anything for others to be jealous about. but this girl is similar to someone I helped in the past, but it has to be a coincidence, I had hoped at best that I wasn't in the wrong, at least.

"H-h-how cruel!" she plopped down to the floor with her knees, and cried, "how could you forget me?"

I made a mistake there, but this was a bad time but what else could I have done, well that answer is obvious, accept the marriage proposal and say you remember her, even if you get knocked out in the process later on, even for such a clichéd moment.

"Hah, my luck isn't on my side this time is it?" I sighed, "Poru, I remember you now, so please don't cry, I'll accept your marriage proposal, but let's get you back up." and took her by her waist and carried her this particular way until I put her back down, standing.

"Vel, are you really okay with taking a marriage proposal from this?" Ruka looked at me in utter disbelief.

"Yay! He accepted it!" Poru gleamed with tears in her eyes.

"Ah, this is going to end up being a harem route, isn't it?" I said in low spirits for the future ahead.

After awhile we got back to our town after some intense rivalry, Poru teleported with us apparently and a few inches from us was Ariel waving to us, and I felt the relief of seeing her once again, not until I got hit by her punches again because of Poru that followed us, who was a red haired petite girl and was the same size as Ruka, much to my surprise.

"So what's this about marrying a dragon princess?" Ariel glared at me with furious eyes.

"Some stuff happened so..." I looked at her nervously and screamed afterwards as I was getting punished in a way I wouldn't have expected, nor would I have known came after.

"After that she spoke, "So this dragon girl, is she your new addition to this party as well?" Ariel looked at me with disappointment.

I was anxious about what to say, but I decided to say something anyway. "Yeah, due to some circumstances we-" and got cut off by her furious glares again.

"Hmph... you were supposed to be with me first, but being late too isn't so bad I guess.." she silently said.

Hearing what, she faintly said, "What was that? I couldn't hear you." and told her to say it again, but got whacked on the head for pestering her about it.

"Ahem, now that I have shut him up, Poru here's your guild license, please hold on to it at all times." Ariel said and handed it to her while smiling, giving me a devious look in the process, which was scary.

"Luck isn't always fair, Vel, but cheer up anyway." Ruka said and patted my back hard.

"Who was the one who gave this worthless passive to me in the first place?" I whispered with anger.

And that is how I got myself a wife with a few minor inconveniences; a new teammate for the party that hasn't had a name yet, and my dignity as a man being disgraced by all these girls who are taking advantage of me one way or another. If any more get added by sheer luck, it will be the end of me.

"Please, you girls, don't fight over me!"

"We refuse!"

Sorry for the late chapter release! also, there's a bit of erotica for now until I find some way to describe sexual actions, even if it's weird to read. Anyway I hope you "enjoyed" this chapter

If you did(⊙o⊙)

Series starts picking up seriously next chapter, two chapters that will take quite awhile to story board and write out!

Updated - 2/5/23

Hatsu_Poralucreators' thoughts