
Guilt and Happiness

"When Brennan Theodulf was wounded beyond healing, when the forgetting spell couldn't mask the hurt he endured, it was Kaiser who stood by his side, as a good friend. It is not in your blood to betray the Kaiser family. Even if they pierce a sword through your heart, you will accept it. There is no way around it," Jessamyn said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Throughout the years, there were instances where the Kaiser family betrayed the Theodulf family. But they never exterminated them even if they had the power. Similarly, even when the Theodulf family had the perfect opportunity for usurping, even when they had valid reasons to dethrone the Kaiser family, they stuck with them and became a great pillar of support for them.

"Then…" Jerrick looked down in deep thought. The realization hit him hard, and with a gasp, he looked at Jessamyn.

"Yes," Jessamyn said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"How?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.