
Gargoyles and a Barbarian

[Vlad POV]

Finishing up the concoctions, 1,684 exactly. They are in a small glass cylinder tube with a wooden screw. I used a combination of Dark Alchemy and Dark Magic, mostly Dark Alchemy to make them. The reason behind using both Dark Alchemy and Dark Magic, is because the only way to get the results I want, is through the use of said powers. Dark Alchemy to make said concoction and then stabilizing it and empowering it through the usage of Dark Magic . Using my spatial magic, they all vanish to the small space I have, like an inventory.

I then shadow teleport in front of the fortress, the entrance into my cave. Walking for a bit, I stop and turn back for a second, remembering seeing something a while back when I looked at the fortress, but didn't pay much attention.

Looking at the statues that are imbedded into the fortress... I chuckle and face palm myself lightly, shaking my head. 'Seriously... why haven't I thought about that?' I think to myself looking at the Gargoyles.

'I will do it later. Before they come back, or after.' I think to myself, thinking of turning them, into real Gargoyles. For some reason, only Vampire Lords can make perfect Gargoyles, through the usage of their Dark and Blood Magic.

Walking towards the tent I see the soldiers already waiting for me in front of the tents, Dragan and his captains with them.

Reaching there, Dragan shouts "Attention maggots!" I look surprised and chuckle, nodding at Dragan.

"Well boys and girls, today is the day you become better, you become something more. No longer just Human. From this day and forward, you will be apart and always apart of my army." I say and they stay quiet, determined looks on their faces.

Smiling, I say "Put your right hands forward, palms upwards." they do as I say and the tubes pops above their hands. I continue "Drink it... you might feel a little uneasy, but all will be good in the end."

They unscrew it and drink it in one gulp. They look confused as nothing happens for a couple of seconds, until they start to feel pain, immense pain of the concoction changing them inside out. Some drop and start spasming and others hold their heads or stomachs. Only a select few grit their teeth, pushing through the pain, and those are the special ones.

After a couple of seconds all of them stand up, sweating buckets. All of them practically grew taller, some more. Many bulked up, majority of the boys have a more bulkier physique, while the girls being a more leaner physique. They're eyes are now orange-yellowish, with reptilian like slits, side effects of the concoction, They can see far away and in great details at that, not as good as vampires though, but still good. As well as night vision and if they concentrate or focus, they can see heat, more specifically, like a thermal vision.

Majority of their clothes are torn because of them clenching and scratching, as well as growing out of them. Esmeralda and Hendriksen appear beside me and Esmeralda waves her hand, as clothes appear under them, in front of their feet. I look at Esmeralda and nod in an appreciating manner. They pick it up, go into their tents to change and come back after a couple of seconds, dressed. {A/N : Their armor is in this paragraphs comment.}

Volrais appears behind me, I look back, and nod. Then I look at the soldiers, grin and say "You've done well handling that. Now, it is time for you to go back and train again, with what you have gained. Do not disappoint me." they stomp their feet, and follow Hendriksen, Esmeralda, and Dragan and his captains through the portal.

Volrais approaches me and says "The sketches and preparations of the armors and weapons are ready. They are being crafted as we speak." I nod and say "Good, now go on. You've got some tutoring to do." he chuckles, nods and leaves.

I shadow teleport to a secluded place somewhere inside the cave. I can barely see the castle from here... if I was a human that is.

Standing in a big open field with blades of grass, I crouch down and put my right hand on the ground as five thousand stone statues of Gargoyles appear. That consumed a lot of my magic.

Standing up once more, I put my right arm forward and my palm open. Pushing my hand forward a wave of dark energy with lines/vines of blood is pushed for miles as the statues of Gargoyles begin to crack.

5,000 Gargoyles come to life and screech. They then look towards me, kneel and wait for my command. {A/N : Picture is in this paragraph comment.}

Inspecting them. I see that they all have a height of 185 cm, and a muscular physique. They have red eyes, big wings, and they also have scales, greyish scales.

I step backwards, completely exhausted. My mana is almost completely depleted. I sit down and relax, as I go in a trance like state.

I wake up, stand up. 'Almost an hour passed...' I think to my self.

As I feel completely refreshed, I wave my hand and another Gargoyle statue appears, bigger than the rest and different. I touch its head with my right hand and use Dark and Blood Magic, adding more power to it, as a pulse of dark energy goes into it, spreading all of its body, a blood starts to cover it as well. Taking a step back it starts to crack and from the cracks it glows a dark eerie glow. Once the Gargoyle came out, he was different, completely different than the rest. {A/N : Picture is in this paragraph comment.}

I know he is intelligent, so I immediately said "You're name will be Kolguth from now."

He kneels and says "Thank you for naming my Lord. How may I be of service to you?" I nod and motion for him and the rest to stand up and say to Kolguth "I want 500 patrolling around the cave and the mountain. As for the rest of you, I want you to wait in the Dark Forest. Soon we will attack." he nods, bows, then turns around and leaves with 4,500 of them to the Dark Forest. As for the rest they just wander around the cave and some exist the cave to circle around the mountain.

I shadow teleport to one of the basements in the castle. This room is enormous, using expansion magic to make it appear "enormous". There is also a magical protection that wards of physical and magical attacks, as well as teleportation. There is a mini-laboratory area, a smithy and crafting area, a storage area, weapons and armors holders/stands, and etc...

There is a circular table in the middle with exquisite gothic design, as well as leather chairs. I plop down on the middle one and shadow teleport a bottle and cup. This bottle and cup are also exquisite, more so than the previously mentioned ones in my library.

I unscrew it and the smell was something out of this world. I pour some in the cup, and drink it. This is High Elf blood. It is more potent and far more refreshing than Human blood. Although quite rare to come by these days. But, that won't be the case soon, hopefully soon.

After a while, out of nowhere I get a crazy idea... to make my own Frankenstein... the most powerful thing I will make to date. I will put my best effort into it. A weapon, a being of pure physical strength. But I will still need soul magic, which is annoying.

I shadow teleport six books from the shelf on the left of where I was sitting. The books are all about souls, except two are about soul magic. Scanning them quickly I get an idea on how to perform it, even though they are the basics. After getting the Necronomicon, it will be completely different.

Getting up and going towards an area were there is a bunch of magical things as well as an altar, I shadow teleport one of the bodies from my basement. I have over hundred preserved bodies under the basement. Best of the best. I as well shadow teleport a soul crystal, a big one at that. As the name implies, it is a crystal, a unique crystal that can contain a soul. Or more like imprison.

'Hendriksen, get me the bodies of the highest ranked monsters from the Forest. One of each.' I telepathically say to Hendriksen. 'Give me a couple of minutes Sir.' he replies.

Waiting for a bit, a bunch of bodies appear behind me, bodies of magical monsters. Turning around I see 10 bodies, enough to make something crazy. Turning back to the altar where the body is laying, I approach a little close to the altar.

Holding the soul crystal, I get old memories. Memories of a bloodthirsty and crazy barbarian. This guy was strong, damn near impossible to stop. Some how I made him an ally, although he died. He was there with me, we were scouting out the area, to see where to build what, when they appeared, the two so called "Demi-gods". They tried to go for me first, but the idiot dashed in front of me and took the damned attack, getting obliterated. I was calm, so I immediately took out the best soul crystal I had and contained his soul.

Anyways, this guy, his name is Jotmonn. {A/N : It is spelled like the "j" from the name Bjorn. So Yotmonn.}

Levitating the soul crystal to the side and the bodies levitate behind me, my hands encased in Dark Magic I start to go to work, changing the body little by little, integrating all the skins of the monsters into the skin of the guy. Same goes for the muscles, the bones, and organs, as well as new ones and new bones that typical humanoids don't have. I went with it, and just kept going.

Finishing with the last monster body, I look at what has become of the body. Way bigger than before and way stronger. This body is pure physical strength. I made sure to integrate magical parts of the animals for resistance against magical attacks, as well as the natural elements.

Stepping back a bit and looking at the body, it is somewhat alive, the only thing that is missing is a soul. The soul makes the body complete. Mind you this is no undead.

[Sir. I think you should rest, you've exhausted yourself with magic again. Either channel more magic into yourself or generate, maybe both. One more thing, for the soul, you must be careful or the soul will leave to its respectful afterlife or hell.] says Archibald.

I nod and sit down for a bit. The last part about what Archibald said is that there is many afterlives and hells, because of the many pantheons. The soul goes to the afterlife or hell of which pantheon they were connected to.

Standing up, approaching the altar, I grab the soul crystal with my right hand and slowly with my other hand encased in crazy amounts of magic, I pull the soul out of the gem, holding the soul was something beyond me, it burned my hand and my magic. I then walk to the other side of the altar and start to slowly shove my left hand into the part between the chest and stomach area. I release the soul, pull my hand out and step back.

Looking at the body, it suddenly sprung up and shouted "WHAT IN OBILIVION!"
