
The battle of the Impaler.

{A/N : Ladies and Gentlemen... it is here, the chapter that the masses have been waiting for. Also, here is the armor Dracula is wearing currently and his sword. I hope you all have a great day and a wonderful week. One more thing, I changed the size of Zul'Dryzûr, go check chapter 10, labeled "The new Zul'Dryzûr".}

[King Edward of Abalon POV]

As we are finally marching towards the battle. I fiddle with one of the Holy Artifacts given to my father a long time ago by the Holy Church's main headquarter, the one in Elianor.

This one is quite special, more so than the rest of the artifacts. This one apparently summons someone or something. Unlike the rest of the artifacts, which can be used a couple of times or indefinitely. This one, can only be used once.

Looking forward, I can barely see the place where we will battle. 'The time has come for these heathens to perish from these lands.'

[Zegrath POV]

'Well... honor and duty calls. And thus for that reason I have arrived at the beck and call of my dear friends, The Elder Council.' I think to myself, scratching my head.

As a member of The Elder Council, I must do what is right... well not necessarily. Dracula didn't fix the "loose screws" I have or whatever. He just beat the hell out of me to the point that I fear him and still do after his apparent death. It kind of changed me... not really.

I never knew someone could beat the hell out me... me? I was way older than him, feared by many. A man who is known as the Slaughterer of Egrax, a full island of people, dead by my hands because I was... bored.

Anyways, I finally reach the battle camp at the eastern borders of the Traj Kingdom, the Land of the Impaled. Grinning, I walk through the camp and towards the council's tent.

[Vlad POV]

Me, Esmeralda, Hendriksen, Volrais, Jotmonn, and Dragan are sitting on Zul'Dryzûr's back as he flies us towards a land which is a couple of kilometers behind a hill. This said hill is directly near the camp of The Elder Council.

Closely behind Zul'Dryzûr's, four wyverns are following, they are the wyverns that the group of four chose. Volrais chose the lightning wyvern, Hendriksen and Dragan both chose the dark wyvern, and Esmeralda chose a fire wyvern. I mutated the four wyverns, they grew stronger, as well as bigger by about 2 meters, their height, length, and wingspan all grew.

Jotmonn was pissed of, because I didn't bring him to choose for himself. After I told him that I will get him something good, he calmed down.

After a while we arrive above the land and Zul'Dryzûr's lands and we jump of. Esmeralda starts using her magic to make a floor of stone, a table, chairs, and a makeshift throne.

We sit and talk, waiting for the army to arrive. And arrive they do, after 20 minutes. All of them moving in unison towards us. They then stand and await for my command in front of the area that Esmeralda made.

I stand up from the throne as the table, chairs, and the throne disappear. I walk forward for a bit and stop. Looking at all of them, all 13,192 of them, I shout "It is time, time for battle, time for war, time for vengeance and time for the world to know that I am back!" as I finish, all of them, every single one of them shouts and roars back, I can feel their bloodlust, I can feel that they are hungry for blood.

Smiling, I turn around as my companions (Hendriksen, Esmeralda, Volrais, Dragan, and Jotmonn) and the army follow behind me, as we march towards the distant hill.

[The Elder Council POV]

As the Elders; Remus, Meredith, Helena, and Brendan are discussing among themselves about how they "should approach this". Someone enters the tent, a man with so much bloodlust leaking from him.

"Zegrath... Who would have thought you would actually come..." says Remus, his left eyebrow raised, curiously, spectating Zegrath.

"Oh you know me... couldn't really say no to a little bloodshed eh? Well... not that little, since apparently... you will be fighting an army of over 40,000 with..." says Zegrath as he pauses and circles around him self, both arms wide opened and stops, looking at Remus and continues "4,000 soldiers... now that is just... stupid?" tilting his head questionably at the last part.

"Zegrath... I SWEAR I WILL TEAR YOU TO SHREDS!" shouts Helena, seething with pure anger.

"Oh... missy! Come on, still holding a grudge? What was that like.... over two years ago?" says Zegrath, grinning.

"Zegrath... stop." says Meredith. She is looking at Zegrath's eyes with so much seriousness as Zegrath starts sweating, feeling the pressure on him.

"Ha... Ha ha..." Zegrath laughs lightly and cautiously, he then puts his hand up, in a defeated manner and says "Alright... apologies..."

"Anyways... it is good you are here. The more the merrier eh?" says Remus, as everyone looks at him questioningly. He replies "A manner of speech".

The Elders continue to "plan" for a "strategy".

[The Land of the Impaled POV]

As the massive army of the Victorum Confederation reaches the battlefield. They are met by the insignificant force of The Elder Council.

The kings of the confederation scoff and laugh, as the nobles follow in the laughter, as well as the rest of the army. The battlefield filled with a mocking laugh and the saddened and angry look on the Elder Council's force.

As the two armies ready themselves, suddenly, the bright day and the warm weather changes. All stop, as the air becomes heavy and grim. Everyone is quite as the sun is swallowed by the dark clouds and thunderous raging in the far distance is heard. Shivers running down the spine of both sides of the battlefield, an unexplainable shiver of... dread.

Behind the forces of the Elder Council, a giant dark cloud forms and from it lightning shatters, and thunder cracks. And soon forms a big lightning within the cloud, the shape of a monstrous dragon.

As this is happening the ground is immensely trembling, like giants are rushing towards them. And upon the hill behind the Elder Council, finds the attention of all on the battlefield as they look upon it, hearing a vicious roar that brings shivers of great fear upon all present within the battlefield.

And soon, from the top of the hill, arrives a man, no... not a man. A monster hiding in a man's skin, ready to lash out at its prey. A man whose presence pressures the whole battlefield, who puts the fear of death upon all who lay eyes upon him, who makes even the strongest shiver within his presence.

But what put even more fear upon them, is the many Gargoyles and Night-Creatures flying in the sky, hungry, hungry for blood. Their bloodlust is practically oozing out of them, felt by all, worsened by the pressure Dracula is putting upon them.

The man, the legend who once was, has remerged to get what he is owed, to take his vengeance. The man known as Dracula! THE SON OF THE DEMON!

[Vlad POV]

As I pressure the whole battlefield I look at the Elder Council... I can see their surprised eyes, the disbelieve, the relief and happiness in seeing me. But I also feel... no I taste the fear on every single one of them, not just the Elder Council.

Looking at the kings at the end of the army I grin viciously at them, sending shivers of fear down their spine. I raise my right arm and a dark pulse leaves it as I clench my hand, creating a dome all around us for miles and miles, this dome is to not let anyone escape, but it is made specifically to trap souls. The amount of souls I will receive, the power I will have. I grin thinking about it.

On my right is Jotmonn, and left is Dragan. We will be the vanguards, at the front of the battlefield, decimating our enemies.

Smiling I turn into a bunch of bats, a swarm of them, thousands and rush to the forefront of the confederation's army. I bash straight through the middle of the army, killing thousands.

Reaching about 20 meters in, I start to shift between normal form and swarms of bat, as I cut, slash, stab. Limbs, heads, half bodies fly off, left and right as their blood splats all over and the screams of pain and agony, fueling me... empowering me even further.

[The Land of the Impaled POV]

As soon as Dracula hit the middle forefront of the confederation's army, all hell went loose. As all of the Elder Council's force, as well as the foot soldiers of Dracula attacked, but before they could reach the army two giant men, one on the right side and the other on the left, they are known as Jotmonn and Dragan, respectively. They both started running fast, in a straight line. They were running so fast that they appear to the others as afterimages. Running in straight line, as fast as they can to reach the sides of the confederation's army, bashing through them as well. Cutting, stabbing, slashing, and decapitating their enemies.

Then the Elder Council's forces, as well as Dracula's rush and attack the confederation as well. The Gargoyles and Night-Creatures, flying above the confederation's army, they grab and tear them, eat them, and stab through them.

And soon, magic follows. Dark and Light, fighting themselves as they tear each other apart. But soon a magic power that is powerful is cast... Holy Magic. Magic that is feared by those related to the darkness.

Though, fortunately for the side of the dark, they have the man known as Dracula, a man who works in mysterious ways, a man of great power, as well as prowess. Deflecting and countering the Holy Magic.

[Vlad POV]

I am trying my best to kill as much of them as I can. With magic or physically. I turn myself into a swarm of bats and fly high up. I stop and levitate as the half bottom part of my body is just swarms of bats. I put my arms down and then raise them in quick motion as giant stakes of harden wood, six meters long, come up from the ground impaling thousands.

Flying down as a swarm of bats I try my best to deflect or counter the Holy Magic they have. But as I am doing it I feel something... something that I have felt before, quickly looking at the back of the army, looking at the king of Abalon. I see him holding something, something powerful, with a face full of with fear, he uses the thing on his hand and so much bright light shines all across the battlefield, dazing all of us, except me.

[King Edward]

Who... who would have thought that he... that Dracula is alive. He puts so much fear on us... on me.... The stories, they do not do justice to what I feel. The strength and power that is emanating from him... the pressure...

Taking out the artifact within my right pocket I look at it. 'I must use it... this is an emergency, this is vital for me. I must survive!'.

Looking at Dracula, I am fear stricken... I waste no time and put my magic into the artifact as the whole battlefield lights up.

After a couple of seconds... I look around and see nothing but people dazed and Dracula looking at me, grinning. "WAS THIS IT?! WHAT KIND OF ARTIF-" I didn't get to finish as something shining falls down from the sky, shattering the dome and hits Dracula, taking him with it, as they crash on the ground and dust flies above covering them.

[Vlad POV]

Getting up and looking a head, at a silhouette. I can feel the same power... the same presence as before... a that damned winged bastard.

I react quickly and cast the spell again, creating a dark dome around us.

'That was unexpected...', keeping cool and calm, I inspect my arms. The armor has been shattered and my hands are healing from the burns.

If I hadn't blocked that... I would have been stabbed through the heart. That would not be nice.

"Well well… if it isn't The Impaler." a mocking voice speaks out.

"If it isn't the white feathered bastard... it has been a while." I speak out, mockingly.

As the dust clears, I could see him a giant in great armor, with two pearl white wings on his back. {A/N : Check this paragraph's comment for picture. His face is covered.}

"Well, well, you have grown stronger... not enough though. What was your name again... Platypus?" I mock him as we start circling each other.

He is filled with rage, as he screams "MY NAME IS PALPOUS! PALPOUS!!!!!"

"Yeah whatever Palpous, Platypus... Pussy..." I say chuckling.

Enraged, he shouts angrily "I WILL KILL YOU!", as he rushes me. He is using a high form of magic... borderline divine. He really did get stronger. But, I have grown far more powerful, and he is just a Nephilim.

Raising my sword to block his attack, he comes in fast and slashes downwards. A shockwave travels the battlefield, one that is powerful, and that is just from our clash.

We kept going for a couple of minutes, countering, blocking, and deflecting each others attacks. The Nephilim soon gets fed up and starts blasting me with Holy Magic. Every time I use my Dark Magic to protect myself, it just keeps shattering.

{A/N : Some of you will be like; "What that makes no sense, isn't he supposed to be blah blah blah"... Maybe some of you will think that or comment that. The thing is, as I mentioned before, Holy Magic is a higher form of Light Magic. Dark Magic as well has a higher form, which is Death Magic. And Death Magic is not easy to learn, or control, or even use. This doesn't mean he will not achieve or gain Death Magic.}

I block with my sword the beam of Holy Magic, and unfortunately my sword shatters.

The Nephilim scoffs and says "Is that all you got? You weak, frail monster! I will end you now!" he shouts the last part as he rushes me.

I keep dodging and throwing dark spears at him, feeling him out, seeing if he is hiding his true strength.

"THESE PATHETIC ATTEMPTS DON'T WORK ON ME!" He shouts, as I conjure a combination of dark and blood magic spear. Putting a lot of magic into it, I throw it towards him, piercing his shield and breaking it completely. He is staggered for a second, and starts to rush me, holding his sword with his two hands.

I teleport around him, and write a bunch of runes on the ground, encircling us. As he rushes me and about to reach me, a bunch of swords made of blood magic, imbued with darkness rush to him, and he attempts to block all of them as he is surprised by the power they hold.

As he tries to retreat further back he bumps into an invisible wall and one of three swords pierce him, as more are about to follow his body generates a blinding pulse as the swords vanish.

Looking at the surprised look at his face and almost golden like blood leaving his wounds, one in the left hip, the shoulder, and his right chest. If he is still okay, that means I missed his vitals... or that the Nephilim's organs are different.

Still looking at him I speak in a mocking manner "Like what I did? Runes, made with blood, more powerful than some carving... You will not escape... I will kill you and then I will absorb you and take all the powers that you hold."

He scoffs as he starts to slowly walk towards me, his body shifting, getting larger, and more power is oozing out of him, his wounds heal and his armor changes a little bit. As he is approaching he speaks "You.... dare... YOU DARE! A MORTAL LIKE YOU DARES TO SPEAK THAT WAY TO A ME!". Finishing his speech he rushes at me as he slashes downwards again, as I go for a block with a conjured dark sword... The trajectory of his swords changes, as if it was phasing as he slashes from the right to the left, I retreat as far as I can... but it was to late.

Looking down, there is slash at my stomach area, and I am bleeding. F*cking divine weapons....

He rushes at me again as I have barely enough time to block. Using all my strength, my muscles and veins bulge and I use Dark Push. A dark pulse leaves my hands, flinging him away, he hits the invisible dome, and many cracks start to appear.

He stands up, as I am trying to heal myself and rushes me. Out of nowhere two silhouettes come in from the right and left side, smashing into him, dazing him for a bit. It was Dragan and Jotmonn.

I stand up look at them thankfully, I change to an angry look and shout at them "Get the hell out of here the both of you!", they look reluctantly. I just teleport them both away with the shadows.

Standing up, the Nephilim says "This is pointless... I am just going to end you here and now..." as he finishes his swords changes and so much power comes from it. He rushes me and I block, but as I am about to block with my conjured sword, the sword that I held, which broke previously, appears. Dark blue lightning, with a red hue crackling all over it.

That surprised the both of us, and he hurriedly backs away, cautiously and says to me "Where did you get that sword?! That shouldn't exist... shouldn't belong to you!"

"And why should I tell you anything?" I ask and he says "You are dead.... I am just playing with you for now mortal. Once I am done with you I will kill all of your men and take your women... that will be fun!" he grins at the last part.

I get girt my teeth in rage as I put my sword into it's sheath, he looks at me questioningly and laughs. As I approach him I say "Mortal this... mortal that... you know what. You aren't as strong as what I thought you would be, I though Nephilim are supposed to be tougher... more powerful. One more thing fool, I am the one who was playing with you... I thought you might give me a challenge... all you did was disappoint me with a few nicks here and there." he looks pissed of at my words and I continue "You want to play huh? Fine, I will play."

I stand still as I finish speaking and my body starts to pressure the whole battlefield. As the ones who are fighting stop to look are way. My body starts shifting and growing larger. The storm blocking the sun become intense as the sun hiding behind the cloud looks like it has become red. The lightning intensifies and the rain stops.

Growing to a 237cm height. My eyes turn crimson red, my muscles bulge and my skin becomes grey, the wings sprout from my back and the pressure on the battlefield intensifies even further. { A/N : Check the picture in this paragraphs comment.}

Looking at the Nephilim, whose face is struck with utter cautiousness and... fear.

I then speak in a gruff voice "So... you want to play Mortal?"

I rush him, running so fast that he couldn't react and punch him in the face , shattering his helmet as he goes flying into a boulder.

As he stands up bleeding from his face I rush and punch his gut and immediately uppercut him, sending him flying up. I fly up and grab his neck with my left hand, I then lift my right hand in a chopping motion and cut of his left arm and then proceed to pierce him in his liver.

I hold him in front of both armies, who are looking towards me, looking at the confederation's face and their kings as all their hope is lost... just a while ago they were happy and had high morale... look at them now... pathetic.

"This is your weapon? You last hope? This pathetic ant? Calling himself a god? What god? God of what?!" I shout at them and the Nephilim speaks in a muffled and a voice full of pain"Y-... you... are... de- dead... he... will... not let... this pass..." Looking at him I scoff and continue "I AM VLAD TEPES! THE IMPALER! I AM DRACULA!" as I finish I shatter his neck and drop him.

Looking at what is left of the confederation I muster all my power, put both my hands in front of me and the tip of my fingers starts to shoot out so much lightning as they multiply hitting many of the confederation's army or.... what is left of the them.

They just die immediately, no scream or anything, just the smell of burning flesh.

As the kings retreat with what is left of their army, I telepathically try to communicate with all of them, which give me a headache. I say 'Stop... let them go...' as I finish they stop, looking at me.

My body completely transforms back, and I drop from the sky completely exhausted. I can barely stay conscious. I feel so much pain from my arms, like millions of fire ants gnawing on my arms. Looking at them, they are almost shriveled, and completely charred.