
The Authors Omnipresence

Parker Dune is the author of the series “Hell in a heavens world” a story where mysterious portals appear all over the world and shift different dimensions into the world.

BlackenedSky · Urban
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5 Chs

— Possibility

I quickly left through the door that was now there, the void disappearing as I stepped back into the sunlight. I was relieved. As I walked down the steps I felt my body feel tired, relieved, my eyes shut as I fell onto a soft surface.

I woke up on the floor, nobody around me, it was now nighttime and the light ran hit my face softly. That bastard didn't even bother to move me into cover. I say up slightly and looked around me, I was in a completely different place, it was dirt ground actually, I felt it before wiping my hand on my pants. I was near a river, but this river wasn't recognizable anymore, nothing was about this landscape. The concept of my book was that monsters from other worlds and locations from other worlds shifted into ours. Like puzzle pieces filling the missing spots, or replacing other spots.

…it's a bit more catastrophic than I thought. Maybe, the way I visualized it was different than it actually is. Oh well…the locations should be the same, but I have no idea what part of the states I'm in.

I stood up and walked forward, and I spotted someone out of the corner of my eye, it was Nolan Break, cleaning the blood off his sword. I walked up to him and stood next to him.

"Your awake."

I looked at his sword and nodded.

"how long have I been out?"

"3 days."

My eyes widened in surprise.


I looked at his face, he was very serious.

"Can I ask you a question?"

He looked at me.


"…alright. Well, why do you do everything you do? Or, why did you start doing it in the first place?"

"Shouldn't you know already?"


"You said you knew everything about me. So shouldn't you be able to answer your question."

"Well not everything, but…I know some parts of it, most parts."

"I don't know."

"Hm? You don't know what?"

"I don't know why I started. I barely remember it anymore, I think it has something to do with my regression."

Wait...that's so dumb, now I can't figure out what happened before his third regression, I didn't write in his 0-3rd regression. I was planning to do it for a side story. Shit.

"All I know. Is that I need revenge. On that person. Who took everything from me."

Right, the heavenly demon…the one who killed all his party members in almost every regression. I wrote that in for backstory, but that's basically it.

"Haha…I mean I guess we all have some flaws, don't we?"

He looked at me like I was insane.

"Don't make it look like I know you, I met you a few days ago, you mean nothing to me. I don't know who you are except for your name. And I'm leaving. Maybe we'll meet each other. Maybe we won't. Goodbye."

He swiftly disappeared, the skill swift step. That's one of them he kept through his regression.

[New Hidden quest acquired {Authors Redemption}]


[Quest description: As the author of this story, you should know everything. But you don't, you first of all, gave the characters 0 personality but their strength and barely any good backstory. Fix these flaws and make the world you now live in complete. Redeem yourself]

…wow I feel very insulted, buts it's not wrong. I made Nolan Break as my basically edgelord oc. So, well, I just wanted to make everything look cool…

Oh well…time to leave. And do some good old questing!

Its so over for me…

(3 weeks later)

(Nolan Break's POV)

Blood flew through the air around me, the monsters that guarded the vault of King Arthur clattered into pieces of flesh and bone. I broke open the vault and looked inside.


I've raided this vault several times before…so why is it empty now?

[Name: Nolan Break

Age: 27

Aspect: The Regressor (Lvl 30)

Class: Spellblade

Element: Mimic

Skills: Eye of the seer (Lvl 1) , Regression (Lvl 30), Soul of Swords (Lvl max), Firebolt (Lvl 2), Swift-step (Lvl 3).]

I'll have to go after another legendary class item. Excalibur was one of the greatest and one I used in past regressions…I would be able to mimic the light element when I used it. But someone seems to have an ability that allows them to enter vaults undetected. Oh well.

I sighed as I looked around the vault for traces of elements, I touched the ground and felt something, a black lightning crackled against the floor, I looked up, and saw a giant hole in the roof going all the way up to the ground.

"What kind of idiot would dig? Hmph, it worked."

My current equipment wasn't exactly good, a normal bland sword, and nothing special. If I can stop that…many disasters happened in my last regression. If I'm not able to stop it, many innocents could lose their lives.

My mind wandered for a bit, I thought of that man, the one I stumbled upon. He seemed hopeless, scared, he was lying in a crashed car. I went to the lobby before I met him, the only reason I went there was because I gained the favor of the fates and they gave me a hint in the main quest. That location. Him. That he was the key.

I sighed and left the vault, going through the long thick tunnels and exiting the train station.

[The Remnant of a golden king is laughing at you.]


[The Remnant of a golden king is watching you with intent]

[The Remnant of a golden king suggests you search for his knight.]

"The remnant of a golden king…? King Arthur? Ah…his knight must be the one who took the sword then. I might as well. I don't have anything better to do yet."

[A Remnant of Chaos is watching your area intently.]

Hm…this area attracts chaos. Something bad is going to happen…I have to move.