
The Ascension of a Superstar

"So how does it feel to be a Superstar in the music and acting industries of entertainment, Mr. Light?" A random reporter asked me amidst a sea of eager reporters and fans alike. "Hmm, that's a tough one," I replied, with a hint of amusement in my voice. "I don't think I'm quite there yet, not until I've conquered every corner of the entertainment world, Mr. Reporter." I replayed, while looking over the crowd. The reporter's expression shifted to one of disbelief. "But, Mr. Light, the world already sees you as a Superstar. Why don't you?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the question. "Mr. Reporter, for me, being a Superstar means reigning supreme across all industries. Until I've achieved that, I'm just your average entertainer." As I spoke, my gaze drifted to the holographic display hovering before me, a constant reminder of my goal and current skill level. ◇◇◇Player Info◇◇◇ Name: Raymond Light Title: Average Entertainer Goal: Universal Superstar Rank: S (???) Level: 4 Age: 28 ◇◇◇Closing◇◇◇ .......................................................... Follow Raymond Light as he conquers each entertainment section with a system that guides him along the path. Will he rise to become the Universal Superstar, or will the challenges prove too great? Join the journey to find out.

RedBloodRabbit · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Chapter 20: The Next Step

Ray, Mike, and Kenny sat in their small apartment, the remnants of last night's celebration still scattered across the living room. Empty pizza boxes and soda cans littered the table, evidence of the impromptu party they'd thrown after their successful performance. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow through the window. The city outside was already buzzing with life, but inside, a quiet sense of satisfaction and anticipation hung in the air.

Ray leaned back on the couch, a contented smile on his face. The high from their performance still lingered, but he knew they couldn't afford to rest on their laurels. The music industry moved fast, and they needed to keep up the momentum.

Mike, who was scrolling through his phone, suddenly sat up straight, his eyes wide. "Guys, check this out," he said, his voice filled with excitement. He held up his phone to show them a trending video of their performance from the night before. It had been posted by a fan and was quickly gaining views.

"Wow, look at those comments," Kenny remarked, leaning over to read. "People are really digging our music."

Ray felt a surge of pride. The hard work was starting to pay off, and it was exhilarating to see people responding to their music. But he also knew this was just the beginning. The challenge now was to build on this success and take things to the next level.

As if sensing his thoughts, the system activated with a soft chime.

◇◇◇ System Notification ◇◇◇

New Quest Available: "Charting the Course"

Objective: Secure a meeting with a major record label.

Reward: +15 Networking, Unlock: Negotiation Skill Level 1.

Ray's heart skipped a beat. A major record label? That was a huge step up. But if they could pull it off, it could change everything for them. He glanced at Mike and Kenny, who were still marveling at the growing online buzz.

"We need to talk," Ray said, his tone serious. "The system just gave me a new quest. It's time to aim even higher."

Mike and Kenny looked at him with curiosity. "What's the plan?" Mike asked.

Ray shared the details of the system's quest, watching as their expressions shifted from excitement to determination. They knew how crucial this next step was.

"We're going to need a strategy," Ray said, already thinking ahead. "We can't just walk into a record label and hope for the best. We need a solid pitch, something that shows we're worth their time."

Kenny nodded. "We should start by researching which labels are most likely to be interested in our sound. We don't want to waste time chasing the wrong leads."

"Agreed," Mike added. "And we'll need to put together a killer demo. Something that really showcases what we can do."

Ray smiled at their enthusiasm. They were on the same page, and that made all the difference. "Let's split up the tasks. Kenny, you handle the research. Mike, you work on polishing our demo tracks. I'll focus on building our pitch and reaching out to some contacts. We've got a lot of work to do, but if we pull this off, it could be huge."

The next few days were a blur of activity. Kenny scoured the internet for information on record labels, compiling a list of potential targets. He analyzed each one, looking at their roster, the type of artists they signed, and the kind of music they were known for. By the end of the week, he had narrowed it down to three labels that seemed like a good fit for their style.

Mike, meanwhile, threw himself into the music. He spent hours in the studio, tweaking their tracks, experimenting with new sounds, and making sure everything was polished to perfection. He wanted their demo to be unforgettable, something that would grab the attention of any executive who heard it.

Ray focused on crafting their pitch. He knew they needed to present themselves as more than just another up-and-coming band. They had to show they were a brand, a package deal that offered more than just good music. He worked on their story, emphasizing their journey, their vision, and the unique energy they brought to their performances. He also reached out to a few industry contacts he'd made over the years, hoping to set up some introductions.

As the pieces began to fall into place, Ray couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. They were taking a big gamble, but he knew it was necessary. If they wanted to make it to the top, they had to take risks.

A week later, they were ready. Kenny had set up a meeting with one of the labels he'd researched, a mid-sized but reputable company known for nurturing new talent. The label, Black Diamond Records, had a strong track record of taking artists from obscurity to stardom, and they were open to hearing new submissions.

The three of them stood outside the label's office building, a sleek glass structure that loomed over the busy street. Ray could feel his heart pounding in his chest. This was it—the moment they'd been working toward.

"You guys ready?" Ray asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Mike and Kenny nodded, both of them looking a little nervous but determined.

"Let's do this," Mike said, taking a deep breath.

They entered the building and made their way to the reception desk. A polished-looking receptionist greeted them with a polite smile.

"Good afternoon. Do you have an appointment?" she asked.

"Yes, we're here to meet with Mr. Gregor," Ray replied, using his full name as he introduced himself. "Raymond Light and my bandmates."

The receptionist checked her computer and nodded. "You're right on time. Mr. Gregor will see you now. Please take the elevator to the 12th floor."

Ray, Mike, and Kenny exchanged tense glances before heading to the elevator. As the doors closed, Ray felt a surge of determination. This was their shot, and they were going to make it count.

When they arrived on the 12th floor, they were greeted by a sharply dressed man in his early 40s. His hair was slicked back, and he exuded an air of confidence that came with years of experience in the industry.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," he said, extending a hand. "I'm Gregor, the A&R director here at Black Diamond Records. I've heard some good things about you."

Ray shook his hand firmly, introducing himself as Ray, with Mike and Kenny following suit. "Thank you for meeting with us, Mr. Gregor. We're excited to be here."

"Please, call me Gregor," he replied, leading them into a spacious conference room with a large window that offered a stunning view of the city. "So, let's get down to business. I understand you have a demo for me?"

Mike handed over a USB drive with their best tracks. "We've put together a few of our latest songs. We think they really capture what we're about."

Gregor nodded, taking the drive and plugging it into a high-end audio system. "Let's take a listen."

As the first track began to play, the room filled with the sound of their music. Ray watched Gregor's face closely, trying to gauge his reaction. The A&R director's expression remained neutral, but he occasionally nodded his head to the beat, a good sign that he was engaged.

When the final track ended, Gregor leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in thought. The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity before he finally spoke.

"You've got talent," Gregor said, his tone measured. "There's definitely something here. But talent alone isn't enough in this business. It's about how you package it, how you present it, and most importantly, how you connect with your audience."

Ray nodded, sensing the direction of the conversation. "We understand that, and we're ready to do whatever it takes to make it in this industry. We believe in our music, and we're willing to put in the work."

Gregor studied them for a moment, then smiled. "I like your attitude. You've got the right mindset, and that's half the battle. I'll be honest with you—I think you have potential, but it's going to take time and effort to get to where you want to be. Are you prepared for that?"

"Absolutely," Ray replied without hesitation. Mike and Kenny echoed his sentiment, their faces filled with determination.

"Good," Gregor said, leaning forward. "Here's what I'm willing to do. I'll give you a trial run. We'll produce a single and see how it performs. If it does well, we can talk about a longer-term deal. How does that sound?"

Ray could hardly believe what he was hearing. A trial run with a label like Black Diamond was more than they could have hoped for. He exchanged a quick look with Mike and Kenny, who both nodded eagerly.

"That sounds great," Ray said, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. "We're in."

"Excellent," Gregor said, standing up to shake their hands. "We'll be in touch soon to iron out the details. Welcome to Black Diamond Records, gentlemen."

As they left the building, the system chimed in, its notification appearing before Ray's eyes.

◇◇◇ System Notification ◇◇◇

Quest Completed: "Charting the Course"

Reward: +15 Networking, Unlock: Negotiation Skill Level 1.

Ray felt a mixture of relief and exhilaration. They'd done it—they were officially on their way.

See you all tomorrow..

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