
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

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Chapter 066: Rescuing Tony Stark (Bonus Chapter)

Ginny, seeing the two of them leave, asked curiously, "What's the mission? Are you going to take Iruka and the others?"


Charles smiled and said, "No need, let them continue with their bounty missions. This time, I'll personally take the lead."


Hearing that Charles himself was going to be directly involved, Ginny was intrigued. Considering Charles's status as a high table elder, he hadn't taken on any missions in the past week; it was them who were all busy running errands for him.


"How much is the reward?" Ginny didn't ask about the mission details but directly inquired about the bounty. In her view, the only reason Charles would personally get involved must be an extraordinarily high mission reward.


Charles's face wore a smile as he extended one finger and slowly uttered three words, "One hundred million!"


[T/N: I am not exactly sure about this number. Sometimes, it is being translated as one billion and sometimes one hundred million.]


Hearing such a staggering mission reward, Ginny was momentarily stunned. To put it in perspective, when John Wick offered a maximum bounty of 15 million dollars, it had already incited greed among countless individuals. This one hundred million price tag was on a completely different level.


Ginny whispered, "Is this about assassinating the president?"


Seeing Ginny's reaction, Charles's expression became serious, and the atmosphere between them grew heavy.


But just when Ginny thought Charles would nod in agreement, she heard him say, "No."


For some unknown reason, Ginny felt relieved. Although Charles was extraordinarily powerful, if he were to assassinate the president of a major nation, it would likely lead to a worldwide manhunt, and he would have to go into hiding.


Seeing Ginny's reaction, Charles couldn't hide his amusement. He then said, "Assistant Ginny, prepare to invest all the cash I have under my name in the stock market, except for the funds needed for daily expenses. I'll short Stark Industries."


This time, Charles didn't just need to solve his tax issues; he also needed to address his copper coin problem.


Without questioning the logic behind Charles's request, Ginny confirmed the order and began to act.


Investing 90 million dollars in the stock market, especially shorting a giant like Stark Industries, was a substantial move, even without leverage. However, compared to a one hundred-million-dollar mission reward, it wasn't a major concern.





In the afternoon, Happy returned to Charles's office with a box.


"Mr. Charles, here are the items you requested."


Opening the box, Charles found a wristwatch and a small clump of hair. Seeing these two items, Charles nodded in satisfaction and said, "This will do. With these two items, there's no problem finding Tony Stark."


Clearly, Pepper Potts took Charles's request seriously. She not only sent Tony's personal belongings but also the stray hairs that Tony had left on his bed.


Happy, seeing that Charles was satisfied, visibly relaxed and said, "Mr. Charles, Tony's situation is in your hands."


"Don't worry; you'll hear good news from me soon."


After handing over the items to Charles, Happy left the office.


Charles had Ginny book the earliest flight to Afghanistan and placed the box in his storage space.





The next day- 


Charles had just exited the airport in Afghanistan when he felt the scorching sun and the smell of gunpowder in the air. 


This recently war-torn region was also active with the forces under the High Table's command. He got into the waiting car arranged by Ginny and headed to the location where Tony had been attacked.





At this moment, in a hidden mountain cave in the Afghan desert, Tony Stark looked at the miniaturized Ark Reactor in front of him.


Yinsen, who was standing nearby, spoke up, "This doesn't look like a Jericho missile."


Tony, still looking at the reactor without lifting his head, replied, "That's because it's a miniature ARC reactor."


"I have a larger one at home that powers my factory."


"It should be enough to absorb the shrapnel."


Yinsen was curious, "How much power does it generate?"


"If I'm not mistaken, which I usually am not, it should be around 3 billion joules per second."


Hearing this figure, Yinsen looked at Tony and asked, "Enough to power your heart for thousands of years."


Tony confirmed, "Yes, the big electromagnet powers it for 15 minutes."


Then Tony Stark pulled out a set of blueprints and said, "This is our escape plan."


Yinsen picked up the blueprints but couldn't make sense of them and asked, "What is this?"


Tony Stark rearranged the blueprints slightly and said, "Try looking at it like this."


The blueprint revealed the design of a suit of powered armor.


Yinsen exclaimed, "Wow!"


"It's incredible."


At that moment, Yinsen was once again in awe of Tony Stark's genius. Only someone like him could still be this determined to survive in such dire circumstances.





In the deserts of Afghanistan, a military armored vehicle was speeding along. Inside the vehicle, Charles Doyle seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, but in reality, his consciousness had entered the system space.


"System, perform the daily check-in."


Ding! Check-in successful. Rewards: Ninjutsu Secret Scroll.


Exiting the check-in page, Charles immediately opened the Summoned Beast interface. 


For this rescue mission involving Tony Stark, Charles intended to send his summoned beast, Aoda. 


After all, according to his memory, the Ten Rings organization, which had held Stark captive, had a significant amount of heavy firepower in the vicinity.


There were even machine guns and artillery shells. If it weren't for Tony Stark being the main character, it would have been a major problem for him to escape.


However, with Aoda's massive body and impenetrable scales, it should be effective in clearing out enemy positions.


As Charles looked at the interface, he noticed Aoda's current level was 0, and he required 200 Reputation Points and 20,000 Copper Coins to level up. Each subsequent level would require more resources.


However, with each level-up, Aoda's power would significantly increase, both in terms of attack damage and defense.


Charles checked his current resources: 3.522 million Copper Coins and 14,096 Reputation Points. Charles thought to himself, "Hopefully, my Reputation Points will allow Aoda to level up further."


In the next moment, Charles began Aoda's leveling journey. After spending all of his Reputation Points and 3.02 million Copper Coins, Charles upgraded Aoda to level 20, significantly boosting its strength. 


However, there was still a long way to go to reach the maximum level of 50.


Afterward, the car quickly arrived at the location where Tony Stark had been attacked. Two months had passed since the incident, and the area was no longer under lockdown, allowing anyone to visit.


After getting out of the car, Charles instructed, "You can head back. If I need you to pick someone up, I'll notify you through the satellite phone."


More Chapters(65+): p@treon.com/gfdsa

Thanks for donating more than 150 power stones last week. Here is the bonus chapter for that as I promised. Keep voting for more bonus chapter this week as well. First target is 75 power stones.

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