
The Ascetic Doctor Is Addicted To Me

Kaylee: "I... I'm selling myself. Do you want me?" Lucas: "Sure, strip. Let's check the goods first." Kaylee: "...” Lucas: "Kaylee, after you've slept with me three times, you won't have a say in this anymore." Kaylee: "What?" Lucas: "You've provoked me, Kaylee. You won't escape easily unless I get bored." Kaylee: "Why?" Lucas: "Maybe it's because you're clean, obedient, and feel good in bed. I'm getting addicted." --- Coming from a poor family, college student Kaylee is forced by her mother to earn money for her disabled father's treatment and her idle brother's marriage. With no other options, she decides to sell herself. She thought her parents simply loved her brother more, but it turned out she was just a tool they picked up to make money. The handsome and wealthy doctor Lucas buys her first night and warns her that if she needs money, she can only come to him and no one else. Domineering and affluent, with a prestigious family background, Lucas initially intended to pay for a bed companion without any emotional involvement. However, he unknowingly became addicted. Stubborn Kaylee, repeatedly pressured by her adoptive mother, has no choice but to submit and become Lucas's exclusive kept woman. Though it was supposed to be just a transaction, emotions have become entangled, complicating their arrangement. Kaylee's mother continuously demands money; Lucas faces family pressures for an arranged marriage; An overseas crime lord covets Kaylee; And Lucas's family's political enemies are watching closely. Kaylee says: "It's really hard to make money these days." Lucas says: "Marriage is fine, but the bride must be the true heiress. By the way, I've found your daughter for you."

August_Witch · Urban
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10 Chs

I'm the Doctor, I Decide

"Get out," Lucas commanded with a single word.

"But she..." Henry tried to say something more, but Lucas shot him a cold, piercing look, and Henry instantly fell silent.

"If there's a next time, I'll have your father break your legs," Lucas added coldly.

Henry, now subdued, glared at Kaylee with resentment before reluctantly turning and leaving.

The bathroom finally fell silent, leaving only the two of them facing each other. Lucas glanced down, taking in her appearance: a white blouse, a mini skirt, and a bow tie around her neck—typical attire for a drinks promoter.

"I... I'm working here," Kaylee offered an explanation, "Thanks for helping me out just now."

Lucas didn't say much. He exited the bathroom, leaning casually against the quiet hallway outside where it was easier to talk. He beckoned her over with a slight nod, and Kaylee walked up to him.

"Short on money again?" he asked.

Kaylee shook her head, "No."

"Then why are you doing this job?"

Kaylee answered honestly, "I want to save money."

Lucas stared at her for a while. "How much do you want to save?" he asked.

"Fifty thousand."

Lucas gave her a meaningful look, his eyes dark and unreadable. He loosened his tie, unbuttoning two buttons on his shirt to relieve the tightness around his neck before looking back at her.

"What if you can't save that much?"

"Huh?" Kaylee didn't understand his insinuation, looking up at him in confusion.

"Are you planning to do the same thing as last time?" Lucas's tone was laced with a faint, indescribable chill.

Kaylee's face turned crimson, her ears burning with embarrassment. Even the most patient person couldn't endure Lucas's sharp taunts.

"I... I didn't mean it that way," she mumbled, feeling misunderstood and thinking she needed to clarify.

Kaylee spoke quietly, "I want to save up fifty thousand to pay you back." She felt a bit stubborn, only feeling secure within her own logic of earning money. She had asked for fifty thousand, but he had given her a hundred thousand. The logic seemed off to her, and she wanted to return the excess.

Lucas gave her a strange look upon hearing this, his brow furrowing slightly. Is this college student really that clueless? Has studying made her dumb?

"Do you really have to pay me back?" He narrowed his eyes, looking her up and down.

The club's uniform was designed to be tight-fitting, accentuating her curves. Her waist was so slim it could be encircled with one hand, and her legs were straight and long. Her cheeks still had a bit of baby fat, making her look both innocent and seductive, reminding him of that night a week ago.

Kaylee nodded resolutely, "Yes, I have to."

Lucas lowered his gaze, suddenly stepping closer, trapping her in his shadow. His dark eyes fixed on her face as he spoke in a low, hoarse voice, "Then accompany me one more time, and we'll call it even. How about that?"

Kaylee's mind buzzed, not expecting him to make such a request. Her heart raced uncontrollably.

Thump. Thump.

Each beat seemed ready to leap out of her chest.

Lucas's face drew closer, his cold, sharp features becoming more defined. His nose nearly touched hers, and his faint masculine scent mingled with her breath.

Kaylee turned her head away uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze. After a moment, she whispered, "I can't this week..." He had told her so before.

"It's been a week. It's fine now."


"I'm the doctor, I decide." Without letting her finish, Lucas bit her lip, his long, defined fingers holding her head in place, giving her no chance to refuse.

His breath was hot against her nose, making her whole face burn.

In a daze, Kaylee's mind turned to mush. This was her second kiss, and the sensation was almost overwhelming. She couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

The first time was in the car. The second time was behind a door.

With more experience this time, Lucas was even bolder and more relentless. His stamina was astonishing, not giving her a moment to catch her breath.

By the end, Kaylee was utterly exhausted, her fingers clinging to his muscular arms. She muttered to herself, feeling both aggrieved and frustrated: He must be a secret pervert, always coming up with new ways to torment her.

When he pressed her down on the sofa for the third time, she couldn't help but weakly plead, "Can we use the bed?"

Lucas glanced down at her. Her hair was damp, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were red, looking pitiful and timid. His gaze softened slightly, and he agreed.

"Okay." Kaylee quickly crawled to the bed, only to be pulled back by Lucas, who held her by the ankle and dragged her to the end of the bed. Standing over her, his cold, indifferent eyes showed no hint of the earlier passion.

The overhead light was glaringly bright, and Kaylee covered her eyes in embarrassment.

Earning that fifty thousand wasn't going to be easy.

The next morning, Kaylee woke up early. The first thing she saw was the bright floor-to-ceiling window and the understated, minimalist chandelier. It took her a moment to remember what had happened the night before.

On the other side of the bed, Lucas was still asleep. The thin blanket covered his waist, revealing his toned, muscular upper body—a perfect example of broad shoulders and a narrow waist, lean but strong.

Kaylee's face grew hot as she looked at him. Quickly, she got out of bed to find her clothes.

Her clothes weren't in the bedroom. They were scattered on the floor and the sofa in the living room. Ignoring the soreness in her body, she took some time to put on her T-shirt and jeans.

"Click." The bedroom door opened, and Lucas, wearing a bathrobe, came out just as she was tying her shoes.

He glanced at Kaylee without saying much, then went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When he returned, Kaylee had already tied her shoes.

"Uh, I'm leaving now," she said hesitantly from the doorway.

"Mm." Lucas took a sip of water, his voice as cold and distant as ever, starkly different from his demeanor the night before.

"My stomach hurts. Could you... prescribe me some more medicine?" As soon as she said this, Kaylee's cheeks turned red. After leaving his place last time, her stomach had hurt for two or three days. Just as it was getting better, last night had made it worse again, and now it was hurting familiarly.

Lucas paused for a moment, looking at her.

"It hurts again?" Kaylee nodded embarrassedly, honestly admitting, "It hurts the same way as last time, very uncomfortable."

Lucas pressed his lips together, a fleeting darkness passing through his eyes. He put the glass down on the coffee table and said, "Wait here."

A few minutes later, he came out of the bedroom holding two boxes of imported medicine and tossed them to her.

"These are painkillers. Take one after meals once a day. If it still hurts after two days, come to the hospital and see me." Kaylee quickly put the medicine in her bag and thanked him, "Thank you."

"Go on." He turned back to the bedroom, not bothering to keep her.

Having gotten "close" to him twice, Kaylee had somewhat understood his aloof personality. It was just a transactional relationship. He had already let her stay overnight, which was more than enough.

Kaylee slung her bag over her shoulder and was about to leave.

"Ding-dong—ding-dong—" The doorbell suddenly rang! She was startled and reflexively looked up. The small screen at the entrance showed a familiar face.

It was Henry! Kaylee's heart skipped a beat, and she instinctively retreated into the living room, her face flushing with both embarrassment and nervousness.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her reaction, Lucas poked his head out of the bedroom and asked.

"Your nephew is outside," Kaylee replied, blushing. She remembered Henry calling Lucas "uncle" last night and acting very respectful. She hadn't expected him to show up at Lucas's apartment. If Henry saw her here, it would be incredibly awkward.