
More Trouble Than I Asked For

They grabbed Savannah quickly. She screamed as flames formed on her arms. Two of them rushed me, but they didn't know who they were dealing with. I formed my blade in an instant, and sliced. Their heads came off with one quick clean slice.

2 high level human kills 300 xp. 300 xp awarded. 3035/1600 xp until level 10. Error. Unable to level up. Unable to evolve.

It was a large group, and I wasn't in the mood to fuck around. There had to be about thirty of them here. Once we got back to their camp we wouldn't be able to escape easily. Even with my full strength.

"Holy shit," one of the guys driving the convoy yelled, "Is he an ice mage?"

The leader pulled his own sword out, and pointed it at me so I braced myself for his attack. He didn't come closer, but I could feel his mana building for something. I let loose my mana, and released the full power of my murderous intent simultaneously. All the ground near me froze, and the wind went crazy. Water droplets stopped in the air spinning around me with the wind.

"Kid's not just ice," The leader released his pent up power suddenly.

Lightning arched from the tip of his blade into the whirlwind that was my mana. Bouncing off the water in the air quickly. Faster than even my eyes could track before every bit of that electricity hit me from every direction. I screamed involuntarily as the lightning went through me into my ice I was standing on. Back to me, and then dissipating into the ground.

Attempt to gain lightning affinity registered. Attempt failed.

I could feel the cracked burned skin as I steadied myself.

"Fucker is still standing," one of the men chuckle, "Shaun. Fucker took your lightning, and is still standing."

"He's out cold," Shaun (the leader) sheathed his blade, "Go get him."

I raised my eyes to look at the man who was coming to get me. He stopped dead in his tracks as I raised my blade slowly.

"Let Savannah go," I was shaking from a combination of pain, and exhaustion, "Or I'll kill you all."

Shaun jumped down, and walked up to me quickly.

"The kid is barely standing," Shaun grabbed my shoulder sending another weaker jolt through me.

Attempt to gain lightning affinity registered. Attempt failed.

I lost grip on my blade, and folded to my knees, but I wasn't out yet.

"Wyatt," Savannah screamed as she exploded into a ball of fire.

My hand went flat on the ground, and I locked my arm straight so I didn't flop on my face.

"You're still awake?" Shaun chuckled at me as he arched a bolt of lightning into the ball of flame.

Hitting Savannah through the flames easily. Savannah's flames died down as she fell. The guys next to her were barely more than cinders now.

"Get cuffs on her," Shaun yelled, "Use the black ones." he looked at me, "Hopefully I won't have to kill you to knock you out."

He reached out to electrocute me again. I growled at him like an animal as the temperature around me dropped.

"Vicious little animal aren't you?" Shaun stopped reaching for me, and pointed at Savannah, "You're worth a lot more to me than she is. Now stop or she dies."

I pulled my magic back in slowly. My murderous intent followed slowly. I dropped like a sack of potatoes. Everything I had was spent. I was still aware though.

"Don't use the black cuffs on little Wyatt here," Shaun directed his guys, "I want to get an accurate mana reading."

I couldn't pass out completely. System Why am I still aware even if I can't move?

Unknown. Unable to determine error.

System is this related to why I can't level up or evolve?

Error. System is unable to determine.

What the fuck was with this error? It's fucking up my day quickly. I needed to evolve to get stronger. My stats hadn't risen since I'd gotten stuck with this error. I didn't think they were going to rise either.

What was that notification about attempting to obtain lightning affinity? I was picked up, and thrown on the cart. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see much. My body was resting, but my mind was wide awake. I could feel it.

My body was healing, I was absorbing mana, and the exhaustion was edging away. These guys were in trouble when I woke up. I needed the sleep more than I needed anything else, and they were giving it to me. I was going to take as much as I could get. Savannah woke up about an hour later.

I knew her mana was gone because I could feel it tugging at my mana reserve. Whatever these black cuffs were was draining away all of her mana faster than she could generate it. I wanted to get back to my feet as quickly as possible, but no matter how fast my mind raced my body didn't move. I need to move. I could think clearly in this state, but I couldn't do anything else.

Shit this sucks. I managed to make my eyes twitch after about an hour of laying on the cart next to Savannah as she stirred, and began to struggle against her bonds.

"Wyatt?" It sounded like she was trying to whisper but the stress of the situation was making her raise her voice, "Are you okay? I can't gather my mana."

I started trying to manipulate my mana. My mana responded by swirling within my body. Savannah edged her way over to me. My wounds felt like they were mostly healed by now. I pushed my mana towards my wounds to see what would happen.

My wounds started healing faster. Holding my mana close to my wounds within my body was speeding up my already quickly healing process. My body finished healing before they could get to camp. I slowly let my mind go blank as I focused on controlling my mana. I followed my mana towards the center of my being slowly.