
The Author's Intervention

A famous author, avid gamer, and otaku, Park Eun-woo was doing his best to make ends meet in the world, as he was at the peak of his success he had finalized a contract that would make his latest and most successful novel into a game! As he was celebrating, his vision got blurry and suddenly his face was planted on the ground, as thoughts were forming on his head on how to escape his current predicament he soon saw that the contract he had been given was now glowing! As an Otaku he formed a smile but soon he no longer couldn't. "Screw this I don't know who I'm going to be!" With that all his vision turned black. - This novel is for fun and at the same time my way of learning and writing better english as it's not my first language thank you!

AquaFan · Fantasie
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32 Chs


Lee Hyori had arrived with a number of professors such as Kim Jeong-Hoon the discipline head of the first years, today was one the days where professors would look to find a protégé or find students they feel that would need some extra attention and guidance as they didn't want their students to look bad and die fast.

Lee Hyori approached the center of the stage and along with the numerous professors, Eun-woo knew some and didn't but it didn't matter as he knew they would leave him be in his training.

"Today I've gathered the professors in the hopes that they'd choose the students who they feel would learn the most from them and with this today we are going to do a simulation battle, of course I've read everyone's files the last week so don't be nervous if your Job is a mage you won't be battling a swordsman or if you specialize in support skills rather than fighting skills it will be a two on two situation, as I've said I've already made plans and your only job is to do the best to impress these professors"

Lee Hyori then began calling out names as the assessment had begun, each student had that they were capable and that they weren't in Class 1 without reason, Eun-woo saw that some students were good at support skills, he didn't even knew what his other classmates abilities were, only the characters that had prominent roles in the novel were the only ones he knew off that that's why he was intrigued and took note some of the unique ones he thought that were worth investing in.

Eun-woo noticed that it was Lee Jun-ho's turn but he didn't care and instead went near Sowon as he took out something from his spatial ring, spatial rings were commonly seen nowadays but his was handcrafted by Angels that was given to his family as compensation for the efforts his father and mother had given throughout the years.

Sowon felt something on her neck, when she looked at it there was necklace, she then turned around to see Eun-woo smiling at her, she unknowingly turned red.

"It's a gift, I thought today would be the best day to give it since we're going to get paired up"

Eun-woo had given her an artifact, he currently had loads of artifacts, artifacts that he had looted a month prior, as soon as he got transmigrated he began using his family's resources to search artifacts that were going to be used in the later parts in the novel he himself had tons of skills book ready to be used anytime but refrained from learning it now.

"It's called [ Tear of the Beloved ] it'll increase your efficiency in support spells as well as it allows you to gather mana more quickly, as for it's other uses you'll know soon enough"

Sowon nodded and looked conflicted on what to say so she kissed Eun-woo on the cheeks.

"Hey! we're still on class you know!"


Sowon asked Ling Shu who was at a loss for words as Sowon glared at her, she immediately chuckled as she saw how Sowon looked at her as if she trespassed into her territory.

"I'm just joking Sowon! You guys are free to do what you want to do and no one would bat an eye! Oh look Professor Lee is looking at this direction!"

"Students Park Eun-woo and Jung Sowon come to the stage"

Eun-woo rolled his eyes as soon as he saw Lee Hyori smile at them, in the original novel it was supposed to be Jung Sowon and Lee Jun-ho but it didn't matter anymore as he was there.

As Eun-woo came to the stage he noticed that Lee Jun-ho was still there but this time he was partnered with someone else.

"Because of Jung Sowon's and Cha Eunha's skills as a support mage we can only do this kind of match, a two on two, whose the better fighter and whose the better support, besides you haven't even revealed your true expertise right Eun-woo?"

Eun-woo rolled his eyes again as he knew talking back at her was useless, Eun-woo saw determination in Lee Jun-ho's and Cha Eunha's eyes

Cha Eunha, she had a bobcut and had a cute face, overall she was above average in everything from skills to face, she was the bootleg Sowon as they had similar skills but she died early due to an accident in the future.

"Go Go Go Fighting Jung Sowon! Park Eun-woo!"

Ling Shu yelled soon many of their classmates followed after.

"I'm betting on you Eun-woo!"

"Save my Goddess please Lee Jun-ho!"

"All right I bet 500 Utopia coins on Jung Sowon!"

"Marry Me Lee Jung-ho!"

"You can do it Eunha!"

Yells were heard while Lee Hyori was looking at a certain direction.

"Get ready!"

Eun-woo summoned His Katana, Murasame, it was one of the artifacts he had looted a while back, it was sentient, when his team found they couldn't lift it and had strange curses rained down on them.

Eun-woo remembered the first time he saw Murasame, the sword immediately floated in front of him, he didn't waste any time and bonded with it immediately, Murasame submitted easily and removed the curses it gave to Eun-woo's workers.

"Wait doesn't he use a spear? Why is he wielding a Katana now?"

"Hey what else are you hiding Eun-woo!"

Jung Sowon also got ready, she held a staff, although it wasn't a named staff it was more than enough for her current abilities.

"Isn't that unfair on Lee Jun-ho's side professor Lee?"

A Professor told Hyori as he looked at the discrepancy between Lee Jun-ho and Park Eun-woo's sword.

"Nonsense being able to wield artifacts is also a skill, are you saying we should tell student Park Eun-woo to use a school issued sword and limit his capabilities instead?"


"Nothing is fair in war, you should use all available resources, this is the power Park Eun-woo was given, besides, we have yet to see his full strength."

The Professor then looked around to see other professors looking down on him, he then looked at the stage to watch the show and shut up.

Both sides looked ready, Lee Hyori asked them for confirmation and all she received was a nod, shortly after she signalled the start of the fight and everyone began yelling in excitement.

"Sword Aura!"

Kim Jeong-hoon yelled as he saw Lee Jun-ho achieve it as a student, everyone knew how hard it was to learn it, eve he could only gain a few insights but only a select few could actually use it.

"Eunha, focus on immobilizing him don't buff me"

"Understood Jun-ho!"

Lee Jun-ho immediately dashed straight ahead while Cha Eunha was readying spells to support him and obstruct Park Eun-woo.

"Say can we go on date tomorrow if I single handedly win this?"

Eun-woo turned his back and faced Sowon instead, Sowon was surprised but shook her head.

"If you do all the work I won't even get graded"

"Fair point, I'll leave Eunha to you then, I'm sure you're more than capable to beat her easily since I know you actually have more than a few offensive spe-"

Before he could finish his sentence Eun-woo turned back around and stretched his arm out to a Jun-ho who launched himself to strike down Eun-woo.

[ Everfrost! ]

Eun-woo caught the sword that had been covered with Sword Aura, everyone thought Eun-woo's hand would be chopped off but reality betrayed their expectations.

Eun-woo covered his hand with Frost Aura which overpowered the Sword Aura, shortly after Lee Jun-ho was encapsulated in Ice as [ Everfrost ] was a rank S Skill that froze anything Eun-woo would touch or he would send out Ice energy to freeze anything it's path, it was one of the many skills he had learned and looted.

Eun-woo then removed his hand and looked at Lee Jun-ho's figure that was encapsulated in Ice, he was sure he wouldn't get out since he still had ways to go on now to use his Aura properly.

He then went back to Sowon, but before he could.

[ Grasp! ]

[ Inferno! ]


"You shouldn't turn your back that easily you know"

Sowon burned down the vines and roots that Eunha had prepared earlier, Eunha exhausted all her mana as she covered the entire arena beforehand but Sowon had burned it away easily.

"I knew you had my back"

"When are you gonna free him?"

"I don't know, maybe until the Ice melts?"

"Can the two of you go down now? Eunha can't continue anymore she has exhausted her mana, and Student Park Eun-woo please release your classmate"

Eun-woo snapped his fingers releasing Lee Jun-hon who was now free from his ice prison, he panted and clutched his chest as soon as he got out.

"Don't worry professor, I made sure he wouldn't get hypothermia, I covered him with my energy so he'll be all right, his mana is also exhausted I won't tell why."

"I understand, I'll call the medical team now, you can back down now, student Ling Shu please prepare."

Eun-woo and Sowon nodded not even looking at their opponents they were soon greeted by Ling Shu who was watching everything up close

"Congrats to the both of you! Eun-woo! Teach me that Ice skill you just used! Ah Sowon! Teach me that fire magic too even if it's just at basic level! I want to look cool too you know!"

"I'll think about it Ling ling"

Ling Shu's eyes widened when she heard what Sowon called her, though they had only met today she was extremely happy and had tears in her eyes, even if Sowon looked stoic as ever she knew that Sowon looked at her as a friend

"I'll call you Wonnie and you call me Ling ling all right?"

Eun-woo flicked her forehead again.

"I only get to call her that, find another name"


"It's your turn now Ling Shu, you can do it"

"We'll be waiting for you here, can't let a child like you get lost in campus, who knows who you'll offend if you're left alone."

As a girl who didn't have any friends nor her biological parents and only knew her master and the life in the mountains, Ling Shu was happy and nodded as she ran off to towards the Arena immediately.

"Can't let them down! I'm Ling Shu, Please take care of me!"

Ling Shu immediately got into her stance as soon as she arrived, all she could think off was her new friends and how she would beat up her opponent fast enough so she can spend time with them.


"Ling Shu, did you really have to break his bones?"

Lee Hyori asked as she looked at the miserable state of the student Ling Shu just pummeled down.

"I'm sorry classmate! I'm sorry professor! When I fight I erase my emotions and only focus on the objective!"

"I can't really blame you can I? Well as long as you didn't mean to do it, its fine"

Ling Shu immediately ran off towards where Eun-woo and Sowon were, like a child who just saw her parents she dashed towards them immediately arriving and tugged them both.

"This Girl"

Lee Hyori shook her head as she looked at Ling Shu bothering both Eun-woo and Sowon as if it was a natural thing to do for her.


"Did you see his sword?"

Kim Jeon-hoon asked the other professors after the simulation was finished.

"It's a pity we couldn't see it in action since someone said something they shouldn't have"

Kim Jeon-hoon then looked at Han Ki-woon who was the professor who cried foul earlier.

"Enough of that, does anyone want to compete with me in personally overseeing Park Eun-woo?"

Lee Hyori asked and no one dared to voice out.

"Good! Then does anyone also want to fight me in overseeing students Jung Sowon and Ling Shu?"

"I do"

Lee Hyori looked at the direction the voice came from, it was Jeanne Williams, A Support mage and One of the many popes, she would rarely teach and when she did they would always end up being a pope candidate.

"I want Jung Sowon, although her skills in support magic weren't seen today due to Student Eun-woo manhandling student Lee Jun-ho, but based on her skills alone I should be the best candidate to teach her, I may specialize in support skills but I am still a mage and I know a few destructive spells, I'll also take student Cha Eunha"

"That's fine, any objections on me taking student Ling Shu? None? Good those two will be under my jurisdiction and Professor Jeanne meet me after today's deliberations"

"All right"

After Jeanne and Lee Hyori said their pieces various professors then said who they wanted to train as well, shortly after only Lee Jun-ho was left.

"Does no one want to train Lee Jun-ho?"

Lee Hyori asked for confirmation as the youth was talented like Eun-woo but she didn't seem to like him enough to train him.

"Then I'll take him"

Kim Jeon-hoon finally spoke, in the original story it was supposed to be Lee Hyori and only her that would take Lee Jun-ho, but this time she wanted to take Eun-woo, Sowon and Ling Shu since she had plans for them, as for Lee Jun-ho she couldn't be bothered and felt that it was natural for Kim Jeon-hoon to take him in.

"Then that ends it for today"