
The Arthimoi

A boy with the power of creation who is a part of group called The arthimoi fights demons and keeps the human populations safe loses his powers

Ahmed_A · Fantasie
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7 Chs

The beginning

June 7th, 2025

Unu stood in the middle of the bright white giant room and looked at 7 seating arrangements in front of him reminding him of a courthouse.

1 giant seat in the middle, 4 behind, and 1 to the right, and 1 to the left.

Unu looked confused that Septima was missing the 7th seat,

Vier, the one in the giant seat look down at Unu and said "here by the act of misusing the power of creation you are sentenced to 2000 years without your power, your abilities shall only be used if you are in a near-death state or you are in extreme pain whether it be mental or physical"

Unu had a deeply sad look on his face due to the failings of his creation.

'boom' a loud sound erupted from the right of Unu, a humanoid figure is walking through the hole holding a scroll of sorts

( ' this conveys a sound )

"Hey Unu your girlfriend is going to the wishing

shrine" said Kaksi,

a boy who had white hair and a white mask covering half his face with his white outfit covered with black markings on the shoulder, fingertips, and feet with a couple more randomly on the rest of his body,

unu looked and gave kaksi a look as to ask ^what shrine?^ But the word never leave his mouth

(^ this means he is thinking to himself and is not saying it out loud)

Kaksi stopped walking "the shrine that was created for us," said Kaksi

^I see that's where Septima is, I should head there to make sure he doesn't act up^ said Unu.

Vier with his thunderous voice "your penalty will be starting tomorrow evening, Arthimoi dismissed"

Unu stood there looking down

"booo" Unu looked up surprised by the brunette girl with blue eyes and freckles

"awww I'm late to see unu get scolded I never see anything fun" Muru exclaimed,

Kaksi said "I guess it's only us 3 here"

^hasn't it always been^ Unu though to himself

"what's wrong with him?" Questioned Muru,

"they killed all unus family," Kaksi said in a dark tone,

"wow must suck having your creation kill off your entire family, we'll I'm gonna go I still have to take down the eastern mafia," Muru said in a half-sad half happy tone as she left

"this scroll it has everything the world has gathered on the demons" Kaksi replied

Unu looked at Kaksi and Kaksi immediately understood where Unu was headed

Unu starts walking out and stops by the bathroom and looks in the mirror, hair as black as night waves over his head with hazel eyes and a mid-toned skin, washes his face, and walks out.

*30 minutes later". Unu is walking down a street past a couple of shops and to his right it's a window he looks in to see a watch silver with multiple mechanical timely features seems like the watch that his dad gave him when he was so young, he kept walking Unu sees the entrance to the shrine walks in and sees his girlfriend Jina and 2 of her friends Mia and Risha, Mia appears to have just reached the shrine

(Note from author Mia, and Risha are up to the reader to imagine their look and voice)

"Mia your here" exclaimed Jina Unu's girlfriend with a wide smile,

"But how did you know we were coming here" questioned Jina.

"I overheard you guys talking about it in the classroom and wanted to make sure you guys are safe it is pretty late" Mia said

Unu heard the tone of a liar coming from Mia ^lying such a meaningless effort to distort the information that was meant to travel to the receiver if I wasn't as careless enough to let her know that this world is nothing more then hypocrisy and greed^ Unu with his thoughts always judging any actions to an inhumane degree

All three of them looked at Unu and Jina surprised to see Unu there but enjoyed his presence nonetheless

Jina trusted Unu completely so she never bothers to question his actions

"Are you here to make a wish" said Mia.

Unu shook his head as to say no

Unu was about to turn and walk out when time froze and stood still, a figure walked off the wall and looked at Unu, Unu's eyes moved and met the figures gaze and thought to himself

^I hear by give myself the ability to move in whatever circumstances^

unu looks at the figure and thinks to himself ^somethings just don't change right septima^

Septima laughs and says "damn it I thought your power have already been taken",

Unu had an annoyed look on his face and began thinking ^maybe id be better off without powers, should I just destroy everything in the time I have left with such abilities^

"You know you could speak your mind every now and then," said Septima in a disappointed tone

Unu just nodded but chose to stay silent

"You know Because of your famous creations that decided to go, rogue, maybe if you called a meeting and asked vier about what could happen then you might've been able to keep them in custody, we have 5 more enemies to worry about" said Septima with an annoyed tone

Unu looked lost in the thought but came back to reality and thought to himself ^maybe, but then again everything's a maybe, all I had to do was be a good parental figure, if I was only there that 1 night^

"Unu you haven't said 1 word back to me, I know your not talkative but it's weird saying everything myself and having to guess what your thinking, but can you give me some sort of explanation at what took place within Lunar castle" septima said as he sighed

Unu looked at him and opened his mouth as to say something-

'boom' giant explosion behind unu erupts, his eyes widened, half the city around the shrine, blown to bits.

"that's impossible my time ability is still active," said Septima with a confused tone,

"wow you don't look so good creator Unu," said a voice.

Unu's eyes widen and turn around to see undici floating in the air, Undici a boy with brown hair slight that hung barely over his eyes mans a brown and black suit with a sword hanging behind his back , his strongest creation and part of ang Lima, unu jumps so quickly and creates a sword mid-air and cuts undici in half,

Septima was confused, and said "was that all?",

Unu turns around and gets stabbed straight through the heart by Undici

"you didn't prepare yourself Unu" happily said Undici

"however you seem to have forgotten my ability while it's active I negate all damage done to me and can't be hit while multiplying my physicality by ten-fold"

unu falls to the ground and coughs blood. Undici flys at Jessica and her friends with clear intent to kill, Unu gets up and seems to be fully revived looks at Undici

^maybe we should share the punishment, like father like son, or however the phrase goes^ Unu pointed Undici while thinking to himself

Undici looks frightened and try's to fly away and feels a shock go throughout his body and falls down, but a portal is created right under him and teleports him away.

Unu looks disappointed

Septima reverts the areas time back to a perfect state and leaves lunar castle the castle that the hearing for Unu was displayed at. Unu starts walking out before he hears behind him

"so what would your wish be," Jina asked,

Unu stops and looks at Jina and says "I don't believe I deserve one at the moment"