
Upset in the rankings

They scrambled to try, and calculate what could happen from here on out, but they really had no clue what we were actually capable of so they couldn't predict anything at all. I planned to get into the top ten. That would be a huge upset to their rankings. Ethan planned to win. Neither one of us cared about their rankings, but it was fun to watch them scramble.

My muscles tensed slowly, and then relaxed slowly. We decided to switch to VR channels after a while. It was fun to watch kids dressed in all sorts of crazy outfits fighting like there was no tomorrow. We fell asleep to the sounds of virtual battle a few hours later. I woke up to the normal wake up alarm the next morning.

I didn't like that annoying noise. I tossed Ethan off the couch, and stood up. We could sleep in later. The wolves would probably let us. I decided to grab a fresh set of clothes this time round.

Shifting, and dressing to get going. As long as I won today I was guaranteed to be in the top ten. I felt a phantom wing twitch as I stretched my human form. They'd be doing six rounds today. All of us were guaranteed to be in the top sixteen.

Speed was what determined who was in sixteenth place vs ninth. The longer it took for someone to lose the better they would place. I would be in the second round today, and Ethan would be fighting tomorrow. I only recognized Ethan, and Baron so the chances of me being paired up with someone I knew was pretty low, and Ethan had already told me he'd be fighting tomorrow. It was obvious that we weren't going to be fighting each other today.

We had to wait in the prep room until it was our turn. I got Ethan up, and moving. I didn't want him sleeping in if I wasn't allowed to sleep in. I smirked internally before leaving Ethan alone in the room. I headed down to the arena, and sat in the corner of the prep room.

Baron stared at me with a dirty look as he waited for his turn across the room. I didn't want to talk to anybody, and no one really cared to talk to me so I ignored the conversation in the room. First round was called to start, and the twelve people in the room dropped to ten. I fiddled around with games on my phone for a while. The round was called, and the winner was announced about forty minutes later.

They had a twenty minute break, and then it was my turn. I was up against the one girl in the room. I nodded to her as we walked out into the arena. We had the whole arena to ourselves now. There was no knocking her off the platform.

We had to fight until one of us couldn't fight anymore.

"I plan to end this quickly," I nodded respectfully to her, "You'll have to forgive me for not showing you more mercy later."

"You plan to end this quickly?" she looked irritated by that statement, "You think it'll be that easy to beat me?"

I rushed forward as soon as the start sound went off. I was a lot stronger, and a good amount faster than the average second year. Plus I could keep up that pace, and power for a good while after all of Goliath's training. She looked a little surprised that I was willing to rush her like that. She made a water whip with her ability.

She snapped the whip my direction in an attempt to throw me back or harm me in some way. I dodged her whip, and rolled out of her range. She formed a ball of water, and it's shape went kind of odd for a second before shooting my way. It formed a blade of water after she shot it. I slide under her strike, and rolled out of the way of her whip as it gouged a line into the arena floor.

I managed to get to my feet, and retreated quickly. Grabbing a few chunks of broken floor covertly as I retreated. Dropping them into my pockets as I rolled to my feet. I needed more debris. I almost smiled as she tried to shoot another ball of water at me.

Rushing in again only to be forced back by her whip again. Gathering more debris as I retreated. Shuffling the small useless chunks out of my pocket as I picked out a bigger one. I threw the rock suddenly mid dodge. She tried to dodge the rock, and her water wavered as if it were about to collapse.

I rushed in while she was off balance. Aiming to finish the fight, but I didn't manage to cross all the distance between us fast enough. She whipped me close range. Drawing a line of blood across my mid section. It was only a scratch so I ignored the slight stinging, and kept going forward with a slightly off balance stride.

I grabbed her wrist as she whipped me again. Drawing another line of blood across my chest. I ignored the stinging pain as I yanked her into getting kneed in the gut. Driving all the air out of her as she was thrown as far back as my grip would let her go. I drew her back in quickly so I could knee her in the face as well.

Her eyes rolled back as she was thrown clear of me. She hit the ground, and didn't move after that. I looked at the cut on my side, and the one on my chest with an irritated expression. The meds rushed out to check us out while the announcers announced me as the winner. I was ushered over to one of the additional prep rooms so they could heal my wounds.