
The Architect of Realities

In "Architect of Realities," Skyler Solaris embarks on the adventure of a lifetime during the Strategic Interstellar Dominion Initiative (SIDI), a once-in-a-megaannum event aiming to colonize the unexplored Tachyon Galaxy. As one of the brave souls venturing into the unknown, Skyler dreams of making history and establishing himself as a key figure in this new frontier. Confronted with the untamed wilds of a new galaxy and navigating complex interstellar politics, his journey is filled with potential and peril. Skyler's decisions will shape his legacy and determine the future of humanity in Tachyon, as they stand on the brink of either monumental success or catastrophic failure.

Xela_Blackwood · Fantasie
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7 Chs

New Friends

"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them." Ernest Hemingway


As we settled into our new quarters, the bonds between us began to grow stronger, allowing us to communicate almost telepathically. This new connection was both exhilarating and overwhelming. I could sense the others' thoughts and feelings, understanding their excitement, anxiety, and curiosity. It was like having an unspoken conversation, a shared consciousness that transcended words.

As those prepared for the unexpected teleportation unpacked their things and we started to get to know each other, I decided to take the lead in breaking the ice. "Hey, everyone," I said, projecting my thoughts clearly so they would hear me both mentally and verbally, "I'm Skyler. I think it would be great if we could introduce ourselves and share a bit about our backgrounds. Maybe start with what school we graduated from and our current cultivation techniques?"

I knew asking about everyone's cultivation was risky since it's usually a fiercely guarded secret. Knowing an opponent's capabilities allows one to develop a counter-strategy. But I felt our connection was strong enough that sharing some deeper secrets could bring us even closer.

It seemed my theory was correct, as the fiery redhead with intense green eyes spoke up first. "I'm Aria, from the Phoenix Mist Academy. My cultivation technique focuses on elemental fire manipulation. I joined SIDI because I wanted to push my limits and see what the universe has to offer beyond our galaxy."

Next was the muscular man with the chiseled jawline. "Name's Jaxon. Graduated from Titan Mist Institute. My cultivation is pure warrior, focused on physical enhancement—strength, speed, and endurance. SIDI's mission aligns with my goal of protecting humanity and exploring new frontiers."

The slender, disheveled-looking person from the science lab adjusted their glasses before speaking. "I'm Leo, from the Misty Institute of Technology. My cultivation is the basic military one. I joined SIDI to contribute to our understanding of the Tachyon Galaxy and to innovate new technologies."

As each person shared their story, I felt the bonds between us solidify further. The engineers, scientists, and warriors all had unique perspectives and skills, making our team a diverse and formidable unit.

When it was my turn, I said, "I'm Skyler, from Silver Mist Academy. I haven't chosen a cultivation technique yet, as I want to wait until we get there to decide. I joined SIDI because I felt drawn to it and want to see what lies beyond the stars we know."

I found it interesting to find that I was the only person in the group to not choose a cultivation yet and for half a second made me question if I had made the correct decision but my arguments with my brother came back to me and finalized my resolve on this matter.

After the introductions, we headed to the mess hall for dinner. The hall was bustling with activity, filled with other teams who had arrived at their barracks. The energy was electric, a mix of anticipation and camaraderie. As we ate, I took the opportunity to observe the other groups.

Some were deep in discussion, their expressions were serious as they talked. Others were more relaxed, laughing and sharing stories, enjoying their last moments of leisure before the mission began in earnest. I noticed some groups were not complete teams but consisted solely of scientists, engineers, or warriors, while most were a mix of all three, creating a well-balanced team not all of them were which I found interesting.

As I observed, I noticed that not everyone was speaking aloud. Some had advanced their mental conversations enough to talk without making any sound, but they still opened their mouths, which made me chuckle as it defeated the purpose of the telepathic link.

As I continued to scan the room, I felt a strange pull, a sense that someone was watching me. Turning my head, I saw a figure approaching our table. They looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't recognize why until I realized I had probably felt their connection earlier during the introductory ceremony.

This felt strange since I didn't recognize this person at all and had no idea why they would single me out among tens of thousands of others. However, feeling a strong connection to him, I agreed to listen.

All he said was, "I know you won't believe me, but make sure to look at things with a critical eye and remember to question everything. If something feels suspicious, it likely is."

Before I could ask the stranger any questions, he walked away, disappearing into a crowd that had suddenly gotten up from their tables. I turned around and noticed that no one seemed to have noticed my conversation with the stranger, as they continued their conversations, unaware I had left.

This felt very strange and made me remember the stranger's words. It made me wonder if something was off with the entire situation that I wasn't recognizing. Then my mom's reminder came back to me: "Don't think in conspiracy theories; think logically."

And after reviewing the day's events and realizing that, while abrupt and out of the blue, nothing else strange had happened, I pushed the stranger's words out of my head and rejoined the conversation at my table.

As dinner wrapped up, we were notified through the connection that there was nothing planned on the schedule for tonight, but early tomorrow morning, we had fitness drills, followed by simulations, and then a debriefing.

As we put our trays in the dirty bin and left the cafeteria, walking back to our dorms, curiosity nagged at me. I decided to address the group. "Hey, what do you all think about our schedule? It seems pretty packed, and I'm curious how everyone feels about it."

I looked around, noticing the varying degrees of enthusiasm and apprehension in the group. "I agree, it's going to be challenging, but I think we can handle it. The telepathic link should help us coordinate better than expected, considering we've only known each other for less than six hours. Has anyone here done training like this before? Do you know what to expect?"

Jaxon was the first to speak up. "I've been through rigorous training at the Titan Mist Institute, but nothing quite like this. The telepathic link is also brand new territory for me. I'm used to relying on physical signals and verbal commands. This will be an interesting adjustment."

Aria nodded, her fiery hair catching the light. "Phoenix Mist Academy emphasized individual strength and elemental control. We had team exercises, but they weren't as intense as what we're about to face. The telepathic link adds a whole new layer to our coordination. It could be our greatest asset if we use it right."

Leo adjusted their glasses, looking thoughtful. "Misty Institute of Technology focused more on intellectual and technological advancements rather than physical training. Our simulations were more about problem-solving and innovation. I have a feeling the upcoming simulations will be more combat-oriented, which is a bit outside my comfort zone. But I'm ready to adapt and learn."

Elara, the tall woman with striking blue hair, added, "I've done intense team training before, but never with this kind of mental connection. It's going to be interesting to see if it increases or decreases our coordination."

Nyssa, with short, spiky black hair and a confident demeanor, said, "At Iron Mist Academy, I've trained in team settings, but nothing compares to what we're about to experience here."

Zara, the petite woman with bright pink hair, said, "due to my specialization in advanced robotics and AI. I've never been part of a combat team, so this is all new to me. But I'm eager to contribute however I can."

Marcus, the tall man with a calm demeanor, added, "At Quantum Mechanics Institute. I focused on energy systems and propulsion technology. I'm used to working behind the scenes, but I'm ready to step up and support our team in any way possible."

Finally, Lila, a very young looking woman with a shy smile and green hair, said softly after Zara whispered something in her ear, "As a head scientist at Misty Innovations Lab. I specialize in nanotechnology. This is my first time in a field operation, but I believe my skills can be useful."

I sensed a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty among us. This experience was going to push us all out of our comfort zones, but it was also an opportunity to grow stronger as a team.

"Alright," I said, trying to project confidence through the link, "let's make a pact. We stick together, support each other. We can learn from one another and become a formidable team. Deal?"

Everyone nodded, and I felt a collective sense of determination solidifying our bond. We might have come from different backgrounds and had different strengths, but together, we could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the night continued, we spent some time discussing our individual strengths and how we could complement each other. Aria's fire manipulation could be used offensively, while Jaxon's physical prowess made him a perfect frontline defender. Elara's agility and Nyssa's defensive skills added layers to our combat strategy depending on what situation we were thrown in tomorrow. 

We eventually called it a night, knowing we needed rest for the grueling day ahead. As I lay in my bunk, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety for tomorrow. 

Welcome to my book! I encourage you to share your thoughts—I'll be reading all your comments, both positive and negative. Additionally, to make things a bit more exciting, I've set up special milestones. If we hit these targets, I'll release extra chapters! For now, the pace is set at one chapter per day, but with your involvement, who knows how quickly the story will unfold? Dive in and let's make this journey together!

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