
The Ascending Phoenix Sage

Once a university student, Shen Wu found himself transported to the mysterious realm of Murim after being struck by lightning. Taken in by a the Battle Sage King of the War God Sect, he soon discovered he was considered nothing more than cannon fodder with trash-grade talent. However, Shen Wu refused to succumb to despair. With an iron will burning within him, Shen Wu vowed to defy the odds. But would determination alone be enough to overcome the countless geniuses and sons of heaven standing in his way? Previously called Modern Guys Martial Ascension. Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 submission

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19 Chs

I'm ready for whatever

After three hours of intense training with Maid Yi, she finally called for a break. Shen Wu, sweating profusely and panting heavily, collapsed onto the ground, exhausted. Looking up at the cave ceiling, he chuckled to himself, saying, "I've finally learned something... haha."

Maid Yi, now standing next to the weapon rack and putting her staff down, glanced back at Shen Wu. Just then, Miss Gu approached Maid Yi, who respectfully bowed and greeted her, "My lady."

Miss Gu smiled warmly and inquired "how's the child doing, you aren't pushing him to hard are you now?". Maid Yi assured her, "My lady, the child is quite average, so I didn't push him too hard."

However, Miss Gu noticed Shen Wu's bleeding nose and pointed it out, asking "why's he bleeding then?". Maid Yi, looking back at Shen Wu and then at Miss Gu, humorously responded, "Perhaps he's below average, then?"

Miss Gu, with a playful tone, interjected, "How's the child doing? You aren't pushing him too hard now, are you?" She then turned her attention to Shen Wu and greeted him warmly.

Pushing himself off the ground, Shen Wu walked over to Maid Yi and Miss Gu, a trickle of blood staining his mouth. He greeted Miss Gu, saying, "Hello, Miss Gu. It's been a while since I've seen you."

Miss Gu chuckled at Shen Wu's remark, teasingly reminding him that it had only been three hours. Shen Wu's expression turned to one of shock as he exclaimed, "It's only... been... three... hours?!"

Amused by Shen Wu's reaction, Miss Gu suggested, "Indeed. How about showing me what you've learned?"

Shen Wu, still panting from the intense training, asked, "You want to spar, or just show you the Ten Way Blood Asura Arts?"

Miss Gu smiled warmly and replied, "Hmm... a spar should be fine."

Shen Wu's face lit up with excitement. "Great, let's fight then."

Both Miss Gu and Shen Wu walked to the center of the training ground. Miss Gu adopted a side stance, her feet about a foot apart. Her right arm was shaped into a claw, while her left hand was a flat palm. Her hair flowed in the wind, and her eyes, usually filled with warmth and care, were now cold and focused. Shen Wu couldn't help but wonder, "Where's the wind coming from?" But he quickly shrugged off his confusion.

Shen Wu gripped his bo staff with both hands, standing on his toes in a slightly crouched position. Miss Gu's voice was calm but commanding as she said, "My dear, you may attack me first."

With a smile, Shen Wu charged at Miss Gu, swinging his bo staff from above. Miss Gu effortlessly stepped back, dodging the strike. At the last moment, Shen Wu changed the direction of his attack, launching a twisting jab aimed at her midsection. Just as it was about to make contact, Miss Gu vanished from his sight.

"Huh???" Shen Wu muttered, astonished, as he saw Miss Gu standing lightly on the end of his bo staff, which was still in mid-thrust.

She looked down at him with a serene smile. "You'll need to be much faster if you want to land a hit, dear."

Determined to improve, Shen Wu quickly pulled his bo staff back, hoping to unbalance her. Miss Gu gracefully flipped backward, landing a few meters away. Her movements were so fluid and controlled that it seemed almost effortless.

Shen Wu, shaking off his amazement, repositioned himself and charged again. This time, he swung the bo staff horizontally with all his might. Miss Gu sidestepped the strike with minimal effort. Undeterred, Shen Wu followed up with a low sweep aimed at her legs, but Miss Gu leaped into the air, easily avoiding the attack.

As she landed, Shen Wu tried a deceptive move. He feigned a strike to the left but quickly switched directions, aiming for her right. For a brief moment, it looked like he might catch her off guard. Yet, at the last second, Miss Gu twirled gracefully, her palm lightly touching the bo staff, redirecting its momentum away from her.

Breathing heavily, Shen Wu paused to catch his breath. Miss Gu's expression remained calm and encouraging, her eyes still carrying that cold determination. "You're improving," she said, "but you must learn to anticipate your opponent's movements."

Shen Wu nodded, absorbing her advice. He took a moment to reflect on his previous attacks, then tightened his grip on the bo staff, ready to try again.

Shen Wu took a deep breath, adjusting his stance and tightening his grip on the bo staff. He knew he had to think strategically and anticipate Miss Gu's movements. His eyes narrowed with determination.

Miss Gu watched him carefully, her expression serene but alert. "Remember, Shen Wu, it's not just about strength. Precision and timing are just as important."

Nodding, Shen Wu launched into a series of rapid strikes, each aimed at a different part of Miss Gu's body. She dodged and deflected each blow with minimal effort, her movements fluid and graceful. Despite his best efforts, Shen Wu couldn't land a single hit.

Frustration began to creep in, but he quickly pushed it aside, focusing on the rhythm of his attacks and Miss Gu's responses. He noticed a subtle pattern in her movements, a slight shift in her stance each time she prepared to dodge.

Seizing the moment, Shen Wu faked a high strike, then swiftly brought the bo staff low, aiming for her legs. Miss Gu seemed to fall for the feint, her weight shifting to avoid the high strike. This time, Shen Wu's staff connected with her ankle, causing her to stumble slightly.

"Gotcha!" Shen Wu exclaimed, feeling a surge of triumph.

Miss Gu's eyes sparkled with amusement and pride. "Well done, Shen Wu. You're learning."

Before he could celebrate further, she regained her balance and retaliated with a swift palm strike to his chest. The force of the blow sent Shen Wu stumbling backward, but he managed to stay on his feet, using the bo staff to steady himself.

"You still have much to learn," Miss Gu said, her tone gentle but firm. "But you're making progress."

Breathing heavily, Shen Wu nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "I'll get better. I promise."

Miss Gu smiled warmly. "I have no doubt you will. Now, let's take a break. You've earned it."

As Shen Wu leaned on his bo staff, catching his breath, Miss Gu walked over to Maid Yi, who had been observing the sparring match. Maid Yi lightly bowed and said, "My lady."

Miss Gu asked, "Did you really teach him the Ten Way Blood Asura Arts?"

Maid Yi, startled, replied, "Of course, my lady."

Miss Gu looked back at Shen Wu, who was breathing heavily while leaning against his bo staff. She then turned back to Maid Yi and said, "He's got a keen eye and good reflexes, but I don't think he's suitable for a bo staff, of which your Ten Way Blood Asura Arts are based upon."

Maid Yi contemplated for a moment before responding, "I believe it's too early to say. He still doesn't know how to use his internal energy. I'd like to train him for a few more days in the way of the bo staff before making any judgment. Would that be possible, my lady?"

Miss Gu smiled, and the warmth returned to her eyes as she said, "Of course. Now excuse my intrusion, I'll leave the training to you."

Maid Yi bowed as Miss Gu walked back to the abode. Shen Wu, determined, walked over to Maid Yi and said, "Master, I'm ready to continue."

Shen Wu now wore a serious expression, showing his dedication to becoming stronger. Maid Yi thought, "Hmm... so this child can also be serious."

Maid Yi then said, "Sit down and cross your legs."

Shen Wu did so, and Maid Yi continued, "Now place both your thumb and middle finger in your palm."

Shen Wu complied, thinking to himself, "This is kinda uncomfortable."

Maid Yi instructed, "Relax your arms and place them on your lap, but keep your thumb and middle finger in your palm."

Shen Wu followed her instructions, and Maid Yi then said, while sitting behind him and placing her palms on his lower back, "Close your eyes and follow my internal energy and remember it well."

Shen Wu closed his eyes and responded excitedly, "Yes, master."

He felt a mix of anticipation and excitement. As Maid Yi's hands pressed against his lower back, he sensed a faint warmth spreading through his body. Her voice was calm and controlled as she guided him, "Feel the energy moving through your meridians. Let it guide you. Don't resist, just follow."

Focusing, Shen Wu felt a subtle pulse, like a gentle wave spreading through him. He began to discern a distinct path the energy was taking, tracing lines through his body. It was as if he was awakening to a new sense entirely.

"Good," Maid Yi's voice broke through his focus. "Now, draw that energy towards your dantian, the center of your power, just below your navel. Focus it there, let it gather and grow."

Shen Wu visualized the energy pooling in his dantian, feeling it build into a warm, pulsating core of power. The sensation was both exhilarating and calming, like a steady heartbeat within him.

After a few minutes, Maid Yi removed her hands from his back. "Now, try to move the energy on your own," she said. "Guide it through your meridians, circulate it throughout your body. This is the foundation of your internal energy control."

Shen Wu concentrated, attempting to replicate the path of the energy. It was challenging at first, like trying to control a stream of water with his mind. But gradually, he found he could guide it, feeling the energy flow through him more smoothly with each attempt.

Maid Yi observed his progress with a critical eye. "Good, Shen Wu. You're doing well. Remember, this is just the beginning. Mastering your internal energy will take time and patience."

Shen Wu nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks, Master," he said sincerely. "I'm ready for whatever."