
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

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Chapter 004: Repeated Rejections

Ginny watched as John Wick walked away and said with a playful tone, "So, that's the Night Devil? It seems he declined our esteemed ninja's offer. And it looks like this legendary assassin got a beating as well."

With a slight smile, Charles Doyle responded, "He's been out of the assassin world for four years. Getting ambushed and sustaining some injuries is quite normal. At this point, he just wants to keep his distance from us."

"But you know, his return to the spotlight has caused quite a stir. He might not be able to completely sever ties with the assassin world. This incident might drag him back completely."

"And nobody can refuse Charles Doyle's goodwill, not even the Night Devil."

As they conversed, John Wick had already finished talking with Winston and obtained the addresses of a few troublemakers. He left the bar shortly after.

Seeing John leave, Ginny smiled and asked, "He's gone. Do you want to follow him?"

Charles shook his head and replied calmly, "No need. He'll be back at the hotel. The story is just beginning, and there will be plenty of opportunities."

After a couple of drinks, Charles suggested, "Let me walk you back. The nights in New York aren't exactly peaceful."

They left the Continental Hotel and returned Ginny to her residence. After seeing her safely inside, Charles turned back towards the hotel.

Back in her room, Ginny leaned against the door. Once she was sure Charles had left, she slowly stood up.

She had known Charles for some time now, and had been his assistant for about half a year. She used to be a hitwoman for a textile factory, but her life almost ended due to a botched mission.

It was during that mission that she stumbled upon Charles's doorstep, and he had saved her. Since then, she had turned her back on her violent past.

Upon learning that Charles was also an assassin, she chose to become his assistant. She helped him gather information on missions and handle miscellaneous tasks.

During these six months, they didn't contact her after she left the textile factory. It was as if they silently accepted her departure. But today, she received news from the factory: The Cross had betrayed them!

Now she was torn between whether or not to trouble Charles with this matter.

[T/N: I am not familiar with her story. So, if there is any issue with the translation, do let me know.]


On the other hand, back at the Continental Hotel, Charles quietly waited. His room was at the end of the hallway, right next to John Wick's room.

Time ticked by slowly.

Then he heard the sound of a door opening. Charles knew that John Wick had returned.

As he anticipated, not long after, sounds of a scuffle emanated from the adjacent room.

Although Charles didn't go over, he could well imagine what was happening.

John Wick had likely apprehended Perkins, the female hitwoman who had violated the rules of the Continental Hotel. With a bedsheet over her head, John was likely giving her a lesson, hammering down blows.

Charles knew that someone would notify the hotel reception, so he didn't bother calling them himself.

Contemplating the hotel's strict rules, Charles couldn't help but find them slightly absurd.

"No killing allowed."

While the rule made sense, the situation was quite ironic. Due to the rule, even after someone initiated a fight, you couldn't kill them on the hotel premises.

After all, when one party violates the rules, you still need to follow them; otherwise, you could be seen as a rulebreaker and face the Continental Hotel's consequences.

This was why John Wick held back.

In a matter of moments, the sounds of the scuffle ceased. John had emerged victorious.

At this point, Charles Doyle opened his door room and saw Perkins crawling in the hallway. He shook his head silently.

John, after ending the call, emerged from his room. He grabbed Perkins from behind, pressing the barrel of his gun against her head.

He then knocked her out with the butt of his gun. Just as he did, Harry, staying in a room adjacent to John's, heard the commotion and opened his door with a gun in hand.

The sound of a gun being loaded caught John's attention. He paused, uncertain whether the person behind him was an enemy, someone aiming to claim the bounty on him.

Without turning around, a voice from behind him said, "Do we know each other?"

Hearing the familiar voice, John Wick replied, "We should, right?"

John then raised his hands, signaling that he meant no harm.

Just as he was about to lift his head to turn around, he noticed that the door in front of him was also ajar, revealing a man standing there.

It was Charles Doyle, whom he had encountered twice within the same day. After a brief pause, he turned away, greeted the black hitman behind him, "Hey, Harry."

Harry glanced at the three individuals, especially focusing on Charles Doyle. His pupils involuntarily contracted. Then he addressed John, "Is everything alright?"

John Wick replied, "No issues."

"Then you've got this covered."

Harry turned to leave, heading back to his room. However, John called out to him, "Hey, Harry."

"Want to earn a coin? Keep an eye on this sleeping beauty for me."

With an expressionless face, Harry asked, "Catch and release?"

John Wick humorously responded, "Exactly, a game of cat and mouse."

Hearing John's words, Harry accepted the task. He took out a pair of handcuffs from his room and secured Perkins' hands behind her back before leading her into his own room.

Standing in the doorway, Charles Doyle held a bottle of Chivas Regal and an empty glass. He smiled at John Wick, who had momentarily finished his task, and said, "John, care for a sip? Your injuries don't look light."

As he spoke, Charles used the hand holding the glass to gesture towards John's injured abdomen.

John Wick walked over, took the Chivas Regal and the glass, poured himself a drink, and downed it in one go.

"This is good whisky." He glanced at the label—Chivas Regal 1987—before returning the bottle and glass to Charles Doyle.

Accepting the bottle and glass, Charles Doyle asked, "John, you're looking a bit rough. Do you need assistance with your upcoming actions?"

"Charles Doyle, I've retired. This is a personal matter, and I can handle it."

John Wick clearly didn't want to be dragged back into the quagmire of the assassin world and declined the help of this persistent friend.

Charles Doyle shrugged and expressed his regret, "Alright then, John. Take care of yourself. If the Night Devil were to fall now, it would be a loss for the assassin world."

Afterwards, Charles Doyle turned and returned to his room, closing the door behind him.

As for Harry, the black hitman responsible for guarding Perkins, Charles had no intention of reminding him about the potential danger he might face.

Whether he lives or dies, doesn't concern him.


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