
"I always let him win."

With a black plum in his mouth, Zi Han walked through the halls looking for a place that wasn't too hard to find and also not too easy to identify.

While he was looking for the perfect hiding spot, Yi Chen had finished eating breakfast and he was playing a game of chess with old man Zi.

The pair of husband and wife had already left for Loch Ness star leaving only the two of them to play.

Zi Feiji wasn't a difficult person to get along with. It turns out Yi Chen was an old soul at heart. He liked challenging intellectual games, drinking bitter sugarless drinks, and having a smart conversation. Well, that was in the absence of Zi Han.

When Zi Han was there he liked doing all sorts of fun things as long as his baby was happy.

"... when did you fall in love with my grandson?" asked Zi Feiji not shying away from asking that question at all.